Не стало Володи Лёвкина.
Мои самые искренние соболезнования семье, близким и поклонникам Володи.
Для меня он навсегда останется жизнерадостным, целеустремлённым, творческим человеком, любившим жизнь.
Are you interested in politics and current affairs? Look no further than the vova_politov Telegram channel! With a focus on analysis, commentary, and updates on political events from around the world, vova_politov is your go-to source for staying informed and engaged. Whether you're a seasoned political enthusiast or just starting to dip your toes into the world of politics, this channel has something for everyone. Join the conversation, share your thoughts, and expand your knowledge with vova_politov. Stay ahead of the curve and join us today!
17 Nov, 09:58
17 May, 08:27
27 Apr, 09:23
21 Apr, 08:47