UY MAKON | Har kuni yangi uylar @uymakon_ipoteka Channel on Telegram

UY MAKON | Har kuni yangi uylar


❗️Pasport evasizga: ish joyi va oylik shart emas.

🏦 Bank orqali 7-20 yilga IPOTEKA KREDITI.

🏡 Ipoteka krediti evaziga uy sotib olish mumkin.

🤝 Uy sotishda yordam beramiz.

☎️ Uymakon bilan bog'lanish:

UY MAKON | Ipoteka xizmatlari markazi (Uzbek)

Uy Makon is your go-to center for mortgage services in Uzbekistan. The Telegram channel, @uymakon_ipoteka, provides valuable information and assistance regarding mortgage loans that can be obtained through banks for a period of 15 to 20 years without the need for a down payment (passport is not a requirement). You can purchase houses that are available for mortgage credit. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out through the provided link: Uy Makon is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their dream of owning a home through easy and accessible mortgage services. Whether you are looking to buy your first home or invest in real estate, Uy Makon will guide you through the process and provide personalized support to ensure a smooth experience. Join the Uy Makon Telegram channel today and take the first step towards securing your future home!

UY MAKON | Har kuni yangi uylar

16 Nov, 11:34


•12 kv Farxod bozor roparasida yo’lini yuzi
•5 etajni 4 etaj
•Площадь 68kv
•Narxi 68.000$
+998979919191 Ширин

UY MAKON | Har kuni yangi uylar

15 Nov, 11:45


ПРОДAЖA - Квартира

• Локация: Чилонзор15
• Комнаты: 2/3
• Этаж: 3
• Этажность: 4
• Площадь: 52 кв
СКИДКАДА : 61.000$

+998971119191 Комола

UY MAKON | Har kuni yangi uylar

14 Nov, 13:02

Uchtepa Algoritm 31
100 kv
90 000$