Ques of the day ? Infrabony defects & intrabony defects are same ?
18 Feb, 17:22
A 55-year-old male patient presents with symptoms of chronic indigestion. He reports a prolonged history of discomfort and bloating, especially after consuming protein-rich foods. A gastric fluid analysis reveals normal pepsinogen levels but significantly decreased hydrochloric acid production. Based on the patient's symptoms and gastric fluid analysis, which of the following is the most likely explanation for his digestive issues?
1) Increased conversion of pepsinogen into pepsin due to high hydrochloric acid levels.
2) Decreased conversion of pepsinogen into pepsin due to low hydrochloric acid levels.
3) Overactivity of pepsin leading to excessive protein digestion.
4) Inadequate production of pepsinogen by the gastric cells.