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تذكيرات الموت
" Every soul shall taste death"

May Allāh grant us tawbatan Nasuhā before death.
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最后更新于 13.03.2025 03:27

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تذكيرات الموت

09 Feb, 06:17


“We spend hours scrolling through social media, yet the Qur’ān - the words of Allāh - sits untouched, gathering dust on a shelf or left unread in an app.

If we devoted just a fraction of the time we waste on screens to the Qur’ān, perhaps we would have already memorised it, or at least found the peace and guidance our hearts so desperately long for.

Ask yourself: Has pictures and videos of mankind become more beloved than the eternal wisdom of the Creator of the heavens and the earth?

Start today. Make the Qur’ān your priority, for it is the key to everything your soul seeks.”

🖊️Abū Ismā’īl
تذكيرات الموت

08 Feb, 03:28


Every time I hear someone died, a whole storm of thoughts overtakes me and clouds my heart and mind. In what state will I meet my Lord? Will He be pleased with me when I meet Him? Will I die a mediocre, ordinary death, or will I die while I will be smiling and the smell of musk emanating out from my body? Am I ready to meet my Lord? Do my actions conform with the state I desire to meet my Lord in? Do they? ya Rabb, forgive us and take our souls when You are most pleased with us and make the day we meet You the best day of our lives
تذكيرات الموت

05 Feb, 11:36


Reflect upon how never once has Allāh ever forsaken you. Yet, how many times have we strayed from Him? From the very first moment of our existence, He is the one who nourished us in the wombs of our mothers. He nurtures our spirits as He nurtures the earth, bringing forth life from barren lands and joy from places of despair. Our every breath, a reminder of His grace;our every heartbeat, a testament to His unwavering care. Even when we falter, when we stumble upon the stones of our own making, He is there, and never moved an inch from us. How can our hearts not overflow with gratitude and reverence for such a Merciful Lord?

How often do we forget the countless blessings He bestows upon us, mindlessly disobeying Him without a second thought? Shouldn't our bodies shiver out of reverence for His presence?

Where is our shame when we repeatedly sin, turning our back on the love and mercy He shows towards us? Shouldn't our hearts tremble at the thought of displeasing Him, the one who has showered us with countless blessings?
تذكيرات الموت

03 Feb, 17:15


Ibn al Qayyim رحمه الله said:

“Were it not for the trials in this world, we would be arriving bankrupt on the Day of Judgment”

[Zaad al-Ma’aad | 4/176]
تذكيرات الموت

31 Jan, 19:29


مما يعينك على السير لربك

Some of the key things that aid you in your journey to your Rabb:

▪️ Knowing that Allāh has complete oversight over what you do.
▪️ Oft-remembering death.
▪️ Knowing that your limbs are a witness for you or against you
▪️ Assuming shyness in front of the recording Angels.
▪️ Accompanying righteous people.
تذكيرات الموت

31 Jan, 19:22


When Allāh has destined your death to occur in a distant land, He creates a reason for you to journey there. don't let life's distractions make you forget about the reality of death.The grave is a reminder of our final destination, a place where worldly distractions fade away. What truly matters is the life we've led, and how we have prepared our souls for the hereafter.
تذكيرات الموت

30 Jan, 02:26


"In accordance with how good your expectations of and hope in Allāh are and how truthful your reliance and trust are in Him, Allāh will not betray your hopes in the least, as He does not betray the hopes of those who hope and does not cause any effort to go to waste." ♥️

Sh.Abu Muhammed Al-Maqdisi
تذكيرات الموت

30 Jan, 02:23


Yahyaa Ibn Mu’aadh Al-Raazee (rh) said:

“Son of Adam; you seek the world as if your very life depended on it and you seek the Hereafter as if you have no need of it! You will acquire what you need from this world even if you do not run after it, but you will only attain the Hereafter if you run after it. So be aware of your true condition!”

[“The Journey Of The Strangers”, By Al-Aajurree, p. 67]
تذكيرات الموت

27 Jan, 01:38


If you are looking for wealth, somebody is looking for health.

If you are looking for health, somebody just died.

If you are looking for power, somebody has acquired and use it and now is powerless.

Each time you drive a fancy car, somebody, somewhere is dying in a car crash.

Each time a new mansion springs from the earth, a new grave is dug below the earth.

Each time you throw away a morsel, somewhere, somebody is searching for a morsel to survive.

Each time you throw food into dustbin, someone is looking for remnant to eat.

Each time you ask Allah to promote or change your present situation, someone is praying to get to your present situation.

For each smile on the planet, there's a drop of tear in another place on the planet.

For each celebration of childbirth, there are tears of burial.

Each time you use toilet or drink water, remember someone is using a pipe for the same purpose.

Do you even realise that while you are praying for long life, someone somewhere, not seeing any reason to continue living, is wishing for death?

The joy of life lies in knowing your limitations and your final and inevitable destination.

May we be guided rightly. Aameen

Be contented.

Say Alhamdhulillah

تذكيرات الموت

23 Jan, 04:54


شيئان محزنان: رجل لم يدخل المسجد إلا في جنازته و امرأة لم تستر نفسها إلا في كفنها

Two sad things: A man (who) did not enter the mosque except for his Janaza, and a woman who did not cover herself except in her shroud.

-Translated post from Galandhaanu-