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Turan International University

Turan International University
Namangandagi Birinchi Xalqaro Universitet
Tel: +998 99 921 00 55
+998 88 427 00 55
Admin: @turanuniversity1
E-mail: [email protected]
Web-sayt: www.tiu-edu.uz
4,248 Subscribers
1,648 Photos
691 Videos
Last Updated 09.03.2025 13:21

Turan International University: A Beacon of Higher Education in Uzbekistan

Turan International University, known as 'Namangandagi Birinchi Xalqaro Universitet' in Uzbek, is a prominent institution that has made significant contributions to the higher education landscape in Uzbekistan. Established with the goal of meeting the educational needs of both local and international students, Turan University is situated in the city of Namangan, one of the key cultural and economic centers of the region. The university prides itself on its modern approach to education, combining traditional teaching methods with innovative learning technologies, thus providing students with a well-rounded academic experience. Turan International University is equipped with modern facilities and a diverse array of academic programs designed to prepare students for the challenges of the global job market. The commitment to fostering international collaboration and cultural exchange is evident in its partnerships with various educational institutions around the world, making it a preferred choice for many aspiring students. As Uzbekistan continues to enhance its educational framework, Turan International University stands out as a beacon of hope and opportunity for those seeking quality higher education.

What programs are offered at Turan International University?

Turan International University offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across different fields of study. These include engineering, management, information technology, and social sciences, among others. The curriculum is designed to not only impart theoretical knowledge but also to equip students with practical skills that are highly valued in the workplace.

In addition to traditional degree programs, Turan University also offers specialized certificate courses and vocational training programs. This diversity in educational offerings allows students to tailor their education to meet their career aspirations and enhances their employability in an increasingly competitive job market.

How does Turan International University promote international collaboration?

Turan International University actively engages in international collaboration through partnerships with various universities and educational organizations around the world. These partnerships often lead to joint research initiatives, exchange programs, and collaborative academic projects, enriching the educational experience for students.

Furthermore, the university frequently hosts international conferences and seminars, inviting scholars and industry experts from different countries. This not only broadens the academic horizon for students and faculty but also fosters a culture of global interconnectedness within the university community.

What facilities are available for students at Turan International University?

Turan International University boasts state-of-the-art facilities that cater to the diverse needs of its students. The campus includes modern classrooms equipped with the latest educational technology, well-stocked libraries, and dedicated study areas that encourage collaborative learning.

In addition to academic facilities, the university provides recreational amenities such as sports complexes and social spaces for students to relax and socialize. These facilities play a crucial role in promoting a balanced lifestyle among students, supporting their physical and mental well-being.

What is the admission process for Turan International University?

The admission process at Turan International University is designed to be straightforward and accessible. Prospective students need to submit an application form along with their academic transcripts and other required documents. The university typically conducts an entrance examination to assess the applicants' academic readiness.

Moreover, Turan University occasionally offers scholarship opportunities for both local and international students, aimed at attracting talented individuals who may face financial constraints. These initiatives reflect the university's commitment to providing quality education to a diverse student body.

How does Turan International University ensure the quality of its education?

To ensure the quality of education, Turan International University continuously evaluates and updates its academic programs in response to industry trends and employer feedback. This dynamic approach allows the university to remain relevant and competitive in the fast-evolving educational landscape.

Furthermore, the university employs highly qualified faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. Regular training and professional development opportunities for staff are provided to enhance teaching methodologies and ensure that students receive a high standard of education.

Turan International University Telegram Channel

Turan International University, ya'ni boshqaruv bilan Birinchi Xalqaro Universitet tadbir qilinadi, bu sizning o'zingizni yuksak darajada o'qitishga yondashgan o'quv markazingiz bo'lishi mumkin. Universitet bilan aloqada bo'lish uchun ma'lumotlar uchun +998 99 921 00 55 yoki +998 88 427 00 55 raqamlari bilan bog'lanishingiz mumkin. Kanal administratorlari @turanuniversity1 va @turanuniversity2. Turan International University haqida ko'proq ma'lumot olish uchun [email protected] manziliga elektron xat yuboring yoki veb-saytimiz www.tiu-edu.uz ga turing. Sizning o'zingizni yuksak darajada o'qitishga yondashgan o'quv markazingiz Turan International University!

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Xabaringiz bor, 8-mart – Xalqaro xotin-qizlar kuni shanba kuniga toʻgʻri kelgani sababli, haftasiga 5 kun ishlaydiganlar uchun 10-mart, dushanba dam olish kuni deb belgilangan edi.

Biroq, TIU talabalari uchun bu kun odatdagidek o‘quv jarayoni davom etadi! 🎓📚

🔵8-mart (shanba) – bayram kuni
🔵 9-mart (yakshanba) – dam olish kuni
🔵 10-mart (dushanba) – TIUda darslar belgilangan jadval bo‘yicha olib boriladi!

❗️Shunday ekan, 10-mart kuni darslardan qolib ketmang – bilim olishga mas’uliyat bilan yondashish sizning kelajagingiz uchun muhim!

📍 Manzil: (Namangan shahri, Q. Mamarasulov ko’chasi, 10-D uy)

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09 Mar, 06:35
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Hurmatli va aziz ayollar!

Turan International University jamoasi sizlarni 8-Mart – Xalqaro xotin-qizlar kuni bilan chin dildan tabriklaydi!

♥️Go‘zallik va ilhom timsoli bo‘lgan siz azizlarga sihat-salomatlik, baxt va muvaffaqiyatlar tilaymiz.

👍Bayramingiz muborak bo‘lsin!

📍 Manzil: (Namangan shahri, Q. Mamarasulov ko’chasi, 10-D uy)

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08 Mar, 03:40
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🤩Baku Business University bilan yangi strategik hamkorlik aloqalari o‘rnatilganini e'lon qilamiz.

Universitetimiz rahbari Ahadxon Najmitdinov Baku Business University rektori Ibad Abbasov bilan uchrashuvda kelishib, 100% GRANT asosidagi almashinuv dasturlarini yo‘lga qo‘yish masalasida qaror qabul qildilar.

🌏TIU talabalariga eng zamonaviy global ta’lim imkoniyatlarini taqdim etadi!

📍 Manzil: Namangan shahri, Q. Mamarasulov ko’chasi, 10-D uy

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07 Mar, 14:18
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🪷Turan International University bahorning go‘zal ayyomi – 8-Mart, Xalqaro xotin-qizlar kuni munosabati bilan nafislik va latofat bilan bezatilib, aziz ayollarimiz iliq tabassumlar, tabriklar, chiroyli gullar va esdalik sovg‘alari bilan kutib olindi.

🎥 Bayramdan eng yorqin va unutilmas onlarni siz bilan bo‘lishishni istadik.

📍 Manzil: (Namangan shahri, Q. Mamarasulov ko’chasi, 10-D uy)

📚Rasmiy sahifalarimiz:

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07 Mar, 11:50