Are you a lover of poetry and prose? Do you find yourself captivated by the beauty of words and their ability to evoke emotions? If so, then you must check out the Telegram channel 'Rain' created by user @xmonsieurv. This channel is a haven for all those who appreciate the art of writing and the power of language. With a tagline that reads 'HARE-HEARTED DECISION IS EVEN UNSUSPECTABLE. (向往的诗)', this channel promises to take you on a journey of self-discovery and introspection through beautifully crafted words and phrases. Each piece of writing shared on this channel is like a raindrop - unique and refreshing, touching your soul in ways you never imagined. The channel showcases a collection of poems, prose, and quotes that will make you ponder, reflect, and appreciate the beauty of language. If you are looking for a place to immerse yourself in the world of literature and creativity, 'Rain' is the perfect destination for you. Join now and let the words wash over you like a gentle rain, leaving you feeling inspired and enlightened. Get in touch with @nycthophilebot for more information and dive into the archives @nctophilev @sirtaehyzung for a deeper exploration of the channel's content. Join 'Rain' today and let the words pour down on you like a shower of inspiration!