Wabii Sanyii @wabisegni Telegram 频道

Wabii Sanyii

Wabii Sanyii
Namni waan danda'uun nama
gargaaru doqna hin jedhamu
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26 个视频
最后更新于 01.03.2025 11:26

The Wisdom of Helping Others: A Cultural Reflection

In the rich tapestry of Oromo culture, proverbs play a vital role in conveying wisdom and life lessons that have been passed down through generations. One such powerful saying, 'Namni waan danda'uun nama gargaaru doqna hin jedhamu', translates to 'A person who helps others with what they can is not considered foolish.' This proverb encapsulates a profound philosophy that prioritizes communal solidarity and selflessness, illustrating a worldview where the act of helping is not only encouraged but expected. In a society where interdependence is crucial for survival and success, such proverbs serve as guiding principles, fostering a culture of mutual support and understanding. This article explores the essence of this saying, its implications in everyday life, and answers some frequently asked questions regarding its cultural significance and practical applications.

What does the proverb 'Namni waan danda'uun nama gargaaru doqna hin jedhamu' signify?

The proverb underscores the importance of contributing to the well-being of others within the community. It suggests that helping others, even in small ways, is a virtue and not an act of foolishness. This reflects a broader social value where support and assistance are integral to community life.

In essence, it promotes the idea that individual contributions to the welfare of others are valuable. This aligns with the collective ethos prevalent in Oromo culture, where individuals are often seen as part of a larger family or community unit, reinforcing social bonds and ensuring mutual assistance.

How does this saying reflect the values of the Oromo community?

The Oromo community holds strong values of cooperation and mutual support. The saying reflects these ideals by highlighting the significance of helping one another. It cultivates a sense of belonging and collective responsibility, reminding individuals that their actions can impact the welfare of others.

In practical terms, this means that community members are encouraged to look after each other. This is evident in various community practices, such as collective farming or participating in communal events, where the success of one often translates to the success of many.

In what ways can this proverb be applied in modern society?

In contemporary contexts, the principles encapsulated in this proverb can inspire individuals to engage in volunteer work, support local initiatives, or simply offer help to neighbors. With the prevalence of individualistic attitudes in modern societies, revisiting such communal wisdom can foster stronger social ties.

Moreover, businesses and organizations can embrace this philosophy by adopting corporate social responsibility practices. Encouraging employees to engage in community service not only amplifies the impact of individual efforts but also enriches the organizational culture.

What are some examples of communal support in Oromo culture?

Oromo culture is rich in practices that exemplify communal support, such as the 'Ireecha' festival, which brings together communities to celebrate harmony with nature and each other. During these gatherings, individuals share resources and help one another in preparation and celebration.

Additionally, practices like 'Gadaa' system promote collective decision-making and resource sharing. This traditional system not only organizes social and political structures but also reinforces the importance of mutual aid and community cohesion.

Why is it important to maintain such cultural proverbs in today's world?

Maintaining cultural proverbs like this one helps preserve the identity and heritage of the Oromo people. They serve as reminders of shared values and lessons that can guide behavior in complex social landscapes. In a rapidly changing world, such wisdom provides continuity and stability.

Furthermore, these proverbs can bridge generational gaps, allowing younger individuals to learn from the wisdom of their ancestors. This connection fosters a deeper understanding of cultural roots and encourages respect for community values in an era often dominated by individualism.

Wabii Sanyii Telegram 频道

የታላቁ ተማሪ እና በሰላም ሚስቴ፡ ዋቢ ሳኒ አይከብርም። በዚህ ቦታ ይበልጥ በባለንም በሰላም ለምግብ የሚኖረው መረጃ ከአፀናጅ፣ ከታገቱ ፣ ከመረጃውያን እና ሰዉ በአንድነት ውስጥ እናደርጋለን። ለእኛ፡ wabisegni ውስጥ የሞባይል ልዩነት የሚያበቃ በቀላሉ አሉ። አሁንም በማኅበረሰብ ከተለያዩ ጊዜ እና ምሳሌ፣ እንደ ተመረብ፣ ድምጽ፣ ተቈጣ፤ እና አውቃለሁ የሆኑትን ዛሬ ወደ አካባቢው መጣላቸው። ለምኞትና ለትንሽ ዘር፡ ወደ ምኞታም ማግኘትና ወሬአና ሌሎች የቀረበውን ስለሚጠብቆ ልውስናን በመረጡና መሰረቱ ትምህርት ያለውን መረጃቅቶ ከመለኮን እና ሽልማታቸውን በመጠቀም እናቀርባለን።

Wabii Sanyii 最新帖子

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Give and Take!!
Namichatu Umuriin isaa sooramaaf geenyaan gara hoogganaa isaa deemee, yeroon kun yeroon itti soorama bahu dha. Turtiin hanga ammaatti isin waliin tureef isinis ta’ee rabbis nan galateeffa dha. Amma garuu xalayaa sooramaa naaf kennaa jechuun hoogganaa isaa gaafata.

Hogganaan isaa hojjetaa cimaa kanaa erga dhaggeeffateen booda tole siifan barreessa, isa dura garuu hojii tokko na gargaari , erga isa xummurteen booda soorama baata jedheen.

Hojjetaan kunis tole hojichi maali jedhee hoogganticha gaafata. Hoogganaan isaa mana baay’ee miidhagaa fi sadarkaa isaa eeggate yeroo gabaabaa keessatti ijaarii xummuriitii soorama kee bahi jedheen.

Hojjetaan kun akkuma ajaja fudhatetti hojiisaa eegale. Mana kana dafee yoo xummure soorama waan bahuuf guyyoota muraasa keessatti mana baay’ee miidhagaa ta’e ijaree xummuruun hoogganaa isaatiin xummureera xalayaa naaf kenni jedhaan.

Manichi irra keessa isaatu bareeda malee gadi fagaatee hin dhaabbanne. Hundeen isaa gadi fagoo miti. Ni miidhaga garuu jabaataa miti. Soorama bahuuf ariitiin ijaare malee manichi maaliif akka ijaaramu of hin gaafanne.

Hoogganaan isaa tole amma xalayaa siifan kenna. Xalayaan siif kennu kan sooramaa dabalatee umurii kee isa si hafe guutuu mana kana keessa jiraatta, Manichi kan keeti jedheen. Manuma kana keessatti umurii si hafe jiraattee dabarsita gaafa jedhuun namtichi hedduu rifate.

Namni waanuma facaase hammata. Jireenya keenya keessatti wantoota nu mudatan kallattii tokko qofaan yoo ilaalle bu’aan isarraa argamu deebi’ee numa mataa keenya miidha.

Waan hojjennu qulqullinaa fi akkuma kan keenyaatti yoo hojjenne rabbis biraas nama biraas eebba arganna. Waan namoota biroof goonu, akkuma waan ofii godhannuutti yoo qajeelummaan ilaalle gaarii dha.

@segnigudeta @WABIISG


05 Dec, 07:51
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Yooyyaa!  Jirra jirtu uummata koo qaalii ? Baga jiraattan jechaa kanaan dura hojii haaraa hedduu itti gammaddaniif irraa fayyadamtanii nu galateeffattan dhadhaa loowwan Oromiyaa Dhaadhaa wallaggaa qulqullin ol aanaa qabu gatii madaalawaan isiniif dhiheessaa turuun keenya ni beekama ammas hojii wal fakkaatuun Aayyoo Cuukkoo qabannee isiniif dhufneerra namoonni qophiilee garagaraaf ajajachuu barbaaddan karaa lakkoofsa bilbilaa


Nuuf bilbilaa Aayyoo Cuukkoo fi
Aayyoo Dhadhaa filannoon nama maraa:: @segnigudeta @WABIISG

04 Dec, 17:33
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Galmeerra Jirraa

Leenjii Ogummaa fi Teeknikaa

Leenjiwwan gaggabaaboo, Uffata hodhaa gosa hundaa, kan aadaafi ammayyaa, maashinoota ammayyaawoofi barsiisota ogummaa jajjaboo qabaniin ni kennina. Ni barsiisnaa.

Leenjiwwan nuti kenninu
1,Uffata muraa fi Hodhaa
2,Uffata suufii surree fi kootii guutuu
3,Pattern making
4, fakkiiwwan boca namaa fi Uffataa kaasuu  (Sketch & illustration)
5,Uffata ijoollee fi daa'immanii bocuu
6,Namoota  Ogummaa Uffata hodhaa qabaniifi Leenjii ogummaa gabbifachuu kennuu
7,Ogummaa, Uffata hodhaan wal-qabateef, gorsawwan ogummaa irratti hundaa'aan ogeessotaan kennuu ta'a.

Sagantaan leenjii keenyaa, wiixataa-jimaataa
Waaree dura➡️ 2:30-5:30,
Waaree booda➡️7:30-10:30
Sagantaa galgalaa wiixataa _ jimaataa 11:30-2:00
Sanbata duraa 👉waaree dura
Dilbata 👉waaree booda

Iddoon argama keenyaa M/F/K/M/Araadaa, Piyaassaa, Gamoo Besu Fikad Darbii 4ffaa irratti ni argamna.
Odeeffannoo dabalataaf, Lakk. bilbilaa, 0910305082

@segnigudeta @WABIISG

03 Dec, 18:43
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#Galatoomaa/Thank you 🙏🙏🙏
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Chaanaalii Telegiramii @segnigudeta

  Poster Gfx :- 💻 Sagni Mosisa
     ◉  Join Sagni Graphics

         Sanyii Guddataa

Omishaafi Tajaajila keessan
Miliyoonatti beeksifadhaa!

Chaanaalii Telegiramii @segnigudeta
Keessan na argachuuf @WABIISG
Fuula Barruu/Feesbuukii koo

03 Dec, 14:48