werabe university wru @werabeuniversitywru Channel on Telegram

werabe university wru


Promotional Article for werabe university wru Telegram Channel (English)

Welcome to the werabe university wru Telegram channel! Here at werabe university wru, we are dedicated to providing valuable educational content to our followers. Whether you are a student, a professional looking to expand your knowledge, or simply someone who enjoys learning new things, our channel has something for you. From informative articles and videos to interactive quizzes and live sessions, we strive to make learning accessible and engaging for everyone. Who is werabe university wru? We are a team of passionate educators and experts in various fields who have come together to create a platform where people can learn and grow. Our goal is to empower individuals with knowledge and skills that will help them succeed in their personal and professional lives. What is werabe university wru? Our channel offers a wide range of educational content, including topics such as business, technology, health, and personal development. We believe in lifelong learning and aim to inspire our followers to continuously improve themselves. Whether you are interested in sharpening your skills, exploring new ideas, or simply staying informed about the latest trends, werabe university wru is the place to be. Join us today and become a part of our growing community of learners. Let's embark on a journey of discovery and education together! Stay tuned for exciting updates, valuable resources, and opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals. Together, we can learn, grow, and achieve great things. Welcome to werabe university wru – where knowledge meets inspiration.

werabe university wru

13 Jan, 18:57

ጥር 5፣ 2017
ወራዩ/ ህ/ አ/አ/ግ

የመንገድ ትራፊክ አደጋን ለመቀነስ የግንዛቤ ማስጨበጫ ስራዎችን በተጠናከረ ሁኔታ መስራት እንደሚገባ ተገለጸ።

ወራቤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ያዘጋጀው የመንገድ ትራፊክ ደህንነት ላይ ያተኮረ ስልጠና ለትራንስፖርትና ለመንገድ ደህንነት ባለሙያዎች ተሰጥቷል።

ስልጠናው የተሰጠው ከስልጤና ሀላባ ዞኖች እንዲሁም  ማረቆ ልዩ ወረዳ ለተውጣጡ የትራንስፖርትና መንገድ ደህንነት ባለሙያዎች ነው።

ስልጠናውን ያስጀመሩት የወራቤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ማህበረሰብ አገልግሎት ዳይሬክቶሬት ዳይሬክተር መ/ር ጀማል ሬድዋን ባለሙያዎች ስልጠናውን ማግኘታቸው እራሳቸውን በዕውቀት አዳብረው በተሻለ መልኩ እንዲያገልግሉ ያግዛቸዋል ብለዋል።

በተጨማሪም የህብረተሰቡን ግንዛቤ በማሳደግ ከመንገድ ትራፊክ አደጋ እራሱን እንዲጠብቅ የበኩላቸውን ሚና እንዲወጡ ስለሚያግዛቸው መሰል ስልጠናዎች ተጠናክረው እንደሚቀጥሉ ገልጸዋል።

werabe university wru

09 Jan, 14:42

January 9, 2025

Werabe University Welcomes South Sudanese and Sudanese Students

Werabe, Ethiopia - In a warm and welcoming address, Dr. Ing. Tewfik Jemal, President of Werabe University, extended a heartfelt welcome to all South Sudanese and Sudanese students who have recently joined the University.
"It gives me an immense pleasure to extend a heartfelt welcome to all our South Sudanese and Sudanese students who have journeyed from their home to be with us today," Dr. Tewfik stated. "Your presence here enriches our community, bringing with you diverse perspectives, unique culture, and a shared passion for learning."
Dr. Tewfik acknowledged the potential challenges students might face during their academic journey, such as adjusting to a new environment and navigating cultural differences. He assured them that the University's unwavering support, emphasizing its commitment to fostering an inclusive and nurturing atmosphere where every student feels at home.
"Our University prides itself on fostering an inclusive and nurturing atmosphere where everyone feels at home," Dr. Tewfik added. "We encourage you to take advantage of the numerous resources available to you  from academic support to extracurricular activities, and from cultural exchange programs to social events designed to help you integrate into our community."
Dr. Tewfik concluded his address by emphasizing the importance of mutual learning and growth within the university as a community. "Dear students, you are not just visitors; you are now an integral part of our family. Together, we will create a vibrant, dynamic, and interconnected learning environment. We look forward to the invaluable contributions you will make and the friendships that will blossom. Let us embrace this opportunity to learn from one another, celebrate our differences, and grow together. Welcome to our community, where the world comes together to learn, innovate, and thrive."
South Sudanese and Sudanese students have expressed their gratitude for the warm welcome they have got from Werabe University and its community. They have also expressed their happiness with the family-like reception they have been given by the university. They have stated that they are delighted to join this peaceful city and university.
The program featured artistic performances showcasing Ethiopian culture to South Sudanese and Sudanese students, as well as South Sudanese and Sudanese culture to Ethiopians.
President of Werabe University, members of the management team, and other leaders of the University participated in the welcome event.

werabe university wru

22 Dec, 16:56

ታህሳስ 13፣ 2017
ወራዩ/ ህ/ አ/አ/ግ

ሴት ተማሪዎች በትምህርታቸው ውጤታማ እንዲሆኑ የተለያዩ የአቅም ማጎልበቻ ስራዎች በተጠናከረ መልኩ እንደሚሰሩ ተገለፀ።

ወራቤ  ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለአንደኛ አመት ሴት ተማሪዎች በህይወት ክህሎት  ዙሪያ ሲሰጥ የቆየው ስልጠና ተጠናቋል።

የዩኒቨርሲቲው ሴቶችና ማህበራዊ ጉዳዮች አካቶ ስራ አስፈፃሚ ላለፉት ሁለት ቀናት በህይወት ክህሎት፣ በጤናና ስነ-ተዋልዶ እና በኤች አይ ቪ ኤድስ ዙሪያ ለተከታታይ ሁለት ቀናት ሲሰጥ የቆየው የግንዛቤ ማስጨበጫ ስልጠና ተጠናቋል።

የሴቶችና ማህበራዊ ጉዳዮች አካቶ ስራ አስፈፃሚ ወ/ሮ ሽቱና ሳዲቅ ሴት ተማሪዎች በትምህርታቸው ውጤታማ እንዲሆኑ የተለያዩ የአቅም ማጎልበቻ ስልጠናዎችና ሌሎችም ድጋፎች እንደሚደረግላቸው ተናግረዋል።

ሰልጣኝ ሴት ተማሪዎች በበኩላቸው ከስልጠናው ያገኙት ግንዛቤ ውጤታማ እንዲሆኑ እንደሚያግዛቸው ገልጸዋል።

werabe university wru

21 Nov, 13:22

ሕዳር 12፣ 2017
ወራዩ/ ው/ ህ/ ግ /ዳ

የወራቤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ከፍተኛ አመራሮችና  የማኔጅመንት አባላት በታጋይ ሰዒድ ረዲ ሞት የተሰማቸውን ጥልቅ ሀዘን በመግለፅ የታጋይ ሰዒድ ረዲንና በረካ ባርጊቾን የመኖሪያ ቤት ግንባታ በተመለከተ ለቤቶች የሚሆኑ በቂ የግንባታ ዕቃዎችን በ2016 በጀት አመት ግዢ መፈፀሙን አሳውቀዋል ።

አመራሮቹ እንደገለፁት  አሁን የተቋቋመው ኮሚቴ ፣ የስልጤ ዞን አስተዳደርን የሚወክል ኮሚቴ እንዲሁም ዩኒቨርሲቲው ከሚመድበው ኮሚቴ በጋራ በመሆን  የቦታ ርክክብ እንደሚካሄድ እና ለግንባታውም ቀድሞ ቃል በገባው መሰረት ሙሉ ድጋፉን እንደሚሰጥ ገልጸዋል።

werabe university wru

18 Nov, 18:42


werabe university wru

18 Nov, 12:41


werabe university wru

13 Nov, 13:51


werabe university wru

08 Nov, 15:45


werabe university wru

05 Nov, 13:27


werabe university wru

19 Oct, 14:56

October 19, 2024

Werabe University has officially launched students' email activation campaign.

The Ministry of Education (MoE) has launched a five-year multi-stakeholder initiative of e-Learning for Strengthening Higher Education (e-SHE)aimed at digitizing courses across all higher education institutions in Ethiopia. This initiative is implemented in collaboration with Arizona State University, the MasterCard Foundation, and Shayashone Trading plc.
Werabe University is diligently working to adopt and implement these initiatives. Many lecturers of the university have completed the Master Class training while others are currently enrolled, and the rest are registered to take the course.
Today, Werabe University has officially kicked off our students' email activation campaign. In the morning session, the College of Humanities, Institute of Technology, and College of Business and Economics successfully activated their accounts for the Student Success Suite (SSS), along with some of the departments in the College of Natural and Computational Sciences. The activation program will continue tomorrow, following the established schedule.

werabe university wru

17 Oct, 09:18

ጥቅምት 06/2017 (October 16, 2024)
ወራዩ/ ው/ ህ/ ግ /ዳ

የወራቤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ፕሬዝዳንት ዶ/ር ኢንጂነር ተውፊቅ ጀማል በሩሲያ ዓለም አቀፍ ፎረም ላይ እየተሳተፉ ነው።

ኢትዮጵያ የBRICS አባል ሀገራትን ባሳለፍነው ዓመት ተቀላቅላለች። ከተቀላቀለችበት ጊዜ ጀምሮ በፈጠነ ሁኔታ ከአባል ሀገራቱ ጋር በተለያዩ ዘርፎች በርካታ የልማትና ትብብር ስራዎችን እየሰራች ትገኛለች።

በሩሲያ አዘጋጅነት እየተካሄደ ባለው ዓለም አቀፍ የማዕድን ሀብት አጠቃቀም ላይ ያተኮረ  ፎረም ላይ የወራቤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ፕሬዝዳንት ዶ/ር ኢንጂነር ተውፊቅ ጀማልም በተደረገላቸው ግብዣ መሰረት   እየተሳተፉ ነው።

በዚሁ ዓለም አቀፍ የማዕድን ሀብት አጠቃቀም (INTERNATIONAL FORUM‘’ MINERAL RESOURCES AS THE BASIS OF NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY- PERSONNEL AND INNOVATION ENVIROMENT’’ YOUTH FORUM-CONTEST OF YOUNG RESEAARCHERS FROM THE BRICS COUNTRIES“ TOPICAL ISSUES OF RATIONAL USE OF NATURAL RESOURCES” ) ፎረም ላይ ዶ/ር ኢንጂነር ተውፊቅ ጀማልን ጨምሮ ከኢትዮጵያ የሶስት ዩኒቨርሲቲ ፕሬዝዳንቶች፤ በአፍሪካ 300 ተሳታፊዎች እና በአጠቃላይ ከ60 በላይ ሀገራት የተውጣጡ ከ1000 በላይ የሚሆኑ ተሳታፊዎች(Intellectuals’) በግብዣ  የተሳተፉበት ዓለም አቀፋዊ የሆነ ፎረም ነው።

ለዚሁ ትልቅ ፎረም መነሻ የሆነው  በሁለተኛው የሩሲያ አፍሪካ የመሪዎች ጉባኤ በ2023 "Sub soil of Africa" በሚል መሪ ቃል በተካሄደው ውይይት ላይ  የማዕድን ሀብት አጠቃቀምን ለማሻሻል ከዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ጋር ጥምረት መፍጠር የሚያስችል ስምምነት የመፈራረም ሂደት ዋናኛው ነበር።

ይህንኑ ተከትሎ በሀገረ ሩሲያ በCatherine II St. Petersburg Mining University "Mineral Resources as the Basis of National Sovereignty- Personnel and Innovation Environment" በሚል መሪ ቃል አለምአቀፋዊ ፎረሙ ከዛሬ ጀምሮ ለተከታታይ ስድስት ቀናት የሚካሄድ ነው።

በውይይት ፎረሙ መክፈቻ ስነስርዓትም የሩሲያው ፕሬዝዳንት ቪላድሚር ፑቲን፤ የሩሲያው የሳይንስና ከፍተኛ ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር ሚኒስትር ፤ በሩሲያ የፒተርስበርግ ገቨርነር፤ በሩሲያ የፒተርስበርግ ዩንቨርሲቲ ፕሬዝዳንት እና በፒተርስበርግ የቻይና ካውንስለር መልእክት በማስተላላፍ የፎረም ውይይቱን አስጀምረዋል።

werabe university wru

11 Oct, 21:24

ቀን 01/02/2017


ለ2ኛ ድግሪ ትምህርት ፈላጊዎች  በሙሉ :-

የወራቤ ዩኒቨርስቲ  በ2017 ትምህርት  ዘመን በመደበኛና በሳምንት  መጨረሻ  መርሃ  ግብር  የ2ኛ ድግሪ መግቢያ  ፈተና National  Graduate  Admission  Test  (NGAT) ያለፉና ሌሎች መግቢያ መስፈርቶችን ያሟሉ አመልካቾችን ለመመዝገብ  ከመስከረም 22 እስከ ጥቅምት 02/2017 የነበረው የመመዝግቢያ ጊዜ እስከ ጥቅምት  08/2017 መራዘሙን እናሳውቃለን ።

የወራቤ ዩኒቨርስቲ  ሬጀስተራር ጽ/ቤት





