Welcome to the NFW. Taehyung gf, 기아. Telegram channel, managed by the user @svtargirl. This channel is a space for fans of Taehyung, also known as V from the popular K-pop group BTS. Here, you can find updates, discussions, and exclusive content related to Taehyung and his girlfriend, 기아. Please be aware that this channel does not provide any trigger warnings or content warnings when posting, and it may include harsh words and violence content. It is advised to use the #DNF hashtag if you are sensitive to grammar corrections, roleplay phobia, racism, or plagiarism. The channel is run by an AEL and American sister, along with the assistance of the @kiamu_bot. Join us in celebrating the love for Taehyung and 기아 in this engaging and interactive community. Stay connected and be part of the conversation!