بەڵام عیشق فێرت دەکات کە نەبینی ♥️'
Welcome to the 'حـُبّ ♥️' Telegram channel, created by the user @xoshmaui. This channel is dedicated to spreading love and positivity through beautiful messages and quotes. If you are looking for a place to uplift your spirits and find inspiration, then this is the perfect channel for you. With each post, you will feel your heart being filled with love and joy. Join us on this journey of spreading love and kindness to the world. Let's make the world a better place, one heart at a time. Don't miss out on the chance to brighten your day with the lovely content shared on this channel. Follow us and spread the love! ❤️
25 Nov, 20:11
12 Nov, 10:01
10 Nov, 08:11
07 Nov, 22:01