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DAMS NEET-MDS -Dental MCQs Telegram Posts

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Last Updated 01.03.2025 02:54

The latest content shared by DAMS NEET-MDS -Dental MCQs on Telegram

A patient gets community acquired pneumonia after a stay in an airconditioned environment. Which is the organism responsible?

a. Chlamydia

b. Pseudomonas

c. Staphylococcus

d. Legionella

NEET MDS Dental Regular | DADH || Dr. Ankit Gupta

Which of the following is not caused due to Non disjunction chromosomes: of maternal sex

a. Female hypergonadism/ gonadal dysgenesis

b. Female pseudohermaphroditism

c. Seminiferous tubule dysgenesis

d. Super female

Recently two methods, CPAP conventional and bubble CPAP were compared. In the conventional method, 90 out of 160 showed extubation failure, while 40 out of 160 showed extubation failure in the bubble method. Which test would be best to compare the statistical significance between the rates of extubation in the two tests?

1) Paired test

2) Chi square test

3) Student test


Million-Nasse's reaction is specific for the amino acid:

1) Tryptophan

2) Tyrosine

3) Phenylalanine

4) Arginine

supernumerary tooth is defined as any tooth or odontogenic structure that is formed from tooth germ in excess of usual number for any given region of the dental arch. At what stage of tooth formation it is formed:

a. Apposition

b. Initiation

c. Morpho differentiation

d. Histo differentiation

With reference to leprosy consider the following statements

1 In lepromatous leprosy, lepromin test is always positive.

2 Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia is a common feature of lepromatous leprosy.

3 Secondary amyloidosis may occur in long standing Vepromatous leprosy

Which of the following given above is correct

1) 1, 2 and 3

2) 1 and 2

3) 1 and 3

4) 2 and 3