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تذكيرات الموت
" Every soul shall taste death"

May Allāh grant us tawbatan Nasuhā before death.
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Последний контент, опубликованный в تذكيرات الموت на Telegram

تذكيرات الموت

09 Mar, 21:07


"It is death, the end of all living souls, none will ever escape it nor will it ever be beaten in a race."
تذكيرات الموت

09 Mar, 20:49



Its that time to make permanent change, repentance, and to accumulate deeds and rewards. Many become complacent and don’t push themselves and are perfectly comfortable with their condition. We should never feel safe or be content with our deeds thinking we have a lofty status with Allāh when it’s far from that. How arrogant are we to be happy and content with the scraps that we give to Allāh.

Strive. Strive this Ramadān like our pious predecessors did. Strive to make this Ramadān different and more rewarding from the rest both in quality and quantity. Don’t settle for less; increase in your prayers, increase in your dhikr, give charity like you know no poverty, aim to finish the Quran more than once, and if one is unable to, then aim to finish the Quran once with understanding and contemplation. Strive to exceed your own expectations of yourself and please your Rabb keeping in mind that we are all in competition with one another for those ranks.

Ibn Rajab رحمه الله:
‎"Know that in the month of Ramadan there are two jihad of the self which take place for the believer:

Jihad of the daytime with fasting, and Jihad of the night time with standing for prayer.

So whoever gathers between these two Jihad, fulfills their rights, and is patient with them, then he is given his reward without limit."
[Lataa'if Al-Ma'arif (1/171)]

We should all have goals and a plan (if that helps) so as to not waste time. We cannot waste a single moment of the precious days that are to come, and only a loser would let Ramadān pass by without taking full advantage of it May Allāh protect us Amīn.

As Shaykh Ahmad once said “We are Muslims not Ramadanies” - our habits in Ramadān should continue afterwards and be maintained. The fact that you can do it in Ramadān shows you can continue it outside of that month. This should be our intention.

Side point: Please refrain from exposing your acts of ‘Ibādah and keep it between you and Allāh. Ikhlās goes a long way.
تذكيرات الموت

09 Mar, 20:44


I return to You, my Lord, for You are the One whose promises remain unbroken through all eternity. Forgive me for the moments I turned away, for the times I fell short in devotion to You. Wrap me in Your mercy, and let my heart beat with unending love and longing for You, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.
تذكيرات الموت

09 Mar, 03:34


We tirelessly plan for careers, exams, marriages, and worldly successes, yet how often do we forget the only certainty of life—death? When death arrives, all the wealth, children, and fleeting pleasures of this dunya will cease. Fame, views, and numbers are of no value in the Hereafter.
Reflect deeply—How can we expect to harvest a flourishing garden in the Hereafter if we’ve sown nothing but worldly desires in this life?

Rectify your path before it is too late, for regret after death is of no avail. May Allāh grant us the wisdom to prepare for the real journey, the one that begins when this life ends.
تذكيرات الموت

07 Mar, 14:19


Imam Ibn al Jawzī رحمه الله said:

‎“By Allāh, if it was said to the dead in their graves,

‎‘Wish for something.’

‎They would wish to witness one (more) day of Ramadan.”

‎[Tabsirah, 2/75]

Please make the most of this month!
تذكيرات الموت

05 Mar, 05:21


Engrave this in your mind:

“This might be my last Ramadhān.”

تذكيرات الموت

04 Mar, 09:36


Abū al-Dardāʾ said:

“Three things make me weep: fear of the fate that awaits us after death, the impossibility of striving further toward’s our own salvation, and the uncertainty as to the verdict that will be made on the day of Judgment."

Ibn QutaybahʿUyūn al-akhbārii359
تذكيرات الموت

02 Mar, 21:55


How much longer did you believe He would permit your voyage to continue?"

Reflect upon this: if our time is now, what will we present to Allah? Will it be deeds virtuous or vile? 💔

تذكيرات الموت

02 Mar, 21:54


We are all postponed funerals.

So seek forgiveness..🤍

اللهم إنا نسألك حسن الخاتمة..
تذكيرات الموت

02 Mar, 21:38


This May Be Your Last Ramadan
Contemplate for a moment: What if this is your last Ramadan? With every sunrise and sunset, we edge closer to our ultimate destination. The breath you draw now may be your final one tomorrow. So, let this thought instill a sense of urgency within you to make this Ramadan your best one yet bi idnillahi. Immerse yourself fully in the blessings of this holy month. Seek forgiveness and strive for a renewed connection with Allāh. Let your actions during this month be the most exemplary they have ever been.
Think of those who were eagerly awaiting Ramadan but were taken back to their Creator before they could see it. Their hopes and plans left unfulfilled. We are among the fortunate to witness it, but how long will we remain so?