The South African Assembly @thesouthafricanassembly Channel on Telegram

The South African Assembly


It is our un-a-Lien-able right to self-govern.
We do this peaceably and we are non combative

The South African Assembly (English)

Are you interested in discussions about self-governance and peaceful solutions? Look no further than The South African Assembly telegram channel! Our community believes in the unalienable right to self-govern and we promote peaceful dialogue to achieve this goal. The South African Assembly is a platform where individuals can come together to discuss issues related to governance, leadership, and community empowerment in South Africa. Our channel is dedicated to creating a space where open and respectful conversations can take place, focusing on finding solutions and fostering understanding among members. We are non-combative and believe that through peaceful means, we can work towards a better future for all South Africans. If you are passionate about self-governance and want to be part of a community that values peaceful dialogue, then The South African Assembly is the perfect channel for you. Join us today to engage in meaningful discussions, share your thoughts, and connect with like-minded individuals who are committed to promoting positive change in South Africa. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for our country. Join The South African Assembly telegram channel now and be part of the conversation towards a better tomorrow!

The South African Assembly

13 Jan, 07:41

The South African Assembly:

Land Recording Office South Africa:

Email: [email protected]

The South African Assembly

13 Jan, 05:00

The South African Assembly

13 Jan, 04:58

"The Perpetrators have used various tricks to do this, beginning with undisclosed and unconscionable registration contracts used to traffic babies into foreign jurisdictions so as to latch onto their Good Names and assets under False Pretenses, securitizing these assets under color of law, and using them as collateral for corporate spending and also using the living people as underwriters protecting the same guilty corporations under public bankruptcy provisions.

They are foreign corporations acting as Successors to Contract.  Their internal affairs, their laws and policies and elections, are theirs.   That's why we don't vote in their elections, and don't mistake their elections for the public elections we owe ourselves.

There are those who are confused by all of this, but it is self-evident on the available public records, that while millions of Americans have been deceived into thinking that the glitzy political party-driven elections are our elections --- they are in fact elections involving our Federal Subcontractors and their foreign citizenries.

Now, how is it that we own these corporations, when we didn't charter them or incorporate them?   We own them because we are their Preferential and Priority Creditors by many country miles and many decades, too.  We have paid all their debts and claimed all their debts, so there can be no doubt that we own them and are owed control of them and all assets that they have rat-holed away in trusts and foundations and slush funds and encumbered funds and so on."

The South African Assembly

13 Jan, 04:56

Know the scam that this system is built on.  The word "register" means to abandon under Maritime Admiralty Law.

The South African Assembly

12 Jan, 04:29

Let us strive to keep our world beautiful in all our deeds 💫

The South African Assembly

11 Jan, 18:42

The South African Assembly:

Land Recording Office South Africa:

Email: [email protected]

The South African Assembly

10 Jan, 04:34

Look at the two words
BT knew what he was doing when he used the word emancipation for our process.

The South African Assembly

10 Jan, 04:34

The South African Assembly

10 Jan, 04:33

The South African Assembly

10 Jan, 04:32

There seems to be a lot of HooHa surrounding the 'Cape Exit' drive that some organizations are trying to bring about.

What most people who are making a big fuss about it are getting completely wrong is the fact that something like a secession requires the will of the people in that region to make it a reality. Read that again.. 'the will of the people' for any one man or woman or even several men and women to say 'that's not best for South Africa' or 'We'll make sure that never happens' is nothing short of delusions of grandeur, or some inherent dictatorship mindset. Something that one should wonder about if you are following those kind of people.

We have had more than our fair share of 'we know what's best for you' thinking in the last 100 years or so, do we really need anymore?

Further to the topic above, The South African Assembly is not affiliated with any particular group, and we do not condemn anyone that is working towards a future that is focused on the will of the people for self governance.

If the people of the Cape wish for an autonomous region then that's up to them.
If they wish to be shown the workings of an Assembly for their self governance then we will not turn them away.

The South African Assembly is not driving for secession and anyone that makes that claim must please show the evidence.

One last point that we would like to make.. 'emancipation' is a word that has long been in use in South Africa in the context of freeing oneself from the presumption of corporate control.. Once again the idea that one group choosing another word for their internal use and making others wrong for not using their word shows their need to control and command.

Choose wisely the people you listen to.

The South African Assembly

09 Jan, 04:23

The South African Assembly

09 Jan, 04:07

Important Banking Updates.

"Toward that end, we have chartered The Global Family International Trade Bank
and established The American Federation Treasury; in concert with the bank, we
have also established our American Federation Sovereign Treasury Account,
which is open for business.

We have also established our Paymaster Account, so that we can pay Federal
workers who are eligible for rehire, including members of the military. We have
also established our Federation Reserve and Trust and Underwriting Accounts for
the purpose of conducting our affairs in the realms of international and global

We have similarly established The Global Family Commercial Bank and The
Global Family Bank of Commerce, and a similar roster of functional accounts to
expedite and organize the conduct of business in the global forums of commerce
and maritime commerce respectively.

These banks have all been created for the use and benefit of the living people and
their sovereign governments and instrumentalities.

Our Bilateral Banking System allows you to do exactly that, as each country has
their own International Bank and their own Sovereign Treasury Account linked to
National (Soil Jurisdiction) Banks. Each country and sovereign nation is enabled
to provide both the banking services and the correct form of law and currency
owed to the living

The South African Assembly

08 Jan, 04:44

How to upload your documents on the Land Recording Office after you have opened your profile:

The South African Assembly

07 Jan, 04:34

The South African Assembly

06 Jan, 05:02


The South African Assembly

06 Jan, 05:01


The South African Assembly

05 Jan, 03:37

......imagine what a beautiful world it would be if we could all be like this....all working together ❤️

The South African Assembly

04 Jan, 04:56

The South African Assembly

03 Jan, 05:06

The South African Assembly

02 Jan, 17:20

Corporate Entities can only contract with Corporation, NOT living men and [wo]men! …

If you have not corrected your status to stand on the winning side of History being made, visit and be part of the winning side! #tsaa #landandsoil #commonlaw

The South African Assembly

31 Dec, 22:02

Let's Assemble South Africa!

Let us all come together and reconstruct our beautiful country.

Only 'We the people" can do this.

The South African Assembly

31 Dec, 14:18

Greetings all to the living..
As the year draws to a close, and the time with family has left us elated and exhausted let's take a moment and reflect before we enter the new year.. Reflect on the two realities that are jostling for existence. On the one hand the attempt of those who would rule us without care for our choices or lives, and on the other hand the few of us that wish to see a world where men and women are free to live as we choose while caring for others.

Although it may seem that the task ahead of us is almost impossible, remember that ultimately it is also spiritual, and the creator is always on the side of creation, not destruction, on the side of love not hate, on the side of the few, not the many. All change has come from the few that would have change and will see it happen.

As we move forward, remember that we who are working towards a future for the living all have our own small part to play, No-one can be all for everyone. Be kind to our brothers and sisters waking up the people, be gentle with those who are waking up, and be ready to take some extra weight for those who haven't awakened.

Keep your eyes open. Make sure who one follows is not leading on the wrong path.

Put no stumbling blocks in front of the blind and know where you yourself want to be at the end of your own journey.

Let this new year be the start of a journey to freedom through responsibility and love for your brothers and sisters.

With appreciation and gratitude to you all,
The South African Assembly

The South African Assembly

30 Dec, 04:47

The South African Assembly

29 Dec, 08:28

Did you know? Although Roman-Dutch Law is an influencing factor in our current legal framework, English Common Law still plays a vital role on our land. #commonlaw #TSAA #landandsoil

The South African Assembly

29 Dec, 08:27

Did you know? Commonlaw is still valid in our country. #commonlaw #landandsoil #TSAA

The South African Assembly

29 Dec, 07:51

Do you understand what "un-a-lien-able" means and the benefit to walking as a living man / [wo]man on Land and Soil Jurisdiction and how to enforce your rights? if not, visit of learn how to enforce your living rights! #TSAA #thesouthafricanassembly #landandsoil

The South African Assembly

27 Dec, 10:31

Slavery is not what we presume it to be, by what we have been taught. Slavery has many forms and the deception of corporate fiction slavery is the most significant form of slavery and corporate corruption and many are unaware. visit: and learn how to set yourself free from the network as corporate slave! #thesouthafricanassembly #TSAA #landandsoiljurisdiction

The South African Assembly

27 Dec, 04:19

Orientation of Assemblies 2/6

The South African Assembly

26 Dec, 08:32

Orientation of Assemblies 1/6

The South African Assembly

25 Dec, 04:20

Wherever you are in the world, whatever your beliefs are, may you have a wonderful day.

May your blessings be what your heart desires.
May abundance be your norm.
May peace and joy surround you.
May love be your guiding light.
May fun and laughter be part of your day.
We wish you all of the above and more.
With much love from The South African Assembly.💫

The South African Assembly

24 Dec, 12:06

our inalienable rights
Every man and woman on earth is born with certain inalienable rights. These rights cannot be taken away by anyone unless you allow them to.

Governments do everything they can to strip us of our Rights. So it is up to each one of us to know what our inalienable rights are, and then to stand up against anyone trying to take them away.

Common Law protects our rights and gives us the tools to defend them against any attempt to destroy them. #knowyourrights #TSAA #thesouthafricanassembly #livingman

The South African Assembly

23 Dec, 18:00

The South African Assembly

22 Dec, 04:07

Happy Sunday everyone 💫

The South African Assembly

21 Dec, 03:58

Acts are reserved for Necromancing Doppelgangers who choose to give life to a Birth Certificate Estate Trust, as they are happy to be legally defined as "Things" AKA Residents.

Living Man obeys Gods Law, and Legal Persons adhere to Corporate Acts.

Jonah 4:11
And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?

James 2:9
But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.

Romans 2:11
For there is no respect of persons with God.

Res is the Latin abbreviation of resident, which is legally defined as "Thing", see here;

The South African Assembly

21 Dec, 03:57

Job 32:21 "Let me not, I pray you, accept any man's person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man."

Honorific Titles are strictly reserved for Legal Persons whom the true God does not respect. These can be titles prefixing a person's name, e.g.: Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Mx, Sir, Dame, Dr, Cllr, Lady, or Lord.

Living Man doesn't accept titles.

The South African Assembly

20 Dec, 04:07

"It is lawfully and legally impossible for any government, even a sovereign government, to "confer" citizenship obligations on anyone, whether or not they are considered stateless.

It's especially impossible for a government corporation operating in the jurisdiction of the sea to impose a citizenship obligation on foreign persons, as the only equivalent available to such corporations is the practice of press-ganging, which has been outlawed and illegal for over 200 years."

The South African Assembly

02 Dec, 05:15

The South African Assembly

02 Dec, 04:51

The South African Assembly

02 Dec, 04:49

The South African Assembly

02 Dec, 04:48

The South African Assembly

01 Dec, 06:12

........123 rock 💃
This will get your Sunday rocking and rolling 💫

The South African Assembly

29 Nov, 05:02

People in other countries aren't so lucky, which is why we established the Land Recording System (LRS) to provide a helping hand, and the reason that we have International Land Recording Secretaries, too.

This is all about helping living people regain their natural political status as natives of their own countries, enabled to exercise their rights and treaties, access their contractual guarantees, and enjoy their private property assets.

Being a Recording Secretary is an honor and a public office. It's not equivalent to being a Rotary Club Secretary. It involves being responsible for Public Records and dedicated to Public Service, at the level of your State Assembly. Somehow in the years since the Civil War began, we've forgotten our obligation to our fellow men -- to honor their rights and their needs as forever equal to our own.

We need to remember.

The South African Assembly

29 Nov, 05:02

When people wish to become official members of their State Assembly, they need to present (or create) the Public Record that they are Africans, born or naturalized in this country, and affirm that they are adopting State National and/or State Citizen political status. They also need to affirm that they have a permanent home in the State and have lived in the State for at least one year.

That's it.

Our Assembly Recording Secretaries are fulfilling a vital function and keeping the door open for other people in our States of the Union to "come home", but there are other avenues still open for people to accomplish this Page 2 of 2 goal, and so long as those other avenues exist, we need to recognize them and be grateful that we can still employ multiple means to establish valid international (land jurisdiction) Public Records in this country.

The South African Assembly

29 Nov, 05:02

When doing this function, and only this function, the Assembly Recording Secretaries are called upon to examine what they are recording, and ascertain that: (1) the individual has signed a 1779 Declaration, (2) has provided two credible Witnesses, and (3) provided additional back up in the form of a Birth Certificate, Naturalization paperwork, or other documentation establishing where they were born and who they are.

Birth Certificates and Naturalization papers, Green Cards, etc., are private documents presented to the Recording Secretaries for verification purposes and are not published.

Apart from this one function-- issuing State Credential Cards-- an Assembly Recording Secretary is not generally enabled nor empowered to comment on the correctness or efficacy of a recording--- that is entirely the responsibility of the people establishing the record and the Recording Secretary bears no responsibility or liability beyond establishing and keeping the Public Record intact.

The South African Assembly

29 Nov, 05:02

Article 3305. For The State Recording Secretaries by Anna von Reitz
Equivalent South African documentation to be found at:
Land Recording Office South Africa:

A Public Record, backed up by appropriate action, has the power to overcome and rebut a private registration, which is the entire point.

Our 928 paperwork established as a Public Record by any means is sufficient to establish our political status and rebut the legal presumptions that otherwise attach to us.

More recently, we opened up a second, simpler pathway for people to establish their political status, rebut the obnoxious legal presumptions, and at the same time, obtain a State Credential, by issuing and recording a 1779 Declaration and providing the State Recording Secretaries with appropriate back up information.

The South African Assembly

29 Nov, 04:58

Here are the 4 acceptable ways that Judge Anna stipulates how we publish our reconveyance.

The South African Assembly

29 Nov, 04:56

What is Status correction?

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
Status correction: [email protected]

The South African Assembly

29 Nov, 04:55

Do your status correction: [email protected]

The South African Assembly

26 Nov, 15:23

What's the purpose of a State Assembly

The South African Assembly

26 Nov, 04:27

The 4 corners rule

The South African Assembly

25 Nov, 14:49

Parts and pieces of an Assembly

A must read!

The South African Assembly

24 Nov, 05:13

Poor service delivery?
Hold them accountable

The South African Assembly

23 Nov, 19:40

A mother's love 💜

The South African Assembly

23 Nov, 15:38

Happy Saturday everyone 💫

The South African Assembly

23 Nov, 05:07

The essence of Common law

The South African Assembly

23 Nov, 05:07

The South African Assembly

23 Nov, 05:04

The South African Assembly

22 Nov, 04:46

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch: International Public Notice: The Brits "At It" Again

"The world owes what is left of its integrity and sanity to the forbearance of Vladimir Putin --- like those apples or not.  It's apparent that NATO has been trying everything in its power to gin up a war-for-profit somewhere."  

The South African Assembly

21 Nov, 14:39

The South African Assembly

20 Nov, 06:23

Descriptive legal words (spells) are imperative to comprehend!

Do ye travel in an automobile, or do you drive a car?

Do you "reside in" RSA Inc, as a Legal Person, or do ye "live on" terra South Africa as living man or woman?  

Res is the Latin abbreviation of "resident", and accurately defines a "Thing", only!

The South African Assembly

20 Nov, 05:57

Satanic Baphomet Goats, LOVE kidnapping Usufuct "Kids"!

Pair-Rents use the legal terms, kids and Children.

Mothers and fathers use the lawful terms offspring , sons, daughters and property.

The South African Assembly

20 Nov, 05:56

I wonder why Corporate Road Pirates (Highwaymen) drive checkered vehicles? And where have I seen that star before? 🤔

"HIGHWA'YMAN, noun One who robs on the public road, or lurks in the highway for the purpose of robbing." 👀

The South African Assembly

20 Nov, 05:35

The South African Assembly

20 Nov, 05:05

In every opportunity—whether it’s building a startup, scaling a business, or launching a new venture—the most significant risk isn’t market conditions, the idea itself, or even external competition. It’s operator risk. The person leading the charge is the single most critical factor in determining whether the opportunity will succeed or fail.

At the heart of every great venture is a capable operator who understands that leadership isn’t about doing it all but about guiding a team toward collective success. Operator risk is real, but so is the power of collaboration. Together, the impossible becomes achievable, and what’s achievable becomes scalable.

The South African Assembly

15 Nov, 04:07

International public notice:

The South African Assembly

15 Nov, 03:13

What is Status correction?

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
Status correction: [email protected]

The South African Assembly

14 Nov, 05:23

[i] A Cestui Que [Vie] Trust may only exist for seventy [70] years being the traditional accepted "life" expectancy of the estate; and

[ii] A Beneficiary under Estate may be either a Beneficiary or a Cestui Que [Vie] Trust. When a Beneficiary loses direct benefit of any Property of the higher Estate placed in Cestui Que (Vie) Trust on their behalf, they do not “own” the Cestui Que [Vie] Trust and are only the beneficiary of what the Trustees of the Cestui Que [Vie] Trustchoose to provide them; and

[iii] The original purpose and function of a Cestui Que [Vie] Trust was to form a temporary Estate for the benefit of another because some event, state of affairs or condition prevented them from claiming their status as living, competent and present before a competent authority. Therefore, any claims, history, statutes or arguments that deviate in terms of the origin and function of a Cestui Que [Vie] Trust as pronounced by these canons is false and automatically null and void.

The South African Assembly

14 Nov, 04:11

The South African Assembly

14 Nov, 03:39


The South African Assembly

13 Nov, 05:14

JFK on the Bill of Rights:

“The most extraordinary and detailed guarantees of individual liberty that any people on earth now possess.”

The South African Assembly

12 Nov, 08:01

What is Status correction?

Contact us:
email: [email protected]
Status correction: [email protected]

The South African Assembly

11 Nov, 19:08

A massive congratulations to the Ohio Assembly from The South African Assembly💫

The South African Assembly

11 Nov, 19:08

Hot off the press! The de facto subcontractor State of Ohio has officially acknowledged and published the seatment and standing of The Ohio Assembly and their court.

The South African Assembly

11 Nov, 04:35

Strawman signature

The South African Assembly

10 Nov, 14:39

What a wonderful world 💫

The South African Assembly

09 Nov, 06:22

Corporate mindset - Anna von Reitz

The South African Assembly

09 Nov, 04:29

Here are the 4 acceptable ways that Judge Anna stipulates how we publish our reconveyance.

The South African Assembly

08 Nov, 19:08

Listen and read 💜

The South African Assembly

08 Nov, 14:15

Recording Secretary training:
If you want to be a Recording Secretary and have missed the notifications, please email: [email protected] by no later than Tuesday 12th November 2024.
Subject line: Recording Secretary.

The South African Assembly

01 Nov, 19:11

The South African Assembly

01 Nov, 19:09

The South African Assembly

31 Oct, 05:08

The South African Assembly

31 Oct, 05:02

The South African Assembly

30 Oct, 04:21

LOL, there's no such thing as a "free person", or maybe there is? A free "Birth Certificate Estate Trust", no less!

Read this, Liberty is reserved for slaves, period! Whereas The Statue of Liberty never made it to mainland America, for good reasonings, as she's well known as the "Whore of Babylon" who represents oppressive Inland Piracy, where the Captain of the Citizenship permits his legally defined "Things & Monsters" who The True God has no respect, to go ashore!

More here;


The South African Assembly

29 Oct, 05:16

The history of police

The South African Assembly

29 Oct, 05:10

The South African Assembly

27 Oct, 06:06

This film has a duration of about 2 minutes. Took 30 minutes to shoot, and got an Oscar award👍🏻

*A Film without words, but successfully describes today's human :-*

* Selfish
* Poor Ethics
* Loss of Manners
* Feels that I am right
* Doesn’t care about the surrounding Environment
* Doesn’t want to give in
* Doesn’t want to share or sacrifice for others
* Loss of Empathy & Sympathy

May be this film is just a spectacle, but it could also be that we are actually the characters in this short film. Please, think about it.

*A reflection of the world we live in and all about You, Me and Ourself.*

The South African Assembly

26 Oct, 05:09

Your government is supposed to be run by you!

Reclaim your rights:

The South African Assembly

24 Oct, 04:11

If ye don't comprehend Usufruct Subjugation, know that ewe's are flocked!

The South African Assembly

24 Oct, 04:09

"All governments and all populations worldwide would do well to observe what John Adams observed in 1761: the only valid reason for a government to exist is to protect the people and their assets.

Say it again, the only valid reason for a government to exist is to protect the people and their assets.

If your government doesn't do that, there is no reason to pay for its "services", because those services are not serving you.

They are serving themselves.  Or they are, as in our case now, serving hidden foreign interests."

The South African Assembly

24 Oct, 04:06

1)     Whereas: said Notice to County Sheriffs states that you directly outrank all Federal Personnel and Agency Employees and you directly outrank all State of State Trust Employees on the Land and Soil of Spokane County; and
2)     Whereas: “On our land and soil, County Sheriffs are the ultimate peacekeeping and law enforcement officers. Within the borders of their counties they are literally the Law when Land Law is declared, as it now is.”; see #5060. International Public Notice: Land and Soil Jurisdiction Sheriffs; and
3)     Whereas: “This past week we formally declared the Law of the Land, and have called upon all Federal and State of State and State Trust and County elected officials and hired officers to enter their Peacekeeping Offices. Anyone failing to do so, has the option of resigning or being deported.”; see 5064. International Public Notice: About the Gold Standard and Current Disasters ; and Therefore: your top priority as public employees under Land Law is to protect people and their property, including

The South African Assembly

23 Oct, 04:37

The South African Assembly:

Land Recording Office South Africa:

The South African Assembly

22 Oct, 14:54

Remember that Constitutions give us nothing. We had all of the Creators blessings from before we were born..

The South African Assembly

22 Oct, 14:34

The South African Assembly

20 Oct, 05:31

The magnificence of Africa!
Let us cherish
her ❤️

The South African Assembly

19 Oct, 05:26

The bank fraud

The South African Assembly

19 Oct, 05:12


The South African Assembly

16 Oct, 05:19

Why should you correct your status?

To correct your status:

The South African Assembly

14 Oct, 13:21

The South African Assembly

13 Oct, 05:57

Have an awesome Sunday 💫

The South African Assembly

12 Oct, 06:26

The South African Assembly

12 Oct, 06:26

The South African Assembly

12 Oct, 06:26

The South African Assembly

12 Oct, 06:26

The South African Assembly

12 Oct, 06:25

The South African Assembly

12 Oct, 06:25