Cinemaa @sukacoll Channel on Telegram



Cinemaa (English)

Are you a movie buff looking for a new platform to discuss your favorite films with like-minded individuals? Look no further than Cinemaa, a Telegram channel created by the username @sukacoll. This channel is dedicated to all things cinema, from classic films to the latest box office hits.

Whether you're a casual moviegoer or a hardcore film enthusiast, Cinemaa is the perfect place to share your thoughts, reviews, and recommendations with other passionate fans. You can engage in lively discussions, discover hidden gems, and stay updated on the latest news and trailers.

Who is @sukacoll? An avid movie lover who created Cinemaa to connect with fellow cinephiles and create a vibrant community of film enthusiasts. What is Cinemaa? It is a virtual movie theater where you can immerse yourself in the world of cinema and bond over your shared love for the silver screen. Join Cinemaa today and let the movie magic begin!


12 Oct, 20:16

Cukup 50k saja
Silahkan sawer mimin ksni ya
Nanti lgsg mimin masukn


12 Oct, 20:14

Vip kita skrg udh ada 749 file.. Yg blum gabung silahkan bergabung,

Krna file msh akan bertambh trus


30 Sep, 04:29

Mimin tidak akan mengingatkan lagi ya gais..

Yg mau gbung vip langsung sawer saja 50K dan jgan lupa username tele kalian d tulis

Mimin lebih aktv di VIP ya gais..

Ini tempt sawer nya


27 Sep, 13:02

Haduh gaiis.. Knpa username ny gak d tulis saat nyawer.. Jgn lupa username ny dong ktika nyawer,
Guna username adalah untuk mimin memsukkan kalian k grub vip


26 Sep, 12:07

Nih mimin ksh yg full nya.. Tetapi yg ini ada pasword nya.. Yg tanpa pasword ada d grub vip ny ya gaiis


24 Sep, 21:03

Full nya ada di grub vip ya gais
Oknum guru dan ketua osis 😍😍😍😍


24 Sep, 00:54

Ini isi nya 80% putih biru dan putih merah yg cantik2.. 😍😍😍

Selebih nya selebgram artis dan putih abu abu

Cukup sawer 50k kalian sdh bisa bergabung..

Sawer nya ksni


21 Sep, 20:42

Nih mimin kasih salah satu contoh file yg ada di grub vip..

Koleksi lain nya ada di vip ya.. Sudh tersedia 704 file yg sdh mimin siap kan di VIP


17 Sep, 04:17

Yg sudah bergabung di grub.. Selamat kalian sudah bisa mendownload file nya 1 persatu ya 😁 dan selamat bercoli ria😍😍


16 Sep, 20:41

Yang mau join aja nih udah ada 704 file yg bisa kalian nikmati..
Cukup 50k saja
Silahkan sawer mimin ksni ya
Nanti lgsg mimin masukin

Di kolom pesan saweria cukup tulis username tele kalian ya.. Jgn tulis yg aneh2..


23 Jun, 12:26

Mimin minta tolong ini.. Supya kita sama2 enak.. Kalian dpt film.. Mimin dpt kawan main hamster


23 Jun, 12:25

Link ny mimin share ulang ya gais..
. Masa bru 9 org yg gbung.. 😒.. Klo pngen cpt mimin shre film nya.. Gbung dong.. Kan gratis gais.. Tinggal klik aja😒


23 Jun, 12:23