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A world that has been erased by the System.
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El contenido más reciente compartido por TARTARIA BRAZIL en Telegram

🇬🇧 They were giant animals, not dinosaurs

To this day, nobody has ever excavated a complete dinosaur skeleton. Hence, the various species of dinosaurs are all artist renditions.

Before the 1800s, nobody had ever heard of a "dinosaur". Nor had anyone anywhere throughout the ages discovered a single "dinosaur fossil". This includes every single culture from around the world, from the native Americans to the ancient Egyptians.

The prehistoric monsters seen in museum exhibits are all plaster casts; "real" dinosaur bones are only allowed to be seen by a special group of government appointed paleontologists.

The whole dinosaur industry is propaganda to hide that before all beings were giants, including humans.

That's why whenever a giant bone is found, the Smithsonian Institute goes running, requisitions it and keeps it for itself, lest people realize that they are from giant animals.

This is why a complete dinosaur skeleton has never been discovered. There simply is not and has not been. The museums would be full of them otherwise.

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🇺🇸"The descent of plasma after the end of a cycle is not just a celestial phenomenon, but a sign that reality is about to be rewritten. Official science wants us to believe that the petrifications of people are just cases of pareidolia, an optical illusion that makes us see patterns where they don't exist. However, the hidden reality shows us that these events are actually a result of the transition between cycles, a reminder that our reality is more fragile than we think."

🇮🇹"La discesa del plasma dopo la fine di un ciclo non è solo un fenomeno celeste, ma un segno che la realtà sta per essere riscritta. La scienza ufficiale vuole farci credere che le pietrificazioni delle persone sono solo casi di pareidolia, un'illusione ottica che ci fa vedere schemi dove non esistono. Tuttavia, la realtà nascosta ci mostra che questi eventi sono in realtà un risultato della transizione tra cicli, un promemoria che la nostra realtà è più fragile di quanto pensiamo."

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🇬🇧 The pyramid of Giza concentrates electromagnetic energy through its chambers

Scientists from ITMO University (Russia) and the Laser Zentrum Hannover (Germany) have discovered that the pyramid of Giza, in Egypt, centralizes electromagnetic energy in the chambers inside and concentrates it in its lower part, underground.

Since the interior was not known in its entirety, they decided to take as a hypothesis that it is a structure that disperses radio waves like a resonance chamber and obtained interesting results.

They applied various types of electromagnetic radiation to the pyramid and found that the construction interacts with them.

The pyramid behaves like a cavity resonator that oscillates at certain frequencies with a larger amplitude than at others, and that attracts and amplifies radio waves.

The researchers observed the distribution of electromagnetic fields inside the pyramid and studied the interactions between the waves in a length range ranging from 650 to 1970 ft.

However, given the lack of complete information about the structure of the pyramid, the team had to proceed by hypothesis assuming that there were no unknown spaces inside and that in the building material (limestone blocks) was evenly distributed inside and outside the pyramid.

They discovered that the pyramid concentrates electromagnetic energy in its hidden rooms, accumulating its energy inside the pharaoh's tomb and then directs it to a point just below its base, where the third of the four chambers discovered so far is located.

The discovery seems to add more certainty to the hypothesis about the true function of the Great Pyramid as a machine for storing, concentrating or channeling some kind of energy.

Tesla was totally convinced that the Egyptian pyramids had a totally different purpose from being mere monuments and dedicated much of his life to studying them.

Image 1
Distributions of the magnitudes of the electric (a)-(d) and magnetic (e)-(h) fields in the x-z plane of the pyramid.

Image 2
Distributions of the magnitude of the electric (a)-(e) and magnetic (f)-(j) field in the x-z plane of the pyramid.


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Уверен что, еще парочка зрителей, которые не верят что Земля Плоская, осталась, поэтому давайте проведем эксперимент.
Согласно шароверской 🌍 теории, скорость вращения поверхности Земли, составляет 1670 км/ч.
Так как же? по их мнению, космонавты возвращаются, на этот чертов атракцион?




🇧🇷 A lenda de Sumé, o gigante sábio

Há muito tempo, na floresta amazônica e em outras regiões do Brasil, surgiu um ser misterioso chamado Sumé. Ele era um gigante sábio e bondoso que ensinou os povos indígenas a cultivar a terra, especialmente a mandioca, e a viver em harmonia com a natureza.

Sumé tinha poder divino e deixou enormes pegadas na terra, que os indígenas consideravam sagradas. No entanto, sua sabedoria gerou inveja entre alguns xamãs e guerreiros, que começaram a desconfiar dele. Por fim, os líderes da tribo o expulsaram, temendo que seu poder fosse muito grande.

Quando Sumé partiu, ele atravessou as águas, deixando para trás uma mensagem de que um dia retornaria. Alguns acreditam que essa história influenciou a crença indígena de que os colonizadores europeus eram descendentes de Sumé.

Em algumas versões, Sumé não é apenas um gigante, mas um deus civilizador, semelhante a figuras mitológicas de outras culturas, como Quetzalcoatl no México ou Viracocha nos Andes.

🇫🇷 La légende de Sumé, le sage géant

Il y a bien longtemps, dans la forêt amazonienne et dans d'autres régions du Brésil, un être mystérieux appelé Sumé est apparu. C'était un géant sage et gentil qui enseignait aux indigènes à cultiver la terre, en particulier le manioc, et à vivre en harmonie avec la nature.

Sumé avait un pouvoir divin et laissait d'immenses empreintes dans la terre, que les indigènes considéraient comme sacrées. Cependant, sa sagesse a suscité la jalousie de certains chamans et guerriers, qui ont commencé à se méfier de lui. Les chefs de tribus finirent par l'expulser, craignant que son pouvoir ne soit trop grand.

Lorsque Sumé est parti, il a traversé les eaux, laissant derrière lui un message indiquant qu'il reviendrait un jour. Certains pensent que cette histoire a influencé la croyance indigène selon laquelle les colons européens étaient les descendants de Sumé.

Dans certaines versions, Sumé n'est pas seulement un géant, mais un dieu civilisateur, semblable aux figures mythologiques d'autres cultures, comme Quetzalcoatl au Mexique ou Viracocha dans les Andes.

🇬🇧 The Legend of Sumé, the Wise Giant

Long ago, in the Amazon rainforest and other regions of Brazil, a mysterious being called Sumé appeared. He was a wise and kind giant who taught the indigenous people to cultivate the land, especially cassava (manioc), and to live in harmony with nature.

Sumé had divine power and left huge footprints in the earth, which the indigenous people considered sacred. However, his wisdom generated envy among some shamans and warriors, who began to distrust him. Eventually, the tribal leaders expelled him, fearing that his power was too great.

When Sumé departed, he walked across the waters, leaving behind a message that he would one day return. Some believe that this story influenced the indigenous belief that the European settlers were Sumé's descendants.

In some versions, Sumé is not just a giant, but a civilising god, similar to mythological figures in other cultures, such as Quetzalcoatl in Mexico or Viracocha in the Andes.

#mitologia lenda do Brasil

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SWASTIKA Pepsi-Cola.
🇧🇷 É bem sabido que a Coca-Cola usou a suástica por algum tempo. Mas você sabia que a Pepsi-Cola também fez isso?
Este foi um FOB para o 30º aniversário da Pepsi

🇩🇪 Es ist bekannt, dass Coca-Cola seit einiger Zeit das Hakenkreuz verwendet. Aber wussten Sie, dass Pepsi-Cola das auch tat?
Dies war ein FOB zum 30-jährigen Jubiläum von Pepsi.

🇬🇧 It is well known that Coca-Cola used the swastika for some time. But did you know that Pepsi-Cola did that too? This was a FOB for Pepsi's 30th anniversary.

🇪🇸 Es bien sabido que Coca-Cola usó la esvástica durante algún tiempo. ¿Pero sabías que Pepsi-Cola también hizo eso?
Este fue un FOB para el 30 aniversario de Pepsi

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🇧🇷 Um distintivo da polícia de Vallejo, Califórnia, de 1907, feito em San Francisco pela Irvine Wirth & Jachens Company. Observe a suástica no topo do emblema.

🇩🇪 Ein 1907 Vallejo, Kalifornien, Polizeiabzeichen, hergestellt in San Francisco von Irvine Wirth & Jachens Company. Beachten Sie das Hakenkreuz oben auf dem Emblem.

🇬🇧 A 1907 Vallejo, Calif., police badge made in San Francisco by Irvine Wirth & Jachens Company. Note the swastika on top of the emblem.

🇪🇸 Una placa de policía de 1907 Vallejo, California, fabricada en San Francisco por Irvine Wirth & Jachens Company. Tenga en cuenta la esvástica en la parte superior del emblema.

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🇺🇸"The swastika, an ancestral and sacred symbol, is actually a celestial reflection, inspired by the seasonal pattern that the Big Dipper draws around Polaris, the North Star. However, the true essence of the swastika has been deliberately distorted and tainted by misinformation, with the aim of hiding its true meaning and power."

🇮🇹"La svastica, un simbolo ancestrale e sacro, è in realtà un riflesso celeste, ispirato al modello stagionale che l'Orsa Maggiore disegna attorno a Polaris, la Stella Polare. Tuttavia, l'essenza vera della svastica è stata deliberatamente distorta e infangata dalla disinformazione, con l'obiettivo di nascondere il suo vero significato e potere."

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🇧🇷 A lenda do gigante de Monte Pindo

Monte Pindo, na costa de A Coruña, é uma montanha sagrada para os galegos, cheia de mistérios. De acordo com a lenda, séculos atrás, um gigante de pedra viveu lá, guardião dos tesouros escondidos dos antigos druidas.

Esse gigante tinha uma força enorme e protegia os vilarejos costeiros de invasores e criaturas malignas. Um dia, no entanto, um rei ganancioso ouviu rumores sobre o ouro escondido na montanha e enviou um exército para tomá-lo. O gigante, furioso, lançou um arremesso de pedras contra o gigante. O gigante, furioso, atirou pedras enormes do topo, criando a paisagem rochosa que pode ser vista hoje em Monte Pindo.

Mas os deuses celtas, vendo tanta destruição, decidiram punir o gigante, transformando-o em pedra para sempre. Diz-se que sua silhueta ainda pode ser vista nas rochas da montanha e que, quando há uma tempestade, seu espírito acorda e ruge com o vento.

Além disso, Monte Pindo está repleto de petróglifos e vestígios arqueológicos que alimentam essas lendas. Alguns acreditam que o ouro ainda está escondido em alguma caverna secreta, protegido pelo espírito do gigante.
🇫🇷 La légende du géant de Monte Pindo

Monte Pindo, sur la côte de La Corogne, est une montagne sacrée pour les Galiciens, pleine de mystères. Selon la légende, il y a des siècles vivait un géant de pierre, gardien des trésors cachés des anciens druides.

Ce géant avait une force énorme et protégeait les villages côtiers des envahisseurs et des créatures maléfiques. Un jour, cependant, un roi cupide entendit des rumeurs sur l'or caché dans la montagne et envoya une armée pour s'en emparer. Le géant, furieux, lança d'énormes blocs de pierre du haut de la montagne, créant le paysage rocheux que l'on peut voir aujourd'hui sur le Monte Pindo.

Mais les dieux celtes, voyant tant de destruction, décidèrent de punir le géant en le transformant en pierre pour toujours. On dit que sa silhouette est encore visible sur les rochers de la montagne et que, lorsqu'il y a une tempête, son esprit se réveille et rugit dans le vent.

En outre, le Monte Pindo regorge de pétroglyphes et de vestiges archéologiques qui alimentent ces légendes. Certains pensent que l'or est toujours caché dans une grotte secrète, protégée par l'esprit du géant.
🇬🇧 The Legend of the Giant of Monte Pindo

Monte Pindo, on the coast of A Coruña, is a sacred mountain for the Galicians, full of mysteries. According to legend, centuries ago a stone giant lived there, guardian of the hidden treasures of the ancient Druids.

This giant had enormous strength and protected the coastal villages from invaders and evil creatures. One day, however, a greedy king heard rumours about the gold hidden in the mountain and sent an army to take it. The giant, furious, hurled huge boulders from the top, creating the rocky landscape that can be seen on Monte Pindo today.

But the Celtic gods, seeing so much destruction, decided to punish the giant, turning him into stone forever. It is said that his silhouette can still be seen on the rocks of the mountain, and that when there is a storm, his spirit wakes up and roars in the wind.

In addition, Monte Pindo is full of petroglyphs and archaeological remains that fuel these legends. Some believe that the gold is still hidden in some secret cave, protected by the spirit of the giant.

#mitologia lenda da Galiza

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