Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu @vikaskanukollu Channel on Telegram

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu


VK IAS's blogs written by vikas sir.

Contact : @VK_IAS for Upsc Mentorship services

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu (English)

Are you preparing for the UPSC exams and looking for valuable mentorship services? Look no further than the Telegram channel Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu, managed by @vikaskanukollu. This channel is dedicated to sharing insightful blogs written by Vikas Sir, who is an experienced mentor in the field of UPSC exam preparation. Vikas Sir's blogs cover a wide range of topics related to the UPSC syllabus, providing clear explanations in a language that is easy to understand. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced UPSC aspirant, you will find valuable information and guidance on this channel. For those interested in mentorship services, you can contact @VK_IAS directly for personalized support and guidance. Join Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu today and take your UPSC exam preparation to the next level!

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

10 Feb, 15:15

What next for VK IAS? - crisis as an opportunity and the journey behind VK IAS.

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

09 Feb, 09:54

Please join this official channel of VK IAS


Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

08 Feb, 13:42

Please join whatsapp channels for official communications regarding future plan of action : issue is being handled as of now


Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

07 Dec, 13:05


A lot of research went into understanding the actual problem for prelims - Irrespective of where and how you are preparing for this exam- this is relevant for all UPSC Aspirants. Please do watch this- without fail and also without getting distracted. I request you not to  watch it casually - Take time to let it sink and contemplate so that you can understand your problems before taking a decision .

- Yours VK.

Registration link for prelims mentorship program -

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

29 May, 14:30

Here is the mandatory audit of work done @hinduhighlights for prelims 2023. Marked the relevant info within the pdf itself.

Disclaimer: this is not a claim of questions - consider this as an accountability statement. Though
@hinduhighlights transformed into VK IAS - the work shall continue with new learnings ,insights and shall continue to remain free . VK IAS is a platform meant for targetted mentorship which takes time and resources beyond what i can do here for free. There can be errors in this key despite due diligence and proofs. Pls share them with me if any. Good luck.

To all those people who messaged me for Mentorship program for 2023 mains as well as 2024

The program details for 2023 mains will be launched first and i can accomodate limited people only who can undergo the rigorous program for next 3-4 months.

The mentorship program of 2024 will be announced( again for a limited number) by June 12th with updated learnings - stay tuned

Yours VK
Founder VK IAS (

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

21 May, 08:38

This single document can help you in greatly reducing your CSAT fear 🙂

Good luck!
Vikas Kanukollu (VK ) - Founder VK IAS
Telegram :

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

02 May, 12:40

🔶3.5 years ago, i started something with a motto- Dream big, start small- ACT NOW! Little did i realise that consistency can bring me close to so many people .. and touch so many lives..... 4 years... here is something that that i am unveiling to the world——



Need your support for this new beginning....

Welcome to the world of Vikas Kanukollu (VK) 🙂


Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

02 Dec, 11:23


Request you to take time to answer this - Your patience can save efforts and time instead of the guess work.

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

21 Sep, 16:22

🔰Part 2 of the FAQ-8- Part 1 answer : Click here

🅾️As an experiment : I tried to capture the entire EPFO exam lecture series on youtube under 3 hrs- the objective?- staying relevant to the context of the exam and respect a student's time. Students who followed it, would surely not regret it.

🅾️So why do i edit my posts?- Multiple reasons- those who follow the channel from initial days know that the presentation style evolved over a period. Sometimes there are typing/ editing mistakes, sometimes the links malfunction, sometimes image quality goes for a toss, sometime space is insufficient to write with the image- so I edit the previous post if there is space below the image and all of it takes time and effort Sometimes I become restless too- I am human , but I make sure I don't leave half baked news intentionally🙂

🅾️Lastly, this work is something that I passionately indulge in- there can be mistakes but not manipulations. This platform is definitely free, but surely not valueless🙂

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

21 Sep, 16:21

🎖FAQ 8 : Why do I edit my posts?

🅾️Appreciate someone visiting the channel for raising this concern and since this doubt might bother someone else too, I thought clarifying it here is a good way to clear this once for all.

🅾️Firstly, did I feel offended?- No, I felt surprised. Because I did not look at it that way. To the Uninitiated, this is regarding the mains analysis of 2020-
Click here- As on date, this is almost 9 months old and was posted barely 1 hr after the paper- for paper 2 and 3, since i was preoccupied in other things, i posted it later that day- Honestly, i had neither the interest nor the intent to be the first to claim something. More than anything, the reason for posting the analysis was to stay accountable and make necessary course corrections.

🅾️Secondly, I strive to do relevant work and make necessary corrections when I make mistakes- we all make mistakes- I personally choose to learn from them.

To be continued....:

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

23 Jul, 15:50


As Requested by a few aspirants- Will be uploading short 1 min snippets of Important information for prelims 2021


Just like how it went with this channel- the quality will hopefully get better. For now just to ensure your time is bot wasted they will continue to remain under one minute

Hope it helps.
Do subscribe🙂🙂

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

18 Jan, 07:10

🎖FAQ 7 : Why do I do ads and promote other platforms?

🔴It partly helps to fund my activities that i want to continue with the NGO- Akshayapatra foundation and other such organizations . It was , is and will be a personal interest and I prefer to keep it that way . Also this acts as an incentive whenever I feel I am being complacent( Which was very rare in the part 18 months).

- Because I believe in accountability- I do not want to be pretentious. I am a human- I make mistakes and making a public announcement will help me stay accountable.

People have used my name to sell some PDFs in the past- While its flattering, it is also a matter of concern- I AM NOT SELLING ANY PDFs. I am not responsible for any frauds that happen. Thank you🙂

EDIT : Since may 2023 I stopped endorsing other brands - We have VK IAS- ours and your own platform!🙂

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

18 Jan, 07:00

🎖FAQ 6 : Can I Just follow thiVK IAS's channel and not do anything else for CA?

I don't want to make promises but I believe it is not the content but the
🔴1) Ability to assimilate and organize your understanding
🔴2) Reflecting that understanding on the exam paper

These two aspects make the difference- This channel(
VK IAS's Newspaper analysis) may help you only if you work on it daily- with a sense of discipline and supplement it with other materials of your choice- The entire content that is posted here is typed down everyday by myself- and i have been doing this for the past 4 years every day.

🎖 So was my work relevant for this year's exam?- You can check it yourself here through mains exam analysis of GSpapers-
click here and here

So read newspaper posts everyday because reading newspaper is like working out in a gym- it trains your mind- each topic needs different approach and hence i recommend reading it daily. use ANY MAGAZINE as a base and add newspaper content as value addition ( any magazine that is comfortable to you is fine- It really doesnt matter in the long run! )

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

15 Jan, 05:57

GS3- Infra- Civil aviation- Was the Kerala government cheated in the Trivandrum airport issue?

🔴Read this blog post on Explained -Aasan Bhasha for the answer

Pls Follow the space for more updates

Join :

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

13 Jan, 11:02

FAQ 5 : How to use the channel? - First read this -> Now read - this example-

Also read this-

https://t.me/UPSC_PDF_notes In this channel all the date wise editorials will be posted starting from 13.06.2020- Click here for the beginning of compilation

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

12 Jan, 13:16


Join :@vikaskanukollu

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

11 Jan, 18:54

FAQ 4 : The open ended rhertorical question- How to study ? - my simple answer- Start now, test yourself, keep trying again.

Join :

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

10 Jan, 16:43

FAQ 3: https://qr.ae/pNxZ1D

Join @vikaskanukollu

Explained- Aasan Bhasha- Vikas Kanukollu

10 Jan, 16:39

FAQ 2 : https://qr.ae/pNxZ7A

Join @vikaskanukollu