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Publications du canal TESOL International

TESOL International
🎓Internationally recognized and accredited qualifications
✈️Networking opportunities for professionals
📞 (99) 8145027
📞 (94) 3535020
👩‍💻 @TESOL_International
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TESOL International

07 Mar, 04:02


🌍 Ready to Teach English? Unlock Your Future with Our TEFL Course! 🌍

📚 Course Highlights:
🕒 290 Hours of Engaging Lessons
Complete in 1-2 Months
🌟 Earn a Globally Recognized Certificate

🔥 Why You Can’t Miss This Course: 🔥
🚀 Open Doors to Worldwide Opportunities – Teach English anywhere on the globe!
💸 Boost Your Income – Get paid more with your certified qualification!
🎓 Master Cutting-Edge Teaching Skills – Stay ahead with the latest teaching techniques!
💪 Transform Your Confidence & Skills – Become the teacher you’ve always wanted to be!
🌐 Join a Global Network – Meet passionate educators from all over the world!

⚡️ Hurry! Limited spots available – Don’t miss out! ⚡️

For more info, 📧 DM @TESOL_International
Join the community: @TesolAsiauz
TESOL International

06 Mar, 12:17


🌍 TEFL Course – Your Path to Teaching Success! 🌍

📚 Course Details:

🕒 Total Lesson Hours: 290
Duration: 1-2 months
🌟 Internationally Recognized Certificate
💥 Why should you take this course?

🚀 Unlock More Opportunities – Open doors to global teaching careers!
💰 Salary Bonuses – Boost your income with a certified qualification!
🎓 Gain In-Depth Knowledge – Learn the latest techniques in language teaching!
💪 Personal Development – Grow your skills, confidence, and teaching expertise!
🌐 Expand Your Network – Connect with a global community of educators!
⚠️ Seats are limited – Register now to secure your spot!

For more information: 📧 DM @TESOL_International
Our channel: @TesolAsiauz
TESOL International

04 Mar, 12:15


🌟 Join the "IELTS for Teachers" Course! 🌟

🎯 Why should you enroll?

💡 Expand Your Knowledge – Dive deeper into IELTS preparation for teachers!
🎓 Be IELTS-Ready – Equip yourself with the skills and strategies to ace the exam!
Flexible Learning Schedule – Learn at your own pace, whenever it suits you!
🌍 Learn from Expert Teachers – Gain insights from internationally qualified instructors!
🤝 Join a Supportive Network – Collaborate with peers and access valuable support!

🚀 Course Start Date: March 5
⚠️ Limited Spots Available – Don’t miss out, register now!

For more info:
📧 DM us at @TESOL_International
TESOL International

02 Mar, 20:07


Assalomu Alaykum ,our followers!
Ramadan Mubarak ☪️ 🌙
Wishing you a peaceful and blessed Ramadan. May your prayers be answered and your fasts accepted!
With regards your TESOL International training center!

TESOL International

28 Feb, 15:05


Hello,dear teachers!
We are happy to announce out March Calendar.We are here to help you to become the best teachers!

Calendar for March 2025

TESOL Asia International is offering these courses in March:

1. IELTS for teachers-March 5
2. TEFL in Tashkent - Starting March 8 and March 22
3. TESOL in Tashkent -Starting March 8 and March 22
4.TEFL in Nukus - Starting March 8 and March 15
5.IELTS instructor - March 15
6.TEFL in Surkhandaryo- March 15
7.IELTS preparation course for students- March 22
📞 Our contact details:
+998 99 814 50 27
+998 94 353 50 20

To register:
✉️ @TESOL_International
Join our channels:
TESOL International

24 Feb, 16:32


Designing Fair and Inclusive Language Assessments: Classroom Tools and Strategies 
Presented by:  Farid Bashiri 
Date: Wednesday 19 March 2025, 4pm (UK time)
In this webinar, you will explore strategies and tools for designing fair and inclusive language assessments, addressing bias, accessibility, and equity to ensure all learners have equal opportunities to succeed while fostering learning through effective assessment practices.

Link for the seminar :
TESOL International

24 Feb, 12:18


🚀 Surxondaryo viloyatidagi o‘qituvchilar uchun ajoyib yangilik! 🚀
🎓 TESOL & TEFL kurslari endi ochiq! 🎓

🌍 Xalqaro sertifikatli ingliz tili o‘qituvchisi bo‘lishni xohlaysizmi? Endi bu imkoniyat Surxondaryo viloyatida mavjud!

📌 Sizga nima beramiz?
✔️ Xalqaro darajadagi sertifikat: C1 darajasiga erishish imkoniyati bor!
✔️ Tajribali mutaxassislardan trening: Chet ellik malakali o‘qituvchilar bilan ishlash.
✔️ O‘qitish mahoratini oshirish va yangi imkoniyatlar: Ta’lim sifatini yaxshilash va karerangizni rivojlantirish.
✔️ Moslashuvchan va samarali ta’lim: Zamonaviy usullar bilan o‘qitishni o‘rganing.

📍 O‘rinlar cheklangan! O‘qituvchilik faoliyatingizni keyingi bosqichga olib chiqing!

📩 Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot olish yoki ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun bizga yozing!
Ro’yxatdan o’tish:
Aloqa uchun telefon raqamlar: 94 4977776

Tesol_Tefl Surkhandarya

🚀 Endi o‘z karerangizni yangi bosqichga olib chiqing!
TESOL International

21 Feb, 10:49


Ingliz tili ustozlar uchun Attestatsiyaga tayyorlanish uchun eng ko’p BEPUL ma’lumotlar berilgan kanal!

Darslarni osonroq topishingiz uchun Kanal Mundarijasi:

Har bir concept , ya’ni mavzudan keyin, mustahkamlash mashqalari yokida quizlari berilgan!

🔣Kanal egasi haqida!


☑️1. International Phonetic Alphabet ,
☑️2. Test on IPA
☑️3. The classification of consonants according to their place of articulation and manner of articulation.
☑️4.Test on classification of consonants
☑️5. Ovoz va shovqinning o'rniga ko'ra undoshlar!
☑️6. Test on voiced and unvoiced sounds.
☑️7. Undoshlar klassifikatsiyasi uchun muhim mashq.
☑️8. 24 ta undosh tovushni hosil qiluvchi harf va harf birikmalari!
☑️9. Pronunciation of "-ed"
☑️10. Test on Pronunciation of “-ed”
☑️11. Present Simple -(e)s suffixining 3 xil talaffuzi!
☑️12. Test on Present Simple -(e)s
☑️13. C va G harflarining 2 xil talaffuzlari
☑️14. C va G harflarining 2 xil talaffuzlari uchun test
☑️15. Homophones video dars
☑️16. Homophones uchun mashq
☑️17. Homophones 100 talik ro’hyat
☑️18. Homophones yuzasidan test
☑️19. Silet letters ro’yhati
☑️20. FONETIKADAN yuqoridagi bilimlaringizni tekshirish uchun 45 ta savolli QUIZ
☑️21. /e/ qisqa monophthongi haqida
☑️22. /e/ qisqa monophthongi bo’yicha test
☑️23. Monophthonglar bo'yicha test
☑️ Monophong: /ɪ/ as in KIT
☑️/i:/ sound va unga o'xshash tovushlarning u bilan farqlari!

🔣- Reading

✔️24. Reading Comprehension- O'qib tushunish qobilyatini oshirish to'g'risida dars
✔️25. Reading test-online
✔️26. Bepul Attestatsiya MOCK testi- online ishlang, va tugatiboq natijangizni biling
💜 27.Kalit so'zlar bilan ishlash

⚡️11 sinf, Unit 1-4 Vocab and Pronunciation
⚡️11 sinf darsligidan, Unit 5 vocab and pronunciation test
⚡️11 sinf, Unit 6 vocab and pronunciation test
⚡️11 sinf Unit 7 Vocab and Pronunciation test
⚡️11 sinf Unit 8,9 Vocab and Pronunciation test
⚡️B1 Phrasal Verbs
⚡️Quiz on B1 Phrasal Verbs


➡️Pragmatik belgilar mavzusidan quiz
➡️Pragmatika: Nutqiy harakatlar mavzusidan to'liq qo'llanma
➡️Nutqiy harakatlar mavzusidan quiz


✔️Subjunctive Mood

🔣Semantics /Lexicology
✔️Advanced Level Dialogue Completion test
✔️Conjunctions Advanced Level test pdf
✔️Conjunctions Advanced quiz form
✔️Idioms Part 1
✔️Idioms Part 1 Quiz
✔️Idioms Part 2
✔️Idioms Part 2 Quiz
✔️Idioms Part 3
✔️Idioms Part 3 Quiz
✔️Proverbs Quiz
💜Language Teaching Abbreviations
💜Language Teaching Abbreviayions Quiz

💘Qiziq video darschalar: Homophones
💘Minimal Pairs

💘Nizomdagi bazi kitoblar

👥Bu kanaldagi barcha darslar pulli kursdan olingan. Self-study qilayotgan, yokida tayyorlanishni boshlab takrorlash qilayotgan ustozlarimiz, albatta ko'ring, sotib olishingiz mumkun ma'lumotlar shundaygina berilgan!

🌟Kanalda ustoz kim?
💘Natijalar gapirsin
TESOL International

18 Feb, 13:03


Upcoming "IELTS Instructor" course
📆Starting date: February 22
📍Location: Tashkent

Registration is open!
Hurry to reserve your seat

📩 For more information :
+99899 8145027
TESOL International

18 Feb, 06:49


Are you ready to make a difference by teaching English worldwide?
Our high-quality TEFL course provides you with the tools, expertise, and confidence to teach English as a foreign language effectively.

Why Choose Us?
Expert-Led Training: Learn from seasoned professionals with years of classroom experience, ensuring you get real-world insights and practical knowledge.
Comprehensive & Engaging Curriculum: Our course covers all aspects of teaching, from lesson planning to classroom management, ensuring you're fully prepared to teach students at any level.
Global Recognition: Our accredited certification is respected by employers around the world.
What You Get:
✔️ Lifetime access to training materials and job support
✔️ Practical teaching experience through simulations and real-world scenarios

Starting date: February 25

📅 Limited Spots Available! Don’t Miss Out on this Life-Changing Opportunity.
Start your TEFL journey today!

Contact us:
+99899 8145027