Wow Factory @wowfactory Channel on Telegram

Wow Factory



William Gibson

Cooperation and advertising: @GreggyMcGregor

Wow Factory (English)

Welcome to Wow Factory, where the future is already here and waiting for you to explore! This Telegram channel, with the username @wowfactory, is an exciting platform dedicated to showcasing innovative ideas, cutting-edge technologies, and groundbreaking concepts that are shaping the world we live in. Inspired by the quote 'THE FUTURE IS ALREADY HERE — IT’S JUST NOT VERY EVENLY DISTRIBUTED' by William Gibson, Wow Factory aims to bring together forward-thinkers, creatives, and visionaries to create a community that embraces the possibilities of tomorrow. Whether you're interested in the latest advancements in science, technology, art, or design, Wow Factory has something for everyone. Join us on this journey of discovery and be a part of the future today! For more information, cooperation opportunities, or advertising inquiries, please contact @GreggyMcGregor. Together, let's make the future a reality!

Wow Factory

08 Dec, 15:01

Правильное питания – основа для жизни. Правильное питание волос – основа для красоты.
Сегодня хочу поделиться с вами несколькими любимыми рецептами домашних масок для волос, которыми пользуюсь уже несколько лет.
Итак, маски.👇

👌 Универсальная

Я слегка подогреваю 1 столовую ложку репейного масла, взбиваю ее с 1 желтком и добавляю 1 чайную ложку растопленного меда. Хорошенько перемешиваю и держу на волосах 45 минут. Где-то читала, что можно накладывать такую маску на ночь для большей эффективности.

💦 Увлажняющая и питающая

Смешиваю слегка подогретые ингредиенты: 50 мл кефира, 1 столовую ложку меда, 1 столовую ложку оливкового масла. Наношу на волосы, заматываю пленкой и оставляю на полчаса. Потом тщательно смываю.

💭 Освежающая

Когда мои волосы теряют обычную яркость, я делаю эту маску, и они снова сияют.
Размалываю в блендере 50 г капусты и отжимаю сок. Смешиваю с касторовым маслом, соком алоэ и теплым медом в одинаковой пропорции: 1 столовая ложка. Смазываю волосы, оставляю под пленкой минут на 10-15, сверху оборачиваю полотенцем, а потом смываю.

Wow Factory

08 Dec, 13:02

A spherical robot police officer has been unveiled in China. This autonomous robot equipped with artificial intelligence is able to patrol the streets independently and chase offenders at a speed of up to 35 km/h.

The robot can travel off-road and swim. It is resistant to shocks and falls from heights. The robot is equipped with tracking, combat and capture functions, and can release a net to immobilize intruders.

Interestingly, the new police robot can work in a team with other similar devices. This makes it possible to create a whole network of robotic patrols to control large areas.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

08 Dec, 07:02

Вечер на диване с фильмами и книгами – что может быть лучше после напряженного дня? Вы устали от работы и хотите расслабиться, забыть о проблемах и погрузиться в другой мир? Тогда эта подборка – то, что вам нужно! 🌟 Давайте разберёмся, какие фильмы и книги помогут вам уютно провести вечер.

Фильмы для душевного отдыха:

1. 1+1 (Неприкасаемые) – Если вы еще не видели этот шедевр, вы упустили настоящее кино-сокровище! 🙌 История о парализованном богаче и его необычном помощнике, который превращает каждый день в приключение. Смех сквозь слезы и море позитива вам обеспечены. Не завидую тем, кто увидит этот фильм впервые – завидую тем, кто посмотрит его снова и откроет новые грани.

2. Стажер – Роберт Де Ниро и Энн Хэтэуэй – пара, которую хочется видеть снова и снова! 💼 Что делать, когда на пенсии нет чем заняться? Конечно же, стать стажером в модной компании и перевернуть жизнь вверх дном! Идеальный фильм, чтобы задуматься о жизни и одновременно улыбнуться от души.

3. Джентльмены – Для тех, кто любит закрученные сюжеты и неожиданные развязки, Гай Ричи приготовил настоящий подарок! 🎩 Криминальные разборки, харизматичные герои и множество неожиданных поворотов – этот фильм не отпустит вас до самого конца. Если вы фанат Ричи, не сомневайтесь – это его лучшее творение!

4. Красотка на всю голову – Девочки, этот фильм для нас! 💃 Сколько раз мы сомневались в себе и своей красоте? Этот фильм напоминает, что уверенность и любовь к себе – это то, что делает нас по-настоящему красивыми. И да, смеяться над собой – это нормально!

Книги, которые согреют душу:

1. «Клуб убийств по четвергам» Ричард Осман – Остроумный детектив, который покоряет с первых страниц. 🔍 Если вы любите легкий юмор и запутанные расследования, то эта книга точно для вас. Не успеете оглянуться, как будете на последней странице!

2. «Что мы знаем друг о друге» Джеймс Гулд-Борн – Эта трогательная история о взаимоотношениях между отцом и сыном заставит вас и улыбнуться, и пустить слезу. 👨‍👦‍👦 После прочтения этой книги вы, возможно, посмотрите на свои отношения с близкими под другим углом.

3. «Земля кочевников» Джессика Брудер – Хотите почувствовать атмосферу настоящего Дикого Запада? 🌵 Эта книга расскажет о людях, которые потеряли всё, но нашли в себе силы продолжать жить. Глубокий и пронзительный взгляд на американскую реальность, который не оставит вас равнодушными.


Wow Factory

07 Dec, 17:00

Sofa in a box

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

07 Dec, 09:03

Engineers from Switzerland have developed an unmanned aerial vehicle that can move both on the ground and in the air. Its design is based on a principle borrowed from birds: the device is equipped with “legs” that allow it not only to fly, but also to move on the ground and even make jumps.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

07 Dec, 08:25

Wow Factory pinned Deleted message

Wow Factory

05 Dec, 09:01

Toyota's robotic basketball player has set a record for the farthest shot at the basket. CUE6 hit the ball from a distance of 24.5 meters.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

04 Dec, 09:01

An asteroid with a diameter of about 70 cm fell into the atmosphere above Yakutia, creating a bright flash in the sky. The event occurred on December 3, 2024 at about 19:00 Moscow time.

The falling object flew over the Lena River near the town of Olyokminsk, a settlement of 10,000 inhabitants located 650 kilometers southwest of Yakutsk. The bright flash was visible for hundreds of kilometers around.

The asteroid, named COWECP5, was discovered by American scientists just 7 hours before entering the atmosphere. Initially, its size was estimated at 1 meter, but later this estimate was reduced to 70 cm.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

03 Dec, 23:00

Kling AI, a neural network for creating videos, has a new feature - trying on clothes on a virtual model.

However, social networks have started to use this feature in a different way than it was intended. Users dress up kittens and pop culture characters in different outfits. For example, Alien was dressed up as Barbie.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

03 Dec, 17:02

A real treasure has been discovered in Chile - a tape of the legendary John Ford's western “The Scarlet Drop”! And this is 106 years after the premiere!

John Ford is a true Hollywood icon. This Irishman by birth made about 130 films during his career and was the only director to win as many as four Oscars for Best Director.

“The Scarlet Drop” is one of Ford's earliest silent films. He made it in 1917, when he was just beginning his journey in the movie industry. Back then, the young director was still specializing in short cowboy films.

The find in Chile is a real gift for film historians. After all, many of Ford's early works were considered lost. Now we have a chance to see where the master started, who gave the world such masterpieces as “Stagecoach” and “The Grapes of Wrath”.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

03 Dec, 13:01

Prague subway: now with movies on board!

Prague metro passengers can now enjoy mini-movies right during the ride. On Line B between Karlovo náměstí and Anděl stations, a cool LED system has been installed that shows 10-second videos outside the windows of a moving train.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

03 Dec, 09:00

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

02 Dec, 23:00

How apples are grown

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

02 Dec, 17:02

Sliding hut

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

14 Nov, 23:00

Bonsai Transplant

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

13 Nov, 23:01

A lens that turns any phone into a mini microscope has been unveiled on Kickstarter.

The iMicro Q3p provides up to 1200x magnification.

The microscope has a polarisation function, allowing you to see details in the structures of materials such as crystals and minerals. The device easily attaches to a smartphone using a nano suction cup.

The kit costs about $35 and already nearly 2,000 people have backed the project. Delivery is expected in April 2025.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

13 Nov, 17:00

On the night of November 11, residents of Kazan witnessed the appearance of a bright luminous object in the sky, which left behind a noticeable “tail”.

According to astronomers, it could have been a small bolide or debris from an artificial satellite.

Yuri Nefediev, director of the Engelhardt Astronomical Observatory at Kazan University, said that according to the Space-Track catalog, three Chinese stages burned up in the atmosphere on November 10. One of them may have been seen in Kazan.

Bolids tend to be rarely observed in urban areas, as most meteoritic material burns up over the oceans. Every year about 500 thousand tons of meteorites enter the Earth's atmosphere, but it is not often possible to see their traces over populated areas.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

13 Nov, 13:00

Culinary blogger Nick Digiovanni competed in steak cooking with the NEO robot humanoid. The robot cooked a medium rare filet mignon on its own, but sometimes asked Nick for help in cutting the food, as its program prohibits the use of a knife.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

13 Nov, 09:01

After Donald Trump's election victory, security at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida was significantly strengthened.

Now the territory, guarding the 47th President of the United States, is patrolled by robops from Boston Dynamics.

The Spot robot from Boston Dynamics is equipped with five cameras for 360-degree vision and thermal cameras, making it especially useful in low-visibility conditions. It can operate either autonomously or under human control, allowing it to adapt to different guarding scenarios.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

12 Nov, 23:00

Research has shown that performing several difficult tasks depletes the areas of the brain responsible for self-control and can lead to aggressive behavior.

Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University have used neuroimaging to study how the brain reacts to solving mathematical problems. It turned out that with high complexity of tasks, certain areas of the cerebral cortex are activated, which requires considerable effort and can cause fatigue.

When the brain is depleted, the ability to self-regulate decreases, which can lead to increased irritability and aggression.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

11 Nov, 23:00

The Exopulse Mollii suit is an innovative solution for patients with cerebral palsy and other neurological disorders. It helps to reduce spasticity and muscle tension, improving mobility and overall quality of life. The suit consists of a lightweight material and includes 58 electrodes that send low-frequency electrical signals to target muscles, promoting their relaxation through a mechanism known as reciprocal inhibition.

Patients can wear the suit for just an hour every other day, with significant results ranging from reduced pain to improved balance and coordination.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

11 Nov, 17:01

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

11 Nov, 13:00

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

11 Nov, 09:01

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

10 Nov, 23:00

In the US, the startup Heliospect Genomics offers parents a unique opportunity to choose the IQ level, gender and even disease risks for their future children.

For a modest $50,000 (approximately 4.9 million rubles), you can get the “best” embryo through IVF.

Genetic screening can increase your baby's IQ by as much as six points! The company assures that they can select embryos with the “right” characteristics - from intelligence to obesity risk.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

10 Nov, 17:00

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

10 Nov, 13:01

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

10 Nov, 09:01

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

09 Nov, 15:01

Hello! We are a buyer service from the USA 🇺🇸 We will buy and send you brands such as Michael Kors, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Marc Jacobs, etc. 

Subscribe to our channel so you don't miss the best BLACK FRIDAY discounts ⬇️

Wow Factory

07 Nov, 23:00

The taikonauts of the Shenzhou-18 mission have returned to Earth after a six-month stay in space.

During the mission, the astronauts conducted many experiments, including scientific research in medicine and materials science.

The return of the taikonauts was successful and they landed in a predetermined area where they were met by specialists and medical teams.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

07 Nov, 13:01

This is what speleotourism - cave exploration - looks like.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

07 Nov, 09:01

NASA has unveiled the most detailed images of Jupiter in the history of observations.

You can view the high-resolution photos by clicking here

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

05 Nov, 09:02

Apple Watch has once again proved its usefulness. A girl stuck in a simulator was able to call for help through the watch when other means of communication were unavailable. Technology in the service of security is always a plus.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

04 Nov, 23:00

A giant two-meter long jellyfish - Cyanea hairy, also known as “lion's mane” - has been spotted off the coast of Vladivostok, Russia. It is an impressive sight, though a bit creepy. Don't swim too close, although the jellyfish's venom is not lethal to humans.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

04 Nov, 17:01

Crosswalks in China.

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Wow Factory

04 Nov, 13:02

Kristina Makushenko is a former Russian synchronized diver and four-time world champion.

Christina is famous for her underwater dancing. Each of her videos has tens of millions of views.

To make one video, Christina works for 2-3 hours. She repeats the moves over and over again until she gets the perfect execution.

Christina says that the most difficult thing is to dance on the bottom without weights.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

04 Nov, 09:02

A resident of Chongqing, China, has shown how much he has to walk downhill on his way to work every day. And he has to go home after work.

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Wow Factory

03 Nov, 09:01

Boston Dynamics has released a new video that demonstrates the operation of their humanoid robot Atlas.

Atlas shows off its new capabilities by performing tasks without human control. In a simulated industrial environment, the robot autonomously moves motor parts and manages sequences of actions using advanced machine learning technology and sensors to detect and manipulate objects.

Atlas is able to respond dynamically to changes in the environment, allowing it to adapt to different situations. For example, if a part does not fit, the robot adjusts its actions in real time. This makes it more versatile than other robots, such as Tesla Optimus, which depend on remote control.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

02 Nov, 23:00

Vacancies in Antarctica attract attention with their high salaries and unique working conditions. For example, a job as a shift worker offers earnings of about $2000 per week. However, such income will have to be paid for with health - working conditions are very hard: the temperature can drop to -60°C, and there is practically no daylight hours.

Working in Antarctica requires not only physical endurance, but also psychological stability. The watch lasts for six consecutive months, and it is practically impossible to leave the station before the end of the contract.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

02 Nov, 17:00

Safety function in Volkswagen cars if the driver has lost consciousness. The car beeps several times and will try to attract attention by braking sharply three times

If there is no reaction, the emergency lights will turn on, the car will slowly pull over to the side of the road, unlock the doors and start honking to attract people's attention

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

02 Nov, 13:01

The Tibetan Mastiff is one of the oldest dog breeds, known for its impressive size and powerful build. This breed originated in Tibet and was used as a guard dog in monasteries as well as for guarding nomads in the Himalayan Mountains.

Main characteristics

- Origin: Tibet
- Height: 60-77 cm
- Weight: 48-82kg
- Life span: 10-14 years
- Coat: Long, dense, with abundant undercoat.
- Colour: Black, sable, golden and others

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

02 Nov, 09:01

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

01 Nov, 23:00

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

01 Nov, 09:01

The Morgan Library and Museum in New York City has discovered a previously unknown waltz by Frédéric Chopin.

Museum curator Robinson McClellan found a yellowed sheet of music with a short piece of music for 24 bars (48 including repetition) signed with the famous composer's surname.

An analysis of the paper and ink, as well as a study of the composition's handwriting and musical style, confirmed that it was a forgotten waltz by Chopin, written between 1830 and 1835, when the composer was about 20 years old. The duration of the waltz is about 80 seconds, which is shorter than waltzes written by Chopin in earlier years.

The discovery was the first of its kind in more than half a century. Chopin, born in 1810, was a piano virtuoso and left behind some 250 works.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

30 Oct, 23:00

Noctiluca scintillans are unicellular organisms belonging to the class Dinoflagellates. These microorganisms are known for their ability to bioluminesce, which results in a spectacular glow of the sea during dark hours, especially in warm coastal waters.

Nightshades are widely distributed around the world and are most commonly found in warm waters where phytoplankton are abundant. They are an important part of the marine ecosystem and form a significant part of the zooplankton.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

30 Oct, 17:04

Students from the USA have found a lost Mayan city in the Mexican jungle!

They named it Valeriana. This was possible thanks to Lidar technology - laser scanning, which helps to see buildings hidden under plants.

The researchers, led by Tulane University graduate student Luke Old-Thomas, came across information on an old ecological study. They analyzed the data and found thousands of unknown structures: pyramids, sports fields and roads that connected different parts of the city.

Scientists believe that during its heyday, from 750 to 850 AD, between 30,000 and 50,000 people may have lived in the city of Valerian.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

30 Oct, 09:04

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

29 Oct, 23:03

It's China's android Walker S1, a popular model with auto giants like BYD. UBTech, the manufacturer, has already received more than 500 orders from car plants and factories.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

29 Oct, 17:02

Disney has demonstrated an innovative approach to creating a realistic web in animated films. For Toy Story 4, the company developed a unique technology using AI spiders.

These virtual creatures, represented as small red dots, autonomously weave a web in digital space. Animators only need to specify reference points, and the AI spiders independently create complex web structures.

This method significantly speeds up the animation process, eliminating the need for artists to draw each thread by hand.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

29 Oct, 13:03

A view from the window of a cabin on the third deck of the Anthem of the Seas cruise ship during a storm.

This ship, consisting of 16 decks, can accommodate almost 5,000 passengers.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

29 Oct, 09:04

The World Flood fresco in the Sistine Chapel hides a true 16th century medical illustration.

Michelangelo depicted with remarkable accuracy all the signs of breast cancer: a deformed left nipple, traces of carcinoma in the right breast and characteristic bulges in the axillary region. And this in 1512, when almost nothing was known about the nature of this disease!

The most interesting thing is that this is no accident. Michelangelo, who from the age of 17 participated in autopsies and seriously studied anatomy, deliberately included these pathological details in his work. For him, it was a way of showing divine punishment for sins.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

28 Oct, 23:01

Doritos decided to conquer not only our taste buds, but also space!

Now you can crunch chips in weightlessness without fear that crumbs will fly all over the space station. The chips are coated with an oil-based compound to keep the crumbs from flying around and are packaged in special tins. Cool Ranch Zero Gravity is just the dream of every astronaut-gourmet!

The commercial was shot with the participation of the SpaceX Dragon crew.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

28 Oct, 09:06

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

27 Oct, 13:05

An American design studio has presented unique nightlights stylized as visual illusions of corridors. These original lamps create the effect of infinite space, making them look like real corridors going into the distance.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

27 Oct, 09:04

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

26 Oct, 23:00

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Wow Factory

26 Oct, 17:06

Astronaut Matthew Dominick showed how he squeezes ketchup in weightlessness.

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Wow Factory

26 Oct, 13:01

Linkin Park decided that ordinary vinyl is too boring and created a real visual marvel!

For those who don't know: a zoetrope is an ancient device for creating the illusion of motion, something like the great-grandfather of modern animation. And now Linkin Park have turned their record into such a mini-cinema!

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

26 Oct, 09:05

Crew Dragon with the crew of the Crew-8 mission has landed in the Gulf of Mexico

NASA astronauts Matthew Dominic, Michael Barratt and Janette Epps and cosmonaut Alexander Grebyonkin spent 235 days in orbit. The undocking of the ship with the ISS, carried out last Thursday, was supposed to take place on October 8. It was postponed nine times because of hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico region

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Wow Factory

25 Oct, 09:05

How the stadium lives. Six major events in six days.

Four concerts, a basketball game, and even a hockey game.

Do they get any rest at all?

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

24 Oct, 17:04

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

24 Oct, 13:03

In the Peruvian province of Cusco flows an amazing river that looks like blood flows through it. But don't be frightened - it's a natural phenomenon! The river got its bright red color due to the high content of iron oxide in the rocks through which it flows.

The locals call it the “Red River” or “River of Blood”. The water here is so rich in minerals that it is used in traditional medicine. The water temperature reaches 50-80°C and red and orange sediments form around the river, creating an alien landscape.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

24 Oct, 09:03

The Belgian city of Limburg has created an amazing attraction for cyclists - a path that literally cuts through the waters of the Bokkreik pond. Riding along this 212-meter path, cyclists find themselves at water level: waves splash on the right and left, and only the sky above their heads.

The concrete corridor gives the illusion of riding straight through the water like Moses, only on a bicycle.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

23 Oct, 23:00

Apple Crater is a unique volcanic crater located in Iceland. It is about 1 km in diameter and reaches a depth of 140 meters. The crater was formed about 3,000 years ago by an eruption, and its shape and coloring resemble an apple, which gave the place its name.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

23 Oct, 13:03

Cultivation of pearls

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Wow Factory

23 Oct, 09:03

Loading a Colt model 1860 revolver.

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Wow Factory

22 Oct, 23:00

Restored nuclear test footage: How we didn't look to the future

The first frame is the explosion of a thermonuclear device 700 times more powerful than the bomb that blew up Nagasaki.

Next is a Cold War bomb test.

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Wow Factory

22 Oct, 17:01

Tesla Optimus Robot

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Wow Factory

22 Oct, 13:03

A prototype of the RTG police robot, which is capable of autonomously pursuing criminals, has been unveiled in China.

This robot has a spherical shape and can reach speeds of up to 35 km/h. It is equipped with artificial intelligence that allows it to perform tracking, combat and capture functions.

RTG can move on both land and water. It does not need maps or navigation, allowing it to adjust its trajectory on its own.

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Wow Factory

22 Oct, 09:02

The Timelab Pro project has released a video showing the Rishat structure, better known as the “Eye of the Sahara”.

This unique geological formation is located in Mauritania and attracts attention with its impressive circular pattern and size. The video features breathtaking footage of this natural anomaly, which is considered one of the most interesting on the planet.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

21 Oct, 23:02

Robosen has unveiled a super-realistic Buzz Lightyear toy, and it's not just another plastic hero! This “living” robot, created in collaboration with Disney and Pixar, is a real breakthrough for Toy Story fans.

Buzz can move his eyes and mouth and respond to voice commands, so you can “talk” to him like a real Space Ranger. There are 23 servo motors and 75 microchips hidden inside him, allowing him to move like a movie. It also plays classic scenes from Toy Story, so it's nostalgic!

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

21 Oct, 17:02

The creators of the third “Alien” designed a xenomorph costume for a canine actor to play a monster-dog hybrid.

They had the brilliant idea to create a costume for a dog to play a monster-dog hybrid. This costume even had a canon head to make the dog look like a real alien predator.

But, as is often the case in movies, the reality turned out to be far from expectations. The dog in the costume looked like he just decided to dress up for Halloween, not to become the embodiment of cosmic horror.

In the end, the creators decided it would be best to use a puppet instead of the dog.

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Wow Factory

21 Oct, 13:00

The narrow streets of Rome

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Wow Factory

21 Oct, 09:01

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Wow Factory

20 Oct, 23:10

The woodpecker's tongue wraps around the skull, protecting the brain from injury when pecking trees.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

20 Oct, 17:00

Amazing China

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Wow Factory

20 Oct, 13:00

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

26 Sep, 17:01

Daytime fireworks look no less impressive than their nighttime brethren.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

26 Sep, 13:00

One brave girl decided to demonstrate what our parents always told us: “Don't drink on an empty stomach!”. And, it must be said, the results are impressive.

The experiment was simple, but revealing. On the first day, our heroine drank alcohol after a meal, and on the second day - on an empty stomach. All this time she used a breathalyzer to monitor the level of alcohol in the blood.

The results speak for themselves:
- After a meal: full sobering up in 4 hours.
- On an empty stomach, it took 8 hours to return to normal.

A difference of two times!

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

26 Sep, 09:01

For the first time, scientists have filmed an octopus hunting with fish. And slapping those who don't obey him.

It used to be thought that octopuses hunted alone, but it turns out that some, roughly speaking, train fish to hunt together. Literally, as humans once did with dogs.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

25 Sep, 13:02

A test of a reusable rocket ended in an explosion.

Chinese startup Deep Blue Aerospace has tested the Nebula-1 reusable rocket.

Despite successfully completing most of the tasks, the landing ended in an explosion. The moment of the explosion was captured on video from a drone.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

25 Sep, 09:01

Mozart surprises again: An unknown serenade has resurfaced after 250 years

A hitherto unknown serenade by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart himself has been performed in Leipzig. The work with the intriguing title “Serenate ex C” for string trio was discovered by archivists in the music library of Leipzig. It was hiding modestly among the works of German violinist Carl Ferdinand Becker, as if waiting for its time.

Experts believe that the young Mozart wrote this serenade in the late 1760s, when he was still a teenager. And, most movingly, he may have composed it for his sister. Imagine: a brilliant boy writes music for his favorite little sister, and this music becomes a sensation 250 years later!

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

24 Sep, 17:01

When knitting meets programming

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

24 Sep, 13:00

How yachts pass under the bridge on the Moscow Canal.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

24 Sep, 09:00

Unity Technologies presented a demo called “Time Ghost”, which clearly demonstrates the capabilities of the new graphics engine “Unity 6”. The detailing of both large and small objects, as well as improved lighting, particle and light refraction effects are impressive.

Unity 6 is expected to launch on October 17, 2024.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

23 Sep, 23:00

From September 29 to November 25, 2024, Earth will temporarily get a second moon.

The asteroid, which is moving towards our planet, will revolve around it during this time.

Such a phenomenon, when an asteroid becomes a temporary satellite of the Earth, occurs quite rarely and provides an opportunity to study its characteristics and behavior near our planet.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

23 Sep, 17:01

Jeanne Calment, a French ultra-long-lived woman, lived for 122 years and is known for her unusual lifestyle. She smoked for 95 years, starting at age 21 and quitting only at 117, when she lost almost all of her sight and could not light cigarettes on her own.

At the age of 90, Kalman struck a deal with lawyer François Raffret, whereby he would pay her a monthly allowance in exchange for the right to her apartment upon her death. Despite his expectations, however, Kalman outlived the lawyer, and his widow continued the payments. Eventually, the amount of the payments exceeded twice the value of the apartment.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

23 Sep, 13:00

The British pound, Serbian dinar and Russian ruble are the oldest modern currencies in the world.

The most popular currency in the modern world, the US dollar, was officially introduced into circulation in 1785.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

23 Sep, 09:02

A 1986 Sony laptop

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

22 Sep, 23:01

In the Pacific Ocean at a depth of more than 3 kilometers underwater drone filmed the rarest squid Magnapinna.

It is an elusive creature with incredibly long tentacles reaching 8 meters.

Magnapinna was first discovered back in 1907, but since then only about 20 sightings of this deep-sea dweller have been recorded.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

22 Sep, 17:02

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

22 Sep, 13:01

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

22 Sep, 09:00

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

21 Sep, 13:02

Robocop in action: in Texas, a machine defeated a criminal!

In Texas, something happened that we've only seen in sci-fi movies before. An armed criminal, a shootout, a barricaded motel - just like in an action movie! But instead of a SWAT team, it's a... a robot!

This iron hero didn't stand on ceremony: he poured pepper spray on the villain, and then just ran over him. Bang - and the criminal is neutralized! No danger to the police, no unnecessary casualties.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

21 Sep, 09:01

The movie “28 Years Later” was shot entirely on an iPhone 15 Pro Max using specialty lenses, continuing the tradition of the original movie shot on a Canon XL-1.

Director Danny Boyle returned to work on the project, which became the most expensive movie ever shot on a smartphone, with a budget of $75 million. It is scheduled to premiere on June 20, 2025.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

21 Sep, 07:00

Wow Factory pinned Deleted message

Wow Factory

20 Sep, 23:01

Imagine: night, an Aztec temple, and suddenly a chilling scream ripples through the air.... 😱

It's not a victim, but a “death whistle” - a unique artifact capable of realistically imitating a human scream over great distances.

The Aztecs used these whistles for ritual purposes and to intimidate their enemies.

A creepy object with an equally creepy history!

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

20 Sep, 17:01

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

20 Sep, 13:03

Oxygen cutting

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

20 Sep, 09:02

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

19 Sep, 23:00

Would you take a ride in one of these?

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

19 Sep, 17:02

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

19 Sep, 13:02

Goes to his goal

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

19 Sep, 09:02

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

18 Sep, 13:01

For the first time published a photo of the sunken submarine “Titan”, which tragically died in June 2023.

Recall that the submarine disappeared from radar during the expedition to the Titanic.

The last message from the crew was optimistic: ‘all good here’.

Unfortunately, shortly after that, an implosion occurred, which instantly claimed the lives of all five members of the expedition.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

18 Sep, 09:01

In Lebanon, people affiliated with Hezbollah have started blowing up their pagers en masse. Israeli intelligence services are suspected of this, which hacked them and activated the self-destruct mode.

As a result of this incident at least 8 people were killed, about 2.8 thousand were injured. A Hezbollah spokesman called it the group's biggest security breach during the nearly year-long war against Israel.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

17 Sep, 23:00

South Korea has developed an AI system called Dejaview that can predict crimes before they happen with 82% accuracy. The system analyzes data from street surveillance cameras and statistics, taking into account the time and place of events.

For example, if a combination of a number of factors occurred at night on the outskirts of a city, the risk of a crime being committed would be high. Dejaview can also monitor a person's actions if new crimes need to be prevented.

The AI uses a range of parameters and analyzes camera footage using machine learning technology to identify signs of impending offenses. The system is planned to be commercialized in late 2025.

Sounds like the beginning of a sci-fi thriller.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

17 Sep, 17:01

Serbian extreme blogger wowed his subscribers with a crazy prank! 😱

He decided to test not only his own nerves, but also the bear's, by living right in its den!

Strange as it may seem, the owner of the dwelling did not dispose of the uninvited guest. What ended this dangerous meeting - remains a mystery.

Perhaps the blogger knows some secret of peaceful coexistence with bears, or maybe he was just fabulously lucky.

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

17 Sep, 13:00

Tickets for this grand show in Las Vegas cost a fabulous amount of money: from $1000 for the most basic seats to $17,000 for the opportunity to sit in the front row!

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

17 Sep, 09:01

Estonian acrobat Jaan Roose has done the unbelievable - he walked on a rope stretched over the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul from one continent to another! 😲

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory

Wow Factory

16 Sep, 23:00

🏆 Объявлен победитель конкурса Astronomy Photographer of the Year!

Им стал Райан Империо с потрясающим снимком полного солнечного затмения.

Фотограф использовал более 30 снимков, чтобы запечатлеть редкое явление — "чётки Бейли", цепочку ярких точек, возникающих из-за неровностей лунной поверхности.

Этот кадр — настоящий шедевр астрофотографии!

Wow wow wow!!! @wowfactory