With Me MCQs 🤍 @withmeq_39 Channel on Telegram

With Me MCQs 🤍


With Me MCQs 🤍 (English)

Are you a fan of solving multiple-choice questions? Do you enjoy challenging your knowledge and test your skills? If so, then you will love 'With Me MCQs 🤍' Telegram channel! This channel, with the username @withmeq_39, is dedicated to providing a wide variety of multiple-choice questions on various topics and subjects. Whether you are preparing for a competitive exam, looking to improve your general knowledge, or simply enjoy solving puzzles, this channel has something for everyone. The questions are carefully curated to be engaging, informative, and fun to solve. Join a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for learning and testing their knowledge. Stay updated with the latest MCQs and challenge yourself to improve your skills. With Me MCQs 🤍 is the perfect destination for anyone looking to expand their knowledge and have fun while doing so. Join us today and start your journey towards becoming a trivia master!

With Me MCQs 🤍

14 Jan, 18:26

1) Active management of third stage of labor (AMSTIL) involves
A. Using a balloon tamponade to enhance uterine involution
B. Delivery of the cord by controlled cord traction with counter traction over the supra pubic area with
administration of 10IU of Oxytocin within delivery anterior shoulder
C. Monitoring of the Blood pressure, pulse rate, GCS, and Per vaginal bleeding every20 minutes for one hour
D. Pelvic floor exercises (Kegel's exercise)


With Me MCQs 🤍

14 Jan, 18:26

22) In a vertex presentation, the position is determined by the relationship of what fetal part to the Mother's pelvis:
A. Mentum.
B. Sacrum.
C. Acromian.
D. Occiput.
E. Sinciput.


With Me MCQs 🤍

14 Jan, 18:26

10) The fetal head may undergo changes in shape during normal delivery. The most common
etiology listed is:
A. Cephalohematoma.
B. Molding.
C. Subdural hematoma.
D. Hydrocephalus.


With Me MCQs 🤍

14 Jan, 18:26

40) A patient sustained a laceration of the premium during delivery, it involved the muscles of
Perineal body but not the anal sphincter. Such a laceration would be classified as:
A. First degree
B. Second degree
C. Third degree
D.Forth degree
E. Fifth degree


With Me MCQs 🤍

14 Jan, 18:26

39) A primpara is in labor and an episiotomy to be cut. Compared with a mid line episiotomy, an
advantage of medio-lateral episiotomy is:
A. Ease of repair
B. Fewer break downs
C. Lower blood loss
D. Less dyspareunia
E. Less extension of the incision


With Me MCQs 🤍

14 Jan, 18:26

41) Which of the following statements about episiotomy is FALSE:
A. Median (midline) episiotomy is generally considered to be less painful the mediolateral episiotomy.
B. Mediolateral or lateral episiotomy may be associated with more blood loss than median one.
C. Indications for episiotomy include avoiding an imminent Perineal tear, the use of forceps, breech
delivery, & the delivery of premature infants.
D. The earlier the episiotomy is done during delivery, generally the more beneficial it will be un speeding delivery.
E. Episiotomy incisions are repaired anatomically in layers.


With Me MCQs 🤍

14 Jan, 18:26

76) Immediately after the completion of a normal labor and delivery, the uterus should be which of
the following?
A. At the level of the symphysis pubis
B. Boggy
C. Discoid
D. Firm and rounded
E. Immobile


With Me MCQs 🤍

14 Jan, 18:26

71) Normal labor is the process by which contractions of the gravid uterus expel the fetus and the
other products of conception:
A. Between 37 and 42 weeks from the last menstrual period
B. Before 37 weeks gestation
C. After 42 weeks gestation
D. After 24 weeks gestation


With Me MCQs 🤍

14 Jan, 18:26

8) Stages of labor
A. The first stage commences at the time of membrane rupture
B. The cervix dilates at consistent rate of 3 cm per hour in the first stage
C. The third stage end with the delivery of the placenta and membranes
D. Forceps or ventose may be useful in slow progress of the late 1st stage
E. Syntometrine is a combination of oxytocin and Ergometrine which is used in the treatment of secondary
postpartum haemorrhage (PPH)


With Me MCQs 🤍

31 Dec, 23:03

51) A 25-year-old PG at 10 weeks gestation attended the outpatient clinic as she noticed a lump in her
breast. Examination revealed a unilateral well-circumscribed left firm breast mass about 4cm in diameter
with free mobility. Overlying skin was normal, and the nipple expressed some serous discharge. How can
you counsel this case?

With Me MCQs 🤍

31 Dec, 23:03

47) A 25years old lady , who got married 5 months ago, comes to your office complaining of missed period
for 2weeks . She used to have regular cycles every 28 days, with menses lasting for 3 days. She has irrelevant
medical, surgical and family histories. What is your first differential diagnosis for this missed period?

With Me MCQs 🤍

18 Oct, 21:19

اجابة السؤال ده D

With Me MCQs 🤍

18 Oct, 21:18

B الصح

With Me MCQs 🤍

18 Oct, 21:17

تعديل أسئلة ايسنس محاضرة breast

With Me MCQs 🤍

18 Oct, 21:02

السؤال ده قالي طالما حاطط في الاختيارات None of the above
يبقي نختارها
بالتالي الاجابة علي السؤال ده بالصيغة دي D

With Me MCQs 🤍

18 Oct, 21:02

السؤال جه مره في الفورماتيف و مره في essence
سالت و هنجاوبها باذن الله علي اجابة الفورماتيف
• Proyl
• Cross placenta less than cabimazole
• To avoid transmitted thiouracil goitre
و اتعدل علي المنصة
-محاضرة Thyroid

With Me MCQs 🤍

18 Oct, 21:01

تعديلات من الدكتور بخصوص أسئلة ايسنس thyroid

With Me MCQs 🤍

18 Oct, 20:56

دي a&c صح

With Me MCQs 🤍

18 Oct, 20:56

A&c&d صح

With Me MCQs 🤍

18 Oct, 20:55

دي c,d

With Me MCQs 🤍

18 Oct, 20:55

اخطاء ف أسئلة ايسنس محاضرة ال Oncology

With Me MCQs 🤍

18 Oct, 12:34

الاجابة هنا b,c