If you're tired of the hypocrisy and double standards of certain individuals, then you've come to the right place. Welcome to 'Exposing Hypocrisy - We wuz Kangzz' Telegram channel. Here, we delve into the truth behind the facade and shed light on the realities that are often ignored or misrepresented. The username '@whitemaggotcope' may raise some eyebrows, but don't be fooled by first impressions. This channel is dedicated to exposing the hypocrisy of 'yt peepo' (a not-so-subtle reference to a certain demographic) and addressing the issues that are often brushed under the rug. The channel's description mentions a previous channel that was censored, but that hasn't deterred the creators. They are committed to continuing their mission of uncovering the truth, regardless of any obstacles in their path. 'Exposing Hypocrisy - We wuz Kangzz' is not just another channel for idle chatter or empty rhetoric. It's a platform for critical thinking, analysis, and discussion of important social issues. By joining this channel, you become part of a community that values truth, transparency, and accountability above all else. So, if you're ready to challenge the status quo, engage in thought-provoking conversations, and stand up against hypocrisy, then this is the channel for you. Join 'Exposing Hypocrisy - We wuz Kangzz' today and be a part of the movement towards a more honest and just society. Remember, the truth will always prevail, no matter the obstacles in its path.
24 Jan, 16:58
23 Jan, 18:18
23 Jan, 04:40
23 Jan, 04:36
23 Jan, 02:00
22 Jan, 23:03
22 Jan, 22:42
22 Jan, 22:20
22 Jan, 21:08
21 Jan, 16:16
21 Jan, 09:33
21 Jan, 06:07
21 Jan, 03:04
20 Jan, 07:06
20 Jan, 04:54
20 Jan, 03:20
11 Jan, 04:07
10 Jan, 22:47
10 Jan, 21:08
10 Jan, 16:45
10 Jan, 01:05
09 Jan, 21:42
09 Jan, 08:36
09 Jan, 06:39
09 Jan, 06:01
09 Jan, 03:05
08 Jan, 19:04
01 Jan, 19:20
01 Jan, 04:07
01 Jan, 01:06
31 Dec, 20:06
31 Dec, 16:04
31 Dec, 01:05
31 Dec, 01:01
30 Dec, 21:02
27 Dec, 02:02
25 Dec, 23:00
25 Dec, 15:04
25 Dec, 06:32
25 Dec, 02:03
24 Dec, 23:01
24 Dec, 21:00
24 Dec, 17:29
07 Dec, 01:07
05 Dec, 20:02
04 Dec, 08:06
21 Nov, 19:52
20 Nov, 20:14
20 Nov, 02:31
20 Nov, 01:18
20 Nov, 01:18
20 Nov, 00:08
19 Nov, 19:40
16 Nov, 01:01
13 Nov, 18:50
13 Nov, 15:03
12 Nov, 20:02
07 Nov, 21:48
05 Nov, 23:38
05 Nov, 06:04
01 Nov, 22:00
01 Nov, 19:01
01 Nov, 16:54
01 Nov, 07:44
31 Oct, 22:02
23 Oct, 02:46
22 Oct, 19:36
22 Oct, 03:03
22 Oct, 00:14
22 Oct, 00:14
21 Oct, 22:01
20 Oct, 23:02