В сумке сундуки с эпик обликами, и много эффектов(хз ценятся ли они)
Welcome to 'dead dynasty' - a Telegram channel that explores the rise and fall of ancient civilizations. If you have a fascination with history and enjoy learning about the mysteries of the past, then this channel is perfect for you. 'dead dynasty' is curated by the username 'yaark28', who is a history enthusiast with a passion for storytelling. Through engaging articles, videos, and discussions, this channel delves into the secrets of empires long gone, shedding light on their triumphs and downfalls. Join us on a journey through time as we unravel the mysteries of the past and uncover the untold stories of ancient civilizations. Whether you're a history buff or just curious about the world around you, 'dead dynasty' has something for everyone. Subscribe now and embark on an adventure through the annals of history!
27 Dec, 11:25
28 Sep, 07:41
27 Sep, 14:18