guitarist’ @sanestcoholic @towmatoos Channel on Telegram

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic


Guitarist (English)

Are you a music enthusiast looking to discover new sounds and talented musicians? Look no further than the 'Guitarist' channel on Telegram, created by the username @sanestcoholic. This channel is dedicated to showcasing the incredible skills of guitarists from around the world, sharing their mesmerizing performances, covers, and original compositions. Whether you're a beginner looking for inspiration or a seasoned player searching for new techniques, 'Guitarist' has something for everyone. From acoustic to electric, classic rock to jazz, this channel covers a wide range of genres and styles to cater to all tastes. Join the community of music lovers on 'Guitarist' and immerse yourself in the world of guitar playing. Stay updated with the latest videos, tutorials, and live performances shared by fellow guitar enthusiasts. Engage in discussions, share your own music, or simply enjoy the beautiful melodies that fill this channel. Discover the next guitar virtuoso or find inspiration for your own playing - 'Guitarist' is the ultimate destination for all things guitar. Follow @sanestcoholic today and embark on a musical journey like never before!

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

05 Nov, 13:23

sp maw paid edit @sylsvanian

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

28 Oct, 09:54

ak jarang on tele guyzyzyzyzy 💇🏻‍♀️💇🏻‍♀️
(jujur gatau kenapa aku ngasi tau ini HAHAHA)

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

28 Oct, 09:51

jujur guys emang sih editan aku ga seberapa dibanding sama editan org lain yg emang sepuh² semuaa 🫠😢 (yg ga minta di tag/bnyk yg ga cr ke mreka)

tapi kalo kalian ngasi cr aku bnr bnr seneng plspslspls and akuu jugaa mau liat editan² kaliann

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

28 Oct, 06:49


guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

28 Oct, 06:49

hii hii, kalo pake presetku tolongg cr yaa. Kalo gamau di caption, tag aja di komen! it means a lot to me ❤️

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

21 Oct, 21:52

slmt pagi ol

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

21 Oct, 21:52

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic pinned Deleted message

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

07 Oct, 23:20

kalian cari preset inikah guis 😯

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

29 Sep, 09:22

burem 😿

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

29 Sep, 09:17


part 1 alight link
part 2 alight link

xml, p1 & p2

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

29 Sep, 02:48

telat bgt nyadarnya maaff 😢😢

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

29 Sep, 02:48

THANKK UU YAA UDAA MAKEEE & yang uda ngasi cr ily 🤟🏻

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

29 Sep, 02:48

ih kalian pada make presetkuu yang season pas itu lagii yaa, baru nyadar pls

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

29 Sep, 02:41

ditunggu yah 🤭🤭
semoga editan ak ga
mengecewakan kalian (fail bgt woi) ❤️

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

23 Sep, 15:30

akuu open paid promote jugaa yaa, siapa tau ada yg mw 🫣🫣

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

22 Sep, 03:56

hii hii yg mw paidd editt hit me up
@pawshoots #butuhduwit

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

23 Aug, 13:52

OMGGG aku menemukan ss an inii 🤏🏻

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

17 Aug, 13:57

hati hati yaa kalian 🫠

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

16 Aug, 09:20

ih aku liat comment kalian disinii, SEDIHH AAA MASAA GABISAA 😢😢 btw kalian sweet banget.. aku terharu please!!! 🙍🏻‍♀️
(so i decided to try it again and use another way lmao *semoga berhasil BECAUSEEE I really want u all to be able to use this presett 😭)

step one alight
step two alight
step one & two xml

jujur aku gatau yang error alightlink nya atau xml jadi aku share aja keduanyaa 💞 ISTGG I HOPE THIS WORK soalnya gapernahh ada kendala kayaa gini biasanya. aku bingung how to fix it, apa karna di awal itu aku make video ya? jadi aku rubahh deh

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

15 Aug, 10:35

bisa gaak

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

15 Aug, 10:15

EH GUYS KALIANN BILANG PRESETNYAA HARUS 1080p itu gmn pls gapaham tolong, apaa aku coba buatin ulang presetnyaa?

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

09 Aug, 14:04

i miss u guys smmm

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

09 Aug, 14:04

hai apakah kalian masi active HAHAHAHA

guitarist’ @sanestcoholic

12 Jul, 12:38

doain ga nyesel 😢