Welcome to our Telegram channel, 📗مكتبة صوتية 🎧, also known as @voice_1995! This channel is dedicated to providing a collection of beautiful nasheeds in Arabic. If you are a fan of artists like عبدالسلام, خلیفة مجید, شریف جاسم, حسن عبدالکریم, محمد احمد, and many more, then this is the perfect channel for you. Our library includes a wide range of nasheeds that will uplift your spirit and bring peace to your heart. Whether you are looking for traditional nasheeds or modern compositions, you will find it all here. Join us today and immerse yourself in the soothing melodies of these talented artists. Stay tuned for regular updates and new additions to our collection. Let the power of music and faith guide you on this beautiful journey of spiritual enlightenment. Subscribe to our channel now and start enjoying the soulful sounds of 📗مكتبة صوتية 🎧! #عبدالسلام #خلیفة_مجید #شریف_جاسم #حسن_عبدالکریم #محمد_احمد #هشام #هيثم #ملا_مصطفی #ملا_بكر #جبار #فارس #فاضل_كامل #احمد_جاسم #وليد #عبدالباسط #عبدالسلام_المحمدي