Teacher Cum Trader のテレグラム投稿

Only for Educational purpose
2,444 人の購読者
70 枚の写真
786 本の動画
最終更新日 09.03.2025 02:55

2,671 人の購読者

1,971 人の購読者

1,444 人の購読者
Teacher Cum Trader によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ
As I promised, week end video can ba viewed by fundamental learner membership (Rs 299 )
Many stocks are bounced from the support we discussed. Particularly from long term levels.
Tata motors 600 to 650
Karnataka Bank
160 to 180
TMB 410 to 426
Tata chemicals 790 to 820.
All the support levels discussed in these stocks are a few months back. It is perfectly working. But short term levels are broken too
Tata motors 600 to 650
Karnataka Bank
160 to 180
TMB 410 to 426
Tata chemicals 790 to 820.
All the support levels discussed in these stocks are a few months back. It is perfectly working. But short term levels are broken too
Those who are not in membership may not know my recent analysis. For the last few days i mentioned in my video about the bounce back. Those who are interested can join membership in my Tamil channel. It will cost around 89 rupees per month. It is a cost which is below the single trade taken in the share market. Since it is a youtube option, I can't control it.
I can able to upload a video in membership. That is the only thing I can do. Because few of my subscribers are asking about the direct payment to me. That is not possible.
I can able to upload a video in membership. That is the only thing I can do. Because few of my subscribers are asking about the direct payment to me. That is not possible.