UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB" @upsccurrentt Channel on Telegram

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"


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UPSC Current Centre 'Newspaper Editorial and PIB' (English)

Are you preparing for the UPSC exams and looking for a reliable source of current affairs and editorial articles? Look no further! Join our Telegram channel 'UPSC Current Centre - Newspaper Editorial and PIB' for all the latest updates and insightful content to help you ace your exams. Our channel provides highlighted newspaper articles, down-to-earth editorial pieces, PIB updates, UPSC current affairs, UPSC topper's copies, and PRS articles. We are committed to keeping you informed and prepared for your UPSC journey. Rest assured, we do not engage in any copyright infringement, and our content is sourced ethically to provide you with accurate and relevant information. If you have any queries or complaints, feel free to reach out to us at @A_goodlistener. Join us today and stay ahead in your UPSC exam preparation with 'UPSC Current Centre - Newspaper Editorial and PIB' channel on Telegram!

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

02 Feb, 06:32

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

01 Feb, 07:47

Budget Highlights.pdf

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

30 Jan, 07:25

Maternity Benefit Act
• The Maternity Benefit Act of 1961
• The act provides comprehensive maternity benefits, including medical bonuses, paid leave and nursing breaks.
Applicability: It applies to various establishments, including factories, mines, plantations, and shops or establishments where ten or more persons are employed.
◦ In 1973, it was extended to “any such establishment belonging to the Government” and “every establishment where persons are employed for the exhibition of equestrian, acrobatic and other performances.
Eligibility: To avail of maternity benefits, a woman had to work in the establishment for at least 160 days in the 12 months preceding her expected delivery date.
Prohibition of employment: No employer could knowingly employ a woman during the 6 weeks immediately following her delivery or miscarriage.
• Violating provisions of the act could result in 3 months’ punishment, with or without a fine.

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

30 Jan, 07:13

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

29 Jan, 10:52

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

23 Jan, 08:32

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

21 Jan, 19:11

India's Renewable Energy Capacity Hits 200 GW Milestone
Renewable energy now constitutes 46.3% of total capacity

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

21 Jan, 17:55

‼️ Power Sources Mix - Generation (as on 3lst March 2024)
‼️ Power Sources Mix - Installed Capacity (as on 31st March 2024)

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

21 Jan, 17:39

🔷 Coal Gasification

Interim-Budget-2024: Target 100 Metric Tonne of Coal gasification and liquefaction capacity by 2030. This will also help in reducing imports of natural gas, methanol, and ammonia.
Credit-Purvanchal ias

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

19 Jan, 11:50
#DefenceReforms #Defence #cds #AIindefence #Drone

1. Restablishing Deterrence
2. Invest in stealth enabled Air power
3. Atmanirbharta in Defence
4.Jointmanship in defence: Empower CDS

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

16 Jan, 13:27

Liftoff Naarmal …🥂

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

15 Jan, 14:39

Press Release: Press Information Bureau

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

15 Jan, 14:38

🔲 SRS_Bulletin_2020_Vol_55_No_1.pdf About SRS
🔳The Sample Registration System (SRS) provides reliable annual estimates of Infant mortality rate, birth rate, death rate and other fertility &
mortality indicators at the national and subnational levels. It is a large-scale demographic survey conducted every year by Office of the Registrar General, India in all States/Union Territories.
This Bulletin presents the estimates of Birth Rate, Death Rate, Natural Growth Rate and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) for the year 2020 for India
and its States/Union Territories.
🔆The ‘Bigger States/Union Territories’ in this Bulletin are those having population more than 10 million as per Census 2011.
🔆In 2020, the birth rate for the country has been estimated at 19.5, whereas the death rate has been estimated at 6.0.
🔆The estimate of Infant Mortality Rate for the year 2020 is 28 infant deaths per thousand live births.

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

15 Jan, 08:56

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

15 Jan, 05:38

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

14 Jan, 16:48


UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

14 Jan, 14:06

🔶Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices _Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India.

🔰 As of now, CACP recommends MSPs of 23 commodities, which comprise
🏵️ 7 cereals (paddy, wheat, maize, sorghum, pearl millet, barley and ragi),
🏵️5 pulses (gram, tur, moong, urad, lentil),
🏵️ 7 oilseeds (groundnut, rapeseed-mustard, soyabean, seasmum, sunflower, safflower, nigerseed), and
🏵️ 4 commercial crops (copra, sugarcane, cotton and raw jute).
🔰 The Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP) is an attached office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.
🔰It came into existence in January 1965.
Currently, the Commission comprises a Chairman, Member Secretary, one Member (Official) and two Members (Non-Official). The non-official members are representatives of the farming community and usually have an active association with the farming community.

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

13 Jan, 13:39

Here is the link to all IE Explained (monthly) compilations:


These compilations have been prepared by @Choi_w00ng. A big thank you from all of us. Great work bhai!!

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

10 Jan, 05:10

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

09 Jan, 14:09

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

09 Jan, 13:42

Term of the Day:

Front Running:
Front running is an unethical trading practice where a broker or trader uses advance knowledge of pending large orders of clients to trade ahead of them for personal profit. They execute personal trades before processing clients’ orders, taking advantage of expected price movements.

For example, Lets say a broker gets an order from a major client to buy 500,000 shares of XYZ Co. Such a huge purchase is bound to drive up the price of the stock immediately, at least in the short term. The broker sets aside the request for a minute and first buys some XYZ stock for his/her own personal portfolio. Then the client's order is executed. The broker immediately sells the XYZ shares and pockets a profit.

Front-running is commonly confused with insider trading, but they are distinct. Insider trading refers to a company insider who trades on advanced knowledge of corporate activities—for example, using their insider knowledge to buy or sell shares ahead of a major announcement.

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

08 Jan, 19:57


UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

07 Jan, 14:42

🔳Amendments which requires simple majority.

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

07 Jan, 12:47

Banihal Pass

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

05 Jan, 15:29

Year End Review - Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Initiatives & Achievements-2024

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

03 Jan, 17:27

Similarities & Differences

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

03 Jan, 17:20

🔳 Impact of Coalition government on the authority and power of Prime Minister .

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

02 Jan, 09:55

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

01 Jan, 14:23

Defence @ 2024

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

01 Jan, 13:45

SCIENCE updates @ 2024
Thread 1



Computer @ 2024

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

01 Jan, 13:44

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

01 Jan, 13:40

🏵️ Willow is a small chip for Google but a quantum leap for computing Google Quantum AI’s Willow chip.
#Science &. Technology

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

01 Jan, 13:38

🔳 The Amazon is twice the size of India and sprawls across eight countries and one territory, storing vast amounts of carbon dioxide that would otherwise warm the planet.
🔳 It has about 20% of the world’s
freshwater and astounding biodiversity, including 16,000 known tree species.

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

01 Jan, 13:33

🏵️ Tiger leaves Kolkata zoo for Similipal reserve in Odisha

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

01 Jan, 13:29

🔶 10 payloads of ISRO’s POEM-4 module deployed successfully

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

01 Jan, 13:24

🔳 India must protect and preserve its hard-won freedoms
By Late PM Manmohan Singh

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

01 Jan, 13:20

🔳 The nature of dissent in the Indian judiciary

Example where Indian judges showed dissent to political and Social Pressure -
Political Dissent ADM Jabalpur 1976- on question if suspension of Article 21 under National Emergency @ Article 359 Justice HR Khanna.
PV Narshimha Rao 1998 - Immunity under Parliament Privileged Justice SC Agrwal and AS Anand .later upholded in Sita Soren 2023 case
Social Dissent
Shayra Bano Case - Dessent of JS khehar and Abdul Nazir

Ashiat Shifa 2022 case on Hijab - Dissent on different understanding of Secularism.
Intellectual Dissent
Lalta Prasad Vaish 2024 case
(Taxation on Alcohol by States)

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

01 Jan, 12:45

🏵️ COP29, climate nance and its optical illusion.
🔲 Article 4(7) - Foundation of CBDR
🔲 Article 9(1) -Binding developed countries to mobilise climate finance for developing countries
🔲 Sixth Assesment Report of IPCC - Finance, Capacity buliding and ToT are critical enablers of climate action in Developing countries.

‼️100 Billion - target 2009 (only met in 2022)
29th COP 2024- 300 Billion till 2035

🔰 29th COPs NCQG (300) Billion ignore recommended 455-584 Billion ( only for NDCs of Developing countries) fund by UNFCCs Standing Finance Commission.
🛑 Paris agreement provided NDCs . But if we expect to get more ambitious NDCs (which is urgent) from south it will need more climate finance from developed countries for being realised.

Terms associated with Climate finance:
☀️NCQG - New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance
☀️SFC - Standing Committee on Finance
☀️NDCs - Nationally determined contributions
☀️SIDS- Small Island Developing States
☀️GST - Global Stocktake
#ClimateFinance #UNFCCC #

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

31 Dec, 11:07

🔰Local Winds in Mediterranean region.
Consistently asked in Exams

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

31 Dec, 07:56


UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

31 Dec, 07:53

Red Sea - An example of Axial Trough

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

30 Dec, 05:51

Grandmaster Koneru Humpy is the Women's World Rapid Champion 2024 Chess Scoring 8.5 points!

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

24 Dec, 07:48

B) Shifting cultivation
C) Industrial activities
D) Mining operations
B) Shifting cultivation


Q17. Which Union Territory has the highest percentage of forest cover relative to its geographical area?
A) Andaman & Nicobar Islands
B) Lakshadweep
C) Chandigarh
D) Puducherry
B) Lakshadweep

Q18. How many states/UTs in India have forest cover exceeding 33% of their geographical area, as per ISFR 2023?
A) 15
B) 19
C) 21
D) 25
B) 19

🔰 Advanced Insights

Q19. What is the total carbon stock in India’s forests as per ISFR 2023?
A) 7,100 million tonnes
B) 7,285.5 million tonnes
C) 7,500 million tonnes
D) 7,300 million tonnes
B) 7,285.5 million tonnes
Q20. Which one among these States has shown the largest increase in tree cover as per ISFR 2023?
A) Uttar Pradesh
B) Rajasthan
C) Odisha
D) Tamil Nadu
A) Uttar Pradesh

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

24 Dec, 07:48

🔰 Basic Definitions

Q1. How does the Forest Survey of India (FSI) define "forest cover"?
A) All lands with tree canopy density of more than 10% irrespective of land use
B) All government-protected lands covered with trees
C) Only reserved and protected forests with trees
D) Tree-covered areas in urban zones and agricultural lands
A) All lands with tree canopy density of more than 10% irrespective of land use

Q2. Which of the following is NOT a classification of forests in India based on the ISFR 2023?
A) Very dense forest
B) Moderately dense forest
C) Protected forest
D) Open forest
C) Protected forest

Q3. What is the canopy density threshold for areas classified as "very dense forest" in the ISFR?
A) 10-40%
B) 40-70%
C) 70% and above
D) Below 10%
C) 70% and above

🔰 Forest and Tree Cover

Q4. According to ISFR 2023, what is the total forest and tree cover of India as a percentage of the geographical area?
A) 24.16%
B) 21.76%
C) 25.17%
D) 33%
C) 25.17%

Q5. What is the total forest cover in India according to ISFR 2023?
A) 6,50,000 sq km
B) 7,15,343 sq km
C) 8,27,357 sq km
D) 7,00,000 sq km
B) 7,15,343 sq km

Q6. How much of India’s geographical area is classified as "tree cover" as per ISFR 2023?
A) 1,00,000 sq km
B) 1,12,014 sq km
C) 1,20,500 sq km
D) 1,05,000 sq km
B) 1,12,014 sq km

🔰Forest Types

Q7. According to Champion and Seth's classification system, which forest type is the most dominant in India?
A) Tropical wet evergreen forests
B) Tropical dry deciduous forests
C) Subtropical pine forests
D) Montane wet temperate forests
B) Tropical dry deciduous forests


Q8. Which of the following regions has the highest forest cover in terms of percentage of geographical area?
A) Western Ghats
B) Eastern Himalayas
C) North-Eastern Region
D) Central India
C) North-Eastern Region

🔰 Key Findings from ISFR 2023
Q9. Which state has the largest total forest cover in India, as per ISFR 2023?

A) Arunachal Pradesh
B) Madhya Pradesh
C) Chhattisgarh
D) Maharashtra
B) Madhya Pradesh


Q10. What is the estimated total mangrove cover of India according to ISFR 2023?
A) 4,992 sq km
B) 5,100 sq km
C) 4,500 sq km
D) 6,000 sq km
A) 4,992 sq km


Q11. Which state recorded the highest increase in forest cover as per ISFR 2023?
A) Mizoram
B) Odisha
C) Gujarat
D) Chhattisgarh
A) Mizoram


Q12. How much additional carbon stock was recorded in India’s forests in ISFR 2023 compared to the previous report?
A) 70.5 million tonnes
B) 81.5 million tonnes
C) 85 million tonnes
D) 90 million tonnes
B) 81.5 million tonnes


🔰Forest Resources

Q13. What is the estimated total bamboo-bearing area in India as per ISFR 2023?
A) 1,50,000 sq km
B) 1,54,670 sq km
C) 1,60,000 sq km
D) 1,45,000 sq km
B) 1,54,670 sq km


Q14. How much timber production potential is estimated annually from trees outside forests (TOF) as per ISFR 2023?
A) 80 million cubic meters
B) 91.51 million cubic meters
C) 95 million cubic meters
D) 100 million cubic meters
B) 91.51 million cubic meters


Forest Fire and Technology

Q15. What innovative tool does the Forest Survey of India use to monitor forest fires?
A) Artificial Intelligence
B) Satellite-based real-time alerts
C) Ground patrols and drones
D) Weather sensors
B) Satellite-based real-time alerts

Q16. What is the major reason for forest loss in the North-East region, as identified in ISFR 2023?
A) Urbanization

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

24 Dec, 07:36

Which organization publishes the India State of Forest Report (ISFR)?

A. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
B. Forest Survey of India
C. Central Pollution Control Board
D. Wildlife Institute of India
Answer: B. Forest Survey of India

India State of Forest Report (ISFR) is published every:

A. Year
B. Two years
C. Five years
D. Ten years
Answer: B. Two years

According to the ISFR, which category of forest cover has the maximum area in India?

A. Very dense forest
B. Moderately dense forest
C. Open forest
D. Scrubland
Answer: B. Moderately dense forest

Which of the following regions has the highest forest cover as a percentage of its geographical area?

A. North-Eastern Region
B. Western Ghats
C. Eastern Ghats
D. Western Himalayas
Answer: A. North-Eastern Region

Which category of forest is defined by a canopy density of 70% and above?

A. Open forest
B. Moderately dense forest
C. Very dense forest
D. Mangrove forest
Answer: C. Very dense forest

The mangrove cover in India, as per the ISFR, is highest in which state?

A. West Bengal
B. Odisha
C. Gujarat
D. Andhra Pradesh
Answer: A. West Bengal

What percentage of India’s total geographical area is covered by forests and trees according to ISFR 2023?

A) 21.76%
B) 25.17%
C) 18.32%
D) 30.11%
Answer: B) 25.17%

Which of the following states recorded the highest increase in forest and tree cover in ISFR 2023?

A) Mizoram
B) Uttar Pradesh
C) Chhattisgarh
D) Rajasthan
Answer: C) Chhattisgarh

Which Union Territory has the highest forest cover percentage relative to its geographical area?

A) Lakshadweep
B) Andaman & Nicobar Islands
C) Puducherry
D) Chandigarh
Answer: A) Lakshadweep

By how much has India’s forest and tree cover increased compared to the 2021 assessment?

A) 1,289 sq km
B) 2,500 sq km
C) 1,445 sq km
D) 1,600 sq km
Answer: C) 1,445 sq km

What is the current carbon stock in India’s forests as per the ISFR 2023?

A) 6,300 million tonnes
B) 7,285.5 million tonnes
C) 8,200 million tonnes
D) 7,100 million tonnes
Answer: B) 7,285.5 million tonnes

How many states and union territories in India have forest cover exceeding 75% of their geographical area?

A) 5
B) 8
C) 10
D) 12
Answer: B) 8

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

24 Dec, 07:20

Will be posting some MCQs on “INDIA STATE OF FOREST REPORT 2023” - do attempt the post reading about them.

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

23 Dec, 11:03

Some tips for prelims.

- Attack the PYQs from 1995-2024. Solve them aggressively atleast 6-7 times before prelims 2025. The more the better. Shape your understanding of how to approach a question from them, not test series designed question.

- strengthen the 4 core pillars of prelims : Polity, Eco, Geog & Env, Modern History. Achieve excellence in these 4, yaha tukke (guess work) nahi krna hai

-Start Current Affairs from your selection of market resource like PT365 etc only from February. DONT LOSE SLEEP OVER CURRENT AFFAIRS. Keep reading newspaper however.

- Topics other than 4 core topics : peripheral knowledge and lateral knowledge will be important here. Ready your favourite source on these and don't lose sleep for them. Ex. ART AND CULTURE.

P.s. Will add any other suggestion as it comes to my mind in this message itself.

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

23 Dec, 11:03

Hello fellow aspirants.

Most of you will start Prelims 2025 preparations as the year 2024 comes to an end.

A small suggestion from my side would be to be mindful about the part that Mains 2025 is in August 2025 and not September 2025 this year. Which means that time between prelims and mains is almost 20 days less that usual.

So please make sure to keep your mains side of preparation in active mode atleast till Feb-end or March-mid so that you're ready to activate the mains side of things on May 26 without wasting time.

Conclusion: Don't let prelims fear hijack your mains prep. It's marks in mains that'll give you a rank. Whereas giving two more dedicated months (jan-feb) to prelims prep might not make any substantial addition.

P.s. do dedicated prelims 2025 prep from March 20, 2025.

Best wishes.
God speed.

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

21 Dec, 16:28

🌳India State of Forest Report 2023🌳

🔹The Forest and Tree cover of the country is 8,27,357 sq km which is 25.17 per cent of the geographical area of the country, consisting of 7,15,343 sq km (21.76%) as forest cover and 1,12,014 sq km (3.41%) as tree cover

India's Progress on NDC Carbon Sequestration Target

🔹India has reached 2.29 billion tonnes of additional carbon sink as against the target of 2.5 to 3.0 billion tonnes by 2030 compared to the base year of 2005

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

17 Dec, 13:51

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

16 Dec, 19:32

Under the Paris Agreement, India submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to UNFCCC outlining eight targets for the period 2021-2030.
At UNFCCC COP 26, Hon’ble PM announced five Panchamrit targets including -
(i) India will reach its non-fossil energy capacity to 500 GW by 2030,
(ii) India will meet 50 percent of its energy requirements from renewable energy by 2030,
(iii) India will reduce the total projected carbon emissions by one billion tonnes from now onwards till 2030,
(iv) By 2030, India will reduce the carbon intensity of its economy by less than 45 percent, and
(v) by the year 2070, India will achieve the target of Net Zero.

Also introduced LIFE - Lifestyle for Environment @ #COP26 #Glassgow

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

16 Dec, 17:13

Ladakh's existing( Leh & Kargil) and
5 New districts : Zanskar, Drass, Sham, Nubra & Changthang
Total 7

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

15 Dec, 12:20

Production of important crops in three largest producing states in 2023-24
#Top3 #CropProduction

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

13 Dec, 12:27

70th BPSC Prelims today.
‼️‼️ Can't verify the video but seems terrible

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

12 Dec, 15:05

It was only 0.27 Percentage Chance Given By GM Sir Viswanathan Anand and 99.73 To Get Draw Actually!

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

12 Dec, 15:01


UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

11 Dec, 13:55
UPPSC Admit Card

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

11 Dec, 11:43

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

09 Dec, 13:34

UPSC CSE Mains- 2024 result out

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

09 Dec, 13:31

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

08 Dec, 13:42

Types of Majorities in Indian Constitution

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

07 Dec, 15:50

Source: Business Standard

Earlier NSO used to release unemployment related data on a quarterly basis for urban area and on annual basis for rural area. BUT NOW from March 2025 onwards the rural and urban unemployment related data will be released on monthly basis.

NSO captures data either based on Current Weekly Status (last 7 days) or Usual Status (last 365 days). The monthly data will be released based on Current Weekly Status.

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

07 Dec, 15:38

#International groupings

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

07 Dec, 13:25

🔰The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has recognized the Fintech Association of Consumer Empowerment (FACE) as a Self Regulatory Organisation (SRO) for the Fintech industry. The RBI made this decision after examining applications for SRO-FT recognition.
FACE is one of several associations that attended a meeting with the Union Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, along with other stakeholders in the start-up and fintech ecosystem. Other associations in attendance included the Digital Lenders' Association of India (DLAI), Payment Council of India (PCI), and Fintech Convergence Council (FCC).

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

07 Dec, 12:17

State wise #BirthRate, #DeathRate & #InfantMortalityRate

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

07 Dec, 12:02

🔰Vision@47 and $30 Trillion Economy Targets
☀️ Manufacturing is projected to play an even more significant role, with a target of contributing 25 per cent to GDP

#Vision@47 #ViksitBharat

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

07 Dec, 11:50


UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

07 Dec, 11:43

India's Advancing Role in Global Trade Competitiveness

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

07 Dec, 08:38

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

06 Dec, 11:26

The 2024 North Indian Ocean cyclone season
Cyclone Fengal
The name ‘Fengal’ was proposed by Saudi Arabia and is a word rooted in Arabic. It represents a blend of linguistic tradition and cultural identity, reflecting the regional diversity within the WMO/UNESCAP naming panel. Names like Fengal are chosen to be short, distinctive, and non-offensive in multiple languages, ensuring they resonate universally across affected areas.

Cyclone Dana
Cyclone Dana made landfall along Odisha coast in October 2024. Dana’s name was suggested by Qatar, which means generosity.

Cyclone Remal
The severe cyclonic storm Remal made landfall between Sagar Island in West Bengal and Khepupara in Bangladesh in May 2024. The name Remal, meaning ‘sand’ in Arabic, was chosen by Oman.

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

06 Dec, 09:21

That’s all for today in the Hindu

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

23 Nov, 15:44

That's all for today in the Indian Express. Thank you 🙏

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

23 Nov, 15:21

Chhattisgarh's new tiger reserve, at heart of animal's contiguous home

🏵Guru Ghasidas-Tamor Pingla is the fourth tiger reserve in Chhattisgarh after Achanakmar, Indravati, and Udanti Sitanadi, With an area of 2,829 sq km, it is the third largest tiger reserve in India.

🏵The reserve is spread across four districts in northern Chhattisgarh's Sarguja region: Manendragarh-Chirmiri-Bharatpur (MCB), Korea, Surajpur, and Balrampur.
🏵It falls between two other tiger re- serves: Bandhavgarh in Madhya Pradesh and Palamau in Jharkhand. The Sanjay Dubri Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh is nearby as well
🏵Apart from tigers, the reserve comprises a wide range of wildlife species such as elephants, sloth bears, vultures, peacocks, wolves, leopards, otters, chitals, jackals, nilgai, bison, hyenas, langurs, cobras etc.

🏵The reserve is also rich in flora, with sal, saja, dhavda, and kusum providing the bulk of the tree cover

#TigerReserve #GuruGhasidasTamorPinglaTR #NTCA #ProjectTiger1973

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

23 Nov, 15:21

Argentina considers Paris treaty pullout: What does that mean?

#ParisAgreement #COP21 #UNFCCC

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

23 Nov, 15:21

China-India state of play

Both countries are moving to repair ties. For Beijing, Modi-Xi meeting last month signalled a 'restart' of the relationship damaged by the border standoff. India is more cautious-de-escalation will be a key next step

#China_India #IR

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

23 Nov, 15:21


UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

23 Nov, 15:21


Investment in research, development of new drugs will help us respond better to AMR
🏵 Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) happens when microbes stop responding to the drugs used against them. The drug-resistant infections are almost impossible to treat and claim many more lives.

🛑 Challenges:
🏵 Lack of quality data due to absent surveillance systems across the globe, especially in low-and middle-income countries where the burden is the highest

🛑Way forward:
🏵As we draft the second NAP on AMR, we should commit to im- proved governance and accountability at the highest level to achieve the national targets.
🏵Improving vaccine uptake, and strengthening diagnostic and antimicrobial stewardship are effective in the containment of AMR by reducing transmission.
🏵Investments in healthcare systems will therefore be crucial in our fight against AMR
🏵Investments to translate research into the development of new drugs, diagnostics and vaccines will enable us to respond better to crises


UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

23 Nov, 15:20


PM Modi struck the right chords during his visit to Guyana. Government needs to follow up

#India_Guyana #WestIndies #IR

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

23 Nov, 15:20


Government and RBI disagree on the way forward on interest rates. Neither side is wrong

#Reporate #RBIMPC

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

23 Nov, 15:20


SC: Can't say all Parliament did in Emergency period is nullity

Reserves order on petitions challenging inclusion of 'socialist, secular' in Preamble

#Preamble #42CAA1976

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

22 Nov, 17:21

That's all for today in the Indian Express. Thank you 🙏

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

22 Nov, 17:06

Govt directs EPFO to ensure employees' UAN is active for ELI


UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

22 Nov, 17:06

Why US court filings, SEC disclosures are far more serious than the Hindenburg allegations

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

22 Nov, 17:06

What is Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty, launched at Brazil G20?
#SDG1 #SDG2 #G20

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

22 Nov, 17:06

To plug gaps in farm fires 'undercount', govt agencies fine-tuning 'burnt area' mapping

#Pollution #StubbleBurning

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

22 Nov, 17:06

Dis/Agree Column

The air Indians breathe becomes more toxic every winter. Is the main culprit public apathy or government inaction?

Argument In Against : First, the people must care
Indians seem to believe that public health is a personal matter, unrelated to political agendas, policies or commitments

In Favour : State must ensure 'ease of breathing'

The government has the data and a roadmap for clean air. The problem is a lack of political will


UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

22 Nov, 17:05


Capital's air pollution is taking a toll on children and women in ways that go beyond its dreadful health costs


UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

22 Nov, 17:05


Indictment of Gautam Adani and others by US prosecutors calls for a transparent probe. Seeing a foreign hand isn't the answer

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

22 Nov, 17:05

Leaner, faster, fairer

Inducting experienced outsiders could be a step towards a more responsive justice system

#judiciary #Subordinatecourts #HC

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

14 Nov, 07:42

That's all for today in the Indian Express.Thank you🙏

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

14 Nov, 06:42

Trump's imminent trade war, and what India must watch for

#Tradewar #US_India

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

14 Nov, 06:40

🏵️ Why maker of 'magic' weight-loss drug semaglutide wants copies banned

#semaglutide #DrugRegulation #weightlossDrug

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

14 Nov, 06:39

SC on 'bulldozer justice'
#BULLDOZERJustice #Article21 #RightToShelter #Article142 #SC

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

14 Nov, 06:18

🏵️ A green transition for India

#GreenEnergy #EnergyTransition #SolarEnergy #Power #DistributedRenewableEnergy #DRE #CommunitySolar #CleanEnergy

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

14 Nov, 06:11

🛑 CoP 29's hasty decision on carbon credits could do more harm than good. Substantive finance issues need addressing
🏵Article 6 of the Paris Agreement facilitates international collaboration to lower carbon emissions. It offers two pathways for countries and companies to trade carbon offsets, supporting the achievement of emission reduction targets set in their climate action plans, or nationally determined contributions (NDCs).

#CoP29 #ParisAgreement #NDCs #nationallydeterminedcontributions #UNFCCC #COP21

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

14 Nov, 06:06

SC has done well to speak against 'bulldozer justice', lay down guidelines.
🏵Article 142 of the Constitution of India gives the SC ,the power to make orders and decrees to ensure complete justice in any case.

#BULLDOZERJustice #Article21 #RightToShelter #Article142 #SC

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

14 Nov, 05:59

🏵️Bitcoin surge since Trump's win may offer some upsides for Indian crypto ecosystem

#Bitcoin #CryptoCurrency

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

14 Nov, 05:56

Domestic Systemically Important Banks: Why are these banks 'too big to fail'?

#DomesticSystemicallyImportantBanks #DSIBs #Bank

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

14 Nov, 05:29

Five-fold increase in ITR filers with income above ₹50L in 10 years'

#incometax #Tax #ITR

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

14 Nov, 05:01


Lancet study: About a quarter of diabetics globally are Indians

#DIABETESDay #Health #Reports

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

13 Nov, 12:27

22 August 2025

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

13 Nov, 09:21

🏵️ Rare manuscripts to 9th CE bronze sculpture, exhibition traces Hindi's expanse

#manuscripts #Hindi #Languages #Sculpture

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

13 Nov, 09:18


#MANIPUR #security

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

13 Nov, 09:16


#Inflation #RepoRate #MPC

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

13 Nov, 09:10

🏵️ A less global world
#Multilateralism #Worldorder #IR #India_US

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

13 Nov, 09:06

🛑 An unrealised gender dividend
🔆 Women today are not held back by social constraints, access to education or mobility, but by lack of employment opportunities.
🔅 Of the four key areas that define women's empowerment -
🛑Personal efficacy.
🛑Power in intra-household negotiations
🛑Societal engagement. and
🛑Access to lncome-generating activities,
we see improvements in the first three domains. In contrast, the fourth - access to employment — has stagnated.

#GenderInequality #Women #employment #womenlabourforce

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

13 Nov, 08:46

Theme - Diaspora's contribution to a viksit Bharat

#PRAVASIBHARATIYADIVAS #viksitBharat #Indiandiaspora

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

13 Nov, 08:46

🏵️PM Modi to embark on 3-nation tour, attend G20 Leaders Summit in Brazil next week

#G20Summit #Brazil

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

11 Nov, 08:46

Private property and the 'common good'

SC answered two key questions regarding status of Article 31C and interpretation of Article 39B, marking a shift in how it views state's acquisition of private property

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

11 Nov, 08:45


UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

11 Nov, 08:45

Elephant deaths in Bandhavgarh: when a fungus attack turns millets into poison

#KODOMILLET #Elephantsdeath

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

10 Nov, 06:20
#Insurgency #Northeast #Security

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

09 Nov, 18:44

🔺In context of Material resources of the community debate and recent SC verdict

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

08 Nov, 07:29

Caught in the farm cross fire

#StubbleBurning #pollution #Smog #PaddyCultivation #AirPollution

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

08 Nov, 06:01

That’s all for today, thank you 🙏

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

08 Nov, 05:44

🏵️Why Uttar Pradesh has introduced new rules for appointing its police chief
#Policereforms #PrakashSinghcase #DGPappointment #UPSCpowers

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

08 Nov, 05:44

🏵️Solar alliance stocktake
🔅The offtake of solar in the Global South has remained poor.
🔅 The global installed capacity of solar power has been increasing at over 20 per cent annually over the last five years. Last year, it grew by more than 30%
🔅 ISA, pointed out, most of these installations are happening in a handful of countries, with China accounting for a lion's share.
🔅Of the 345 GW of solar capacity addition in 2023, more,than 216 GW, or about 62 per cent, happened in China alone. "More than 80 per cent of investments into solar energy are flowing in to developed countries, China, and large developing countries like India,"
🔅 About 43 per cent of global solar PV capacity is installed in China alone.
🔅The top 10 markets account for more than 95 per cent of installed capacity. Less than 2 per cent of new additions are happening in Africa, a region that houses about 80 %:of the nearly 745 million people who still do not have access to electricity.

#InternationalSolarAlliance #ISA #SolarEnergy #Energy

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

08 Nov, 05:43


#ClimateChange #AIRSHIPS

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

08 Nov, 05:43

🏵️AMU verdict in top court today : the case and what's at stake

#AMUcase #minorityInstitutions #Article30 #AMUact2020

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

08 Nov, 05:43

🔆Reasons for advancing CPI, IP release timings, and potential challenges.
🏵️ Consumer Price Indices (CPI) measure changes over time in the general level of prices of goods and services that households purchase for consumption. CPl is widely used as a macroeconomic indicator of inflation and as a tool by governments and central banks for inflation targeting and for monitoring price stability, and as deflators in the national accounts.
🏵️ Inflation is a rate at which the prices for a basket of selected goods and services rise over a period of time and it is calculated by
measuring year-on-year change in CPI, that is, current month CPI over CPI of same month of last year.


UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

08 Nov, 05:43

🏵️India offers Afghan businesses Chabahar
Port for trade, discusses humanitarian aid

#ChabaharPort #BilateralTrade #India_Afghanistan #India_CentralAsia #India_Iran

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

08 Nov, 05:42

🏵️Affecting mental, physical health: Australia to ban social media for children under 16
#BanOnSocialMedia #socialmedia #ImpactOfSocialMediaOnYouth #DrawbacksofSocialMedia

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

08 Nov, 05:42

🏵️Not so eminent domain
🔅Supreme Court has said that not all private property qualifies as 'material resources of the community'.
🔅Its interpretation curtails state power, while enhancing power of judicial review

#PropertyRights #RightToProperty #Article31c #Article39b #PrivateProperty

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 16:43

That's all for today in the Indian Express. Thank you🙏

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 16:28

Officer competency model draws from PM's Mann ki baat speeches
Karmyogi model mapped to government online training portal
#iGOT , #Capacity Building Commission( #CBC ) , Karmchari to #KarmyogiModel

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 16:28

Justice Sanjiv Khanna appointed next CJI, will enter office Nov 11

He was part of some important judgements as - #ElectoralBondScheme SC under Article 142 to directly grant Divorce , Abrogation of #Article370

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 16:27

Cabinet clears 1000-cr fund to support space start-ups over 5 years
#Start_Ups #SpaceSector

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 16:27


SC verdict on industrial alcohol could boost revenues of states, which have been complaining of not getting their fair share

#7thSchedule #Revenue #UnionList #StateList #Alcohol #industries development and regulation act 1961 , #Health #DomesticViolence #Womenissues impact of #LeqourConsumption

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 16:27


The stress on stabilising India-China relations is welcome. Delhi must not underestimate longstanding problems with Beijing

#India_China relations #IR

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 16:27


Benefits of food subsidy far outweigh costs. Its worth was realised during Covid crisis

#FoodSubsidy #FoodSecurity

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 16:27

Not another BRICS in the wall

The group's success has become a magnet for other countries. Expansion might create complications

#Brics #KazanDeclaration

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 16:26


To counter declining fertility rate, Andhra Pradesh CM Chandrababu Naidu has suggested legislation to encourage people to have more children. Is it a viable idea?

Argument in favour: Emphasising family growth can ensure that India retains its demographic advantage for an extended period

Argument in against: Not as easy as asking for more children

If South India wants larger population, it needs to focus on family-friendly policies or encourage migration from more populous states

#Population #MalthusianTheoryOfPopulation #TFR

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 16:26

When Parliament isn't in session

Standing committees are where the action is most of the year. Unfortunately, these panels have been undermined by governments

#DepartmentRelatedStandingCommittees #DRSCs #ParliamentaryCommittees

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 16:26

1.5 degrees Celsius target will be 'gone' in a few years: UN report

Emission Gap Report - by UNEP

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 16:26

Just 150 of them left, glimmer of hope for GREAT INDIAN BUSTARD after first-ever artificial insemination birth

#GreatIndianBustard #GIB #CriticallyEndangered

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 16:26

BRICS block endorses India's stance on EU's carbon tax, pushes for local currency settlements

#BRICSSUMMIT #CBAM #LocalCurrencySettlement #LCS

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 14:10

Overflowing godowns, unhappy Millers: paddy procurement crisis in Punjab

#MSP #supplychainmanagement #foodsecurity #cropdiversification #StubbleBurning

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 14:10

How Panchayat- level weather forecasts will help
🏵Gram Panchayat-Level Weather Forecasting is a joint program of the Panchayati Raj Ministry, India Meteorological Department (IMD), and the Ministry of Earth Sciences
🏵Hourly forecasts will be available on the e-GramSwaraj and Gram Manchitra portals, and the Meri Panchayat app.
☀️ Benifits :Gram Panchayats will receive daily updates on temper- ature, rainfall, wind speed, and cloud cover, empowering them to make critical decisions in agriculture, such as planning sowing, irrigation, and harvesting activities.
☀️will serve as a crucial tool in safeguard- ing agricultural livelihoods and enhancing rural preparedness against natural disasters.
☀️can help even small communities of farmers plan their economic activities with greater confidence.

🔺 Challenges :Greater uncertainty in Accurate forecasting, Sudden, localised events - like a cloudburst are more difficult to predict.

#localisedWeatherforecasting #agriculture #GramPanchayatLevelWeatherForecasting #

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 14:10

🛑 Landfall of a cyclone : The event of the storm system coming ashore after being over Water.
🏵TropicalCyclone🌀:Tropical cyclones are rotating storm systems that typically develop over warm ocean waters between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
🔶EYE -Area of relatively calm winds @ centre of storm (35-65 km)
🔺a tropical cyclone is said to have made landfall when the centre of the storm or its eye -moves over the coastline.
☀️Strongest winds in a T.C. aren't located @ centre.
🛑Extent of damage : Due to extremely strong winds, heavy 🌧️ &storm surges,
🔺extensive damage to kutcha houses, partial disruption of power and communication lines,Rail & road traffic, Threat from flying debris& flooding of escape routes,flooding
🔺Cyclones lose intensity once they move over land becoz the supply of moisture that feeds the storm dries up, and surface friction⬆️
☀️While landfalls are often the most devastating moments of cyclones, they also mark the beginning of their End.
#TropicalCyclone #cyclone 🌀 #DisasterManagement

UPSC Current Centre "Newspaper Editorial and PIB"

25 Oct, 14:10

The India-China agreement

India has announced a pact on patrolling along the LAC, which is expected to set in motion the process ultimately leading to normalisation. However, Indian strategic circles are cautious about the next steps

#India_China relations #IR