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With Me MCQs 🤍

22 Feb, 05:38


سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضى نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته.
With Me MCQs 🤍

22 Feb, 05:38


A 23 years old PG, pregnant at 39 WK, who has been fully dilated for 3h & ruptured of
membrane for over 8 hs, has an epidural in place & remain undelivered, she is exhausted
& she can no longer push, caput is noted but fetal bones are at + 1 station
With Me MCQs 🤍

22 Feb, 05:38


36 years old lady G2p1+0 pregnant 38 wks, presents to labor with ROM & regular
uterine contractions every 3 mins. On PV examination, cx was 5cm dilated, 50%
effacement, vertex at zero station
With Me MCQs 🤍

22 Feb, 05:38


28-year-old G4P3 at 40 weeks gestation presented in active labor and ruptured
membranes. Her antenatal course was complicated by diet-controlled gestational
diabetes. Her previous three pregnancies ended in vaginal delivery at term with the
largest infant weighing 4000 g. She is 1.75 M tall and weighs 100 kg. Fundal height was 42
cm, fetal wellbeing was normal and the EFW 3900 g. The first stage of labor was
uneventful, but after just 10 minutes of the second stage, the fetal head delivered and
promptly retracted against the vulva (positive turtle sign). Normal traction by the
operator did not result in delivery of the anterior shoulder
With Me MCQs 🤍

03 Feb, 16:57


سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضى نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته
With Me MCQs 🤍

14 Jan, 18:26


1) Active management of third stage of labor (AMSTIL) involves
A. Using a balloon tamponade to enhance uterine involution
B. Delivery of the cord by controlled cord traction with counter traction over the supra pubic area with
administration of 10IU of Oxytocin within delivery anterior shoulder
C. Monitoring of the Blood pressure, pulse rate, GCS, and Per vaginal bleeding every20 minutes for one hour
D. Pelvic floor exercises (Kegel's exercise)

With Me MCQs 🤍

14 Jan, 18:26


22) In a vertex presentation, the position is determined by the relationship of what fetal part to the Mother's pelvis:
A. Mentum.
B. Sacrum.
C. Acromian.
D. Occiput.
E. Sinciput.

With Me MCQs 🤍

14 Jan, 18:26


10) The fetal head may undergo changes in shape during normal delivery. The most common
etiology listed is:
A. Cephalohematoma.
B. Molding.
C. Subdural hematoma.
D. Hydrocephalus.

With Me MCQs 🤍

14 Jan, 18:26


40) A patient sustained a laceration of the premium during delivery, it involved the muscles of
Perineal body but not the anal sphincter. Such a laceration would be classified as:
A. First degree
B. Second degree
C. Third degree
D.Forth degree
E. Fifth degree

With Me MCQs 🤍

14 Jan, 18:26


39) A primpara is in labor and an episiotomy to be cut. Compared with a mid line episiotomy, an
advantage of medio-lateral episiotomy is:
A. Ease of repair
B. Fewer break downs
C. Lower blood loss
D. Less dyspareunia
E. Less extension of the incision