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قناةٌ تُعنى بالحديثِ وفوائدِه، ونمير الفقه وفرائدِه، والتَّفسير ولطائفِه؛ اجتهدت في جمعِها بغيةَ تحريك القلوب إِلى أَجلِّ مطلوب، إِذ لا بُدَّ للسَّالكِ من همَّةٍ تسيِّره وترقيِّه، وعلمٍ يُبصِّره ويَهديه.
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Son Güncelleme 09.03.2025 03:39

ورقــات tarafından Telegram'da paylaşılan en son içerikler


21 Jan, 19:39


إِنِّي عبد الله ولن يضيِّعني..*

17 Jan, 15:18


Al-Ḥayy al-Qayyūm is regarded as the greatest name of Allah—one that guarantees a response when invoked and provision when asked.

Al-Ḥayy refers to a perfect life that had no beginning and will never know an end.

Al-Qayyūm refers to the One who stands on His own without the need or support of His creation, yet gives support and sustenance to all His creation in return.

— Ibn al-ʿUthaymīn, Majmūʿ fatāwá wa rasāʾil al-shaykh, vi. 138

14 Jan, 19:00


Abū Bakr said, "Do not look down on any Muslim, because even the smallest of them is regarded greatly by Allah."

— Suyūṭī, Jamʿ al-jawāmīʿ no. 7521

13 Jan, 13:56


النَّفسُ ترجو والأَمانيُّ جمَّةٌ = ‏والعبدُ يدعو والكريمُ كريمُ

11 Jan, 01:43


Fifteen years ago, we would wake up at dawn to the sound of Ibn Baz’s walking stick, moments before the call to prayer was heard. He would use it to tap on every door along his path to the mosque.

— ʿUmar b. Muḥammad Saʿīd, Mawāqif muḍīʿah, p. 230

10 Jan, 16:43


Allah will say on the Day of Resurrection, "Where are those who love one another for the sake of My majesty? Today, I will shade them under My shade on a day when there is no shade but Mine."

— Muslim no. 2566

09 Jan, 13:01


Fear Allah wherever you are, follow up a bad deed with a good one, it will wipe it out, and behave well towards others.

— Tirmiḏẖi no. 1987

06 Jan, 23:01


بين القلب وبين الرِّبِّ مسافةٌ، وعليها قُطَّاعٌ تمنع وصولَ العملِ إِليه من كِبرٍ وإِعجابٍ وإِدلالٍ، ورؤيةِ العمل، ونسيانِ المنَّة، وعِلَلٍ خفيَّة لو استقصى في طلبِها لرأَى العجبَ؛ ومن رحمةِ الله تعالى سَترها على أَكثرِ العُمَّالِ، إِذ لو رأَوْها وعاينوها لوقعوا فيما هو أَشدُّ منها، من اليَأْسِ والقنوطِ والاستحسار، وتركِ العملِ، وخمودِ العزمِ، وفتورِ الهمَّةِ.

مدارج السَّالكين، لابنِ القيِّم، ١/٤٣٨.

05 Jan, 20:35


Deeds earn different levels of rewards based on the faith and sincerity in one’s heart. Two people might be praying in the same row, yet the difference between their prayers is like the distance between the earth and the heavens. Allah said, "Neither their meat nor their blood will reach Allah, but what reaches Him is taqwa from you." (Q22:37)

— Ibn Taymiyyah, Minhāj al-sunnah, vi. 222, trans. Tulayhah

02 Jan, 23:09


Turn to Allah for help and be patient: indeed the earth belongs to Allah — He gives it to whichever of His servants He chooses — and the blessed end belongs to the righteous.

Quran 7:128