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Sri Anandamayi Ma


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Sri Anandamayi Ma (English)

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Who is Sri Anandamayi Ma? She was a well-known spiritual leader and saint in India, revered for her wisdom, compassion, and teachings on spirituality. Her devotees seek to follow in her footsteps and learn from her profound insights into life and existence.

What is the 'Sri Anandamayi Ma' Telegram channel? It is a space dedicated to discussions, reflections, and sharing related to Sri Anandamayi Ma's teachings, life, and impact. As an exclusive channel for devotees, it offers a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore their spirituality, connect with others, and deepen their understanding of Sri Anandamayi Ma's message.

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

10 Jan, 00:56

There is no question of acceptance (acknowledging or embracing) and rejection (refusal or dismissal) in Ma. In Ma’s rejection, there is acceptance; so also, in acceptance, there is rejection. Ma indeed remains and will remain in all the moments in both bhava (presence or manifestation) and in abhava (absence or void).

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Sri Anandamayi Ma:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

09 Jan, 10:37

I asked: “Ma, have you been to Ramanashram?”

She stopped,
looked at me, and asked: “Have you been?”

My eldest jethaa moshaai (eldest uncle), Sri Satya Prakash Mukherjee had been to Bhagavan’s abode from very early on in 1952, and because of him four generations of our family, including his own father, had been drawn into Bhagavan’s net of Grace.

Considering I had come in intimate contact with most of the first generation family of Bhagavan through my uncle (my salutations to him), I replied: “Yes Ma, twice.”

She gave me a faraway yet penetrating look and answered: Ota aamaar baaper baadi (“That is my father’s home.”).
By then we had reached ground level and I followed her on along the very narrow lane
towards a car parked at one end of the lane where it joined a larger road. As she stopped and turned to cross the lane and reach the car that was waiting for her, she turned to me and said in Bengali, “Don’t
stop going there. Don’t stop going there.”

She was soon gone. As I watched unblinking, she disappeared through the door of the car held open for her. Upon settling into the rear car seat she then graciously leaned out of the window and
shared her secret with me. With a captivating smile she said,
“Do not stop going there!”

It naturally made a deep impression on me.

Ma may have disappeared from our physical eyes, but her admonition not to stop coming to Arunachala burned bright in my heart. The injunction of Sri Bhagavan to search for the origin of the seeker was endorsed by her on this earthly plane.
She directly empowered my deep-felt faith in Sri Ramana and Arunachala and I went to my father’s house too, as if it were my birthright.

Ma was born in 1896, which was the same year of our Master’s Advent in Arunachala. And later that year, at the age of 56, she did
indeed visit her baap ka ghar in November 1952 to pay her respects to the samadhi lingam of her pitaji (father), Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, the manifestation of Siva Dakshinamurti.

SS Cohen wrote a report that was published in Ananda Varta, the official magazine of Ma’s ashram. “She went round the Ashram to see the places sanctified by the holy presence of Shri Ramana Bhagavan
in His life-time. Before His samadhi, She reverently stood with folded hands, and enquired about how the sacred body had been buried, and whether there was a lingam on the samadhi. The lingam She could not see because it was covered with flower garlands. Then She entered the Matrubhuteswara shrine which was built over the remains of the Master’s mother and climbed to the sanctum sanctorum where She was shown Sri Chakra and the sacred lingam. At 5 pm. She attended the usual Veda parayan near Sri Maharishi’s samadhi, and between 7 and 9 pm. the bhajan programme, as in Madras.

“All the ashram devotees and many members of the Managing Committee, who had come from Madras, gathered in the Ashram at 9 a.m. on the-next day, the 5th. The ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of the Meditation Hall, which is proposed to be built over Sri Bhagavan’s samadhi, was performed, and at its end, Sri Anandamayee Ma approached and strewed flowers over the foundation stone to the joy of all present.”

Later that same evening after a short movie on Bhagavan in his last years was shown to Her, and then “…a member of the Managing
Committee approached Mataji and with folded hands begged Her to visit our Ashram again, to which
She smilingly replied;
‘I am not going anywhere: I am always here. There is no going nor coming all is Atman’ which very much reminded us of the very words of our Divine Guru, Sri Ramana Bhagavan.”

After three days in the ashram, “On the 7th, at 5 a.m., Mataji stood under the arch of Sri Ramanashram gate in clear moonlight with Sirius brilliantly twinkling overhead. She looked around, and, seeing the small circle of Ramana bhaktas gathered to see Her off, affectionately bade them farewell, then entered Her car and sped away on Her journey in the direction of the Southern Cross, extremely satisfied at the reception given to Her here, and at the peaceful

Sri Anandamayi Ma

09 Jan, 10:37

atmosphere of the Ashram. Sri Hari Baba [who was in charge of travelling arrangements for Ma] expressed a wish that their stay might have been a month
instead of only three days.”

- Ananda Varta, Volume one, Number two, pp.61-2. ‘Ma Anandamayee in Madras
and Tiruvannamalai’.
~ Excerpt from: That is My Father’s
House! “Ota Aamaar Baaper Baadi!”
Soumen Mukherjee
Mountain Path. April 2012.

Sri Anandamayi Ma

09 Jan, 00:55

You will have to strive earnestly to remain ever centred in God, no matter in what way He may keep you. If the mind is fixed on God the question of material wants or complaints, of honour or disgrace does not arise. The more you let your mind dwell on Him the more you will find yourself improving in body and mind. By discussions on Divine things and by a simple, frugal life you will have to prepare yourself.

You must become calm and healthy. When thinking think of Him, when working let it be His service only. You are by nature good and kind-hearted, but you will have to become good in every respect. On no account allow your thoughts to dwell on wants and complaints. Learn to adapt yourself to circumstances as they arise - then only can there be hope for peace and tranquility .

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Sri~ Sri Anandamayi Ma:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

08 Jan, 18:45

Location of Shree Ma Anandamayee shibir at Kumbh

Sri Anandamayi Ma

08 Jan, 00:54

The kheyal (inner divine inspiration) arose: 'Where is mind? What is mind? The belief in something other than God—this is mind.'

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Sri Anandamayi Ma:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

07 Jan, 07:09

Question - Ma, How can I be one with God (Ishwara)? I am a perishable human being. After liberation I shall be indestructible, immortal. Both are contained within God (Paramatma), are they not?

Sri Anandamayi Ma - When realizing oneness, duality will also be known in its totality. Having become immortal, the perishable human being will be fully understood as well. So long as there is a lack of real vision, discussion is unavoidable.

Seen from one point of view, the Paramatma has become divided and as the world, has been, is now, and will continue to be in constant flux. Again, viewed from a different angle, He is ever indestructible and there never has been nor will be any world. In Reality the question of being or non-being cannot arise.

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Sri Anandamayi Ma:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

06 Jan, 00:57

Question - Ma, How can I tell the difference between imagination and intuition?

Sri Anandamayi Ma - Use your intelligence and discriminate carefully.

Make an effort to discard the merely pleasurable for the sake of the highest good. Spiritual sadhana (satkarma) must be done with the utmost sincerity - even physically - because thereby the shakti to tread the path to God will be awakened. This shakti will guide you to discriminate right from wrong.

By engaging in Japa, Meditation and keeping Satsanga one's Inner Power (Shakti) increases. What one receives depends on one's attitude of mind and heart. In all states and conditions it is man's duty to tread the path to God-realisation. If you cannot get satsanga read spiritual books.

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Sri Anandamayi Ma:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

05 Jan, 04:47

How often do people invite pain for themselves by not recognizing reality and by mistaking the untruth for the truth? This is what is avidya maya.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Sri Anandamayi Ma:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

04 Jan, 09:48

Whatever image arises in your mind on that you should meditate: just observe in what shape God will manifest Himself to you. The same form does not suit every person. For some Rama may be most helpful, for some Shiva, for others Parvati and again for others the formless. He certainly is formless, but at the same time watch in which particular form He may appear to you in order to show you the way. Consequently whichever of His forms comes into your mind that one you should contemplate.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Sri Anandamayi Ma:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

03 Jan, 07:58

Proceed as follows: When sitting down to meditate first of all contemplate the form of a deity - further imagining the deity to be enthroned in His seat, bow down before Him and then do japa. When you have concluded the japa bow down once more and having enshrined Him in your heart, leave your seat. This in short may be your practice if you are not able to meditate on the Brahman.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Sri Anandamayi Ma:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

02 Jan, 17:41

God’s name wears away karmas as well as sins and desires which have accumulated over several yugas.

As the kindling of a lamp illumines a room in darkness for thousands of years, like wise the name of God dispels the darkness of crores of births.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Sri Anandamayi Ma:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

01 Jan, 08:07

In the New Year a Sadhak should make renewed efforts for Realization.

~ Sri Anandmayi Ma

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Sri Anandamayi Ma:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

01 Jan, 08:05

Happy New Year 🎊

Sri Anandamayi Ma

31 Dec, 09:02

What is suffering? To feel that God is far away. If one starts feeling God's presence in everything in the world and sees the world to be His play, one will never feel any sorrow.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Sri Anandamayi Ma:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

30 Dec, 01:05

Question - Ma, what is the use of doing sadhana, japa, meditation, ceremonies, and all the rest? We go on practicing for years, but whether we get anywhere by all this exertion and self-denial, we do not know. Does it bring us nearer to Reality?

Sri Anandamayi Ma - When you wash your clothes, you have to apply soap. It is, of course, true that the clothes will not be clean unless the soap is rinsed off again. But can dirt be removed without soap?

The thought of God is the soap that, in the end, has to be washed away by the purifying waters of the Ganges of Supreme Knowledge (jnana ganga). Don't worry about results.

In business, you give and you get something in return. This is called a bargain, but it is no real gain. If you adopt this sort of mercenary attitude, you will not get anywhere. Never leave off your practice until there is illumination. You must be adamant in your pursuit.

The remembrance of God is like a flame. In whichever direction it is blown, there it will burn up whatever gets into its way.

According to your actions, you will reap the fruits. No effort is ever wasted. Good works and bad works will yield their harvest in great abundance—for He is extremely generous.

Perhaps you will argue, "I want to be a king, but my wish is not granted." You get exactly what is due to you—nothing less and nothing more.

When a pitcher full of water has a hole, however small, all the water will leak away. This is how it is with you: your concentration is never complete, there is a break in it, and you do not want anything with your whole being.

A dose of poison kills a man. But the objects of senses act like slow poison; gradually, they push you towards death. So long as you are worldly-minded, you get a 'return ticket.' You get bound to the round of birth and re-birth, repeating the same kind of experience over and over again.

God is immortal. If you aspire to find Him, you become a pilgrim on the path of immortality. Try to keep company with the pilgrims on this path, and you will realize your Self as the Immortal.

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Ma Anandamayi: or

Sri Anandamayi Ma

29 Dec, 13:55

Who says that the body exists? There is no question at all of name and form. To wonder whether a realised being sees anything outside of himself, is also beside the point. Who is there to whom he can say, ‘Give to my body’! Yet this state of wanting is precisely the reason for one's belief in the reality of the body. Therefore, since there is no world and no body, there can be no action either; this stands to reason. To make it quite clear: after Self-realisation there is no body, no world, and no action – not even the faintest possibility of these – nor is there such an idea as ‘there is not’. To use words is exactly the same as not to speak; to keep silent or not, is identical. All is That alone.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Sri Anandamayi Ma:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

28 Dec, 04:36

Question - Ma, why should one pray to God at all? He in any case does all that is necessary.

Sri Ma Anandamayi - Yes, this is also true on one level. But prayer is good, for to pray means turning one's thoughts to God.

There are various kinds of prayer. At first, man prays for material things like wealth, health, family, position, etc. On that level, if he did not pray for these and similar boons, he would not remember God at all. To be reminded of Him, no matter from what motive, is beneficial.

Then there is a stage, especially in the line of Bhakti, when prayer spontaneously flows from one's heart. One yearns and pines for God and cannot help praying: "I cannot bear to be without Thee, reveal Thyself! When will Thou bless me with Thy vision?" It is like a fever that cannot be allayed by anything but union with Him.

The first type of prayer is of the ego; the second is still of the ego, but of the ego that is about to disintegrate; when its prayer is fulfilled, there will be no other prayer.

There is another state when one prays: "Do what Thou wilt with me. I am a tool in Thy hand, only vouchsafe me the strength to endure whatever Thou mayst require of me." (This means surrendering completely to God's will, seeking strength to face whatever challenges He may bring.)

There is a further state when one does not pray at all. One feels: "God does all that is necessary, so, for what am I to pray?" Then in the firm belief that He provides for all the needs of His creatures, one becomes free from worry and remains absorbed in deep meditation.

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Ma Anandamayi:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

27 Dec, 14:10

Ma Palms

Sri Anandamayi Ma

27 Dec, 00:57

A reading of Sri Anandamayi Ma’s palm on 5th February 1937, as recorded in the diaries of Gurupriya Didi, Volume IV, Pages 37-39

Jyotish Dada introduced a gentleman from that house to Ma and said, "He has been to England and is very proficient in astrology." All the people began requesting him to read their palms. The gentleman did pranam to Ma and with her permission began reading her palm. He exclaimed, "I have never seen such a palm in my life before.

I must have written out ten or twelve thousand horo­scopes - and I have read a countless number of palms, but this chatuh sagari yoga that is present in this palm is capable of almost anything at all, I know nothing but I say a little because of my Guru's will. I understand that Ma has the beneficience of four planets and so far only the effect of one planet has begun to manifest. Work worth only a quarter of a rupee has been achieved ; what has been done will be nothing compared to what is going to be done in the coming years.

The waters will drown everything and rise still higher." Jyotish Dada questioned, "How do you see Ma's sadhana ? Will it be of any help to the world or not ?" The astrologer replied, "What shall I say of sadhana ?

She is beyond it !" Jyotish Dada said, "People say she is a worship­per of Kali." The astrologer, Abinush Babu laughed and declared, "Kali will come and worship her ! And about being helpful to the world, I can only say that even Chaitanya Dev and others had to put some effort to help the world, but in Ma's case, as I see it, even those deeds do not have to be per­formed.

Everything will occur of its own accord which is called 'falling from above', In my life 1 have seen another hand which appears to match this one. It is the hand of a person who lives near Manasarovar and, as he himself told me, his age is 350 years. But he is a yogi and had to perform yoga to attain his present state. I see that Ma did not have to do even that. I have read about certain markings in books, but I have never seen them on any human hands. Today I have sighted them on Ma's hand.

My Guru has said, 'Whosoever has such markings on his hand is beyond the control of the invisible". After making various such comments and after reading the palms of some others, the astrologer spoke about the invisible. He was not like other astrologers and seemed to be enveloped by a strange mood. His readings were quite correct and he mainly disclosed the natures of people. He is one who performs intense spiritual practices. We heard that he took his image of Siva with him when he went to England and worshipped the image every day. Later he took me aside and said, "Listen, I have never seen Ma before. Yesterday when I sat down to do puja I saw Ma. I have never seen such a phenomenon before. I have also never seen earlier what I saw on Ma's palm. From the lines that I see on her hand I am convinced that she is Brahma Vidya Herself.

I have absolutely no doubts on this score. I am only afraid that she may not retain her body for long. I can see the marking of this disaster looming over your heads but I am also anxious about the preservation of Ma's body, therefore I shall also ask Ma about it," In fact he did speak privately to Ma about all this and prayed to her to preserve her body. Ma replied, "Whatever has to happen will happen; if you can protect this body then do so. To me everything is fine."

Abinash Dabu said, "A disharmony is destroy­ing this body and without changing that it will be difficult to look after this body." On our asking him for a solution he replied, "I shall also go to Ma and say whatever occurs to me at that time. 1 shall certainly aspire for the protection of Ma's body, but what powers do we have anyway? To speak thus to Ma is blasphemy. Yet I dared to read her hand only with her permission."

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Ma Anandamayi:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

26 Dec, 00:57

The path is narrow, as sharp as the razor's edge, and perilous (dangerous) in the extreme.

The idea 'I am Atma (soul), I am Sri Krishna'—ever pure and free, having no taint (stain) of worldly desire—is a great concept. If you can choose this trend of thought and follow it vigorously (with effort and dedication), it may help you to rend (tear apart) the veil of maya (illusion), the One concealing itself and appearing as the many, provided He wills it.

But to live a life of pure detachment (freedom from attachment) from all needs of the body, from all desires and longings of the mind, all your actions and thoughts need to be directed towards Him. Always keep alive the sense of discrimination (ability to judge wisely).

Reflect thus: 'I feel some joy here, but is it of the abiding (lasting) type called Atmananda (the bliss of the Self)?'

There must be keen (sharp and focused) discrimination between that which is fleeting (temporary) and that which is abiding (permanent) forever. Think always about the precept (teaching) that the Guru has given you: 'I am That.' While moving about, working, or resting, always seek refuge (protection and comfort) in That.

You must read about matters which will develop both introspection (self-reflection) and insight (deep understanding) into the realities of life; constantly seize opportunities conducive (favorable) to that end. In all your thoughts and outward actions, your sole aim must be to stick to Him steadily (firmly and consistently) at all times.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Ma Anandamayi:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

25 Dec, 13:04

Artwork of Lord Krishna, Paramhansa Yogananda , Yukteshwar ji , Mahavatar Babaji : Lahiri mahashay, Jesus christ, Anandamayi maa.

Sri Anandamayi Ma

25 Dec, 12:53

Sri Anandamayi Ma was the Teacher whose guidance was sought by the learned as well as the simple, the old and also children, people from alien cultures or from traditional backgrounds.

Although she travelled incessantly, it was seen that she was at home everywhere and no one was a stranger to her. Throughout the length and breadth of India and also beyond its shores people found her to be, as if the personification of their own inner vision of the Adored one who is most dear to their hearts.

In Dhaka where she first gained recognition, She was known as "Manush Kali", that is, the 'living Kali'. Kali is the presiding Deity of Bengal so that was quite understandable. When she moved out of Bengal and visited other provinces, her presence elicited the same type of response, even at her first appearance. On the shores of the Holy Narmada, she was greeted as "Devi Narmada". In Madurai she was hailed as the Goddess Minakshi by surging crowds who waited hours for a glimpse of her. In the Punjab she was given the same place of honour as the Holy Granth Sahab. In Vrindavan, the much-respected Mahatma, Sri Haribabaji Maharaj saw in her his adored Deity, the Lord Gauranga. The Sindhi devotees of Sri Udiyababaji Maharaj paid her homage as the visible Form of their Deity Jhoolelal. One Muslim devotee used to a see a vision of her with a Taj on her head during his meditations. A Christian devotee remarked quite spontaneously "Now we have a Face to put on God". The simple highland women of Almora would say to her, "Now that we have you with us, we do not need to visit the Temple"

One visitor, an Irish journalist frankly asked her, "Am I right to believe that you are God?" Sri Ma answered, "There is nothing save He alone; everyone and everything is but a form of God. In your person also He has come here to give darshana". He persisted, "Why are you in this world?" "In this world?" Sri Ma answered, "I am not anywhere. I am myself reposing within myself'. During the same conversation the Irishman said, "I am a Christian:' Sri Ma answered, "So am I, a Christian, a Muslim, anything you like".

In general Sri Ma's inimitable smile disarmed all questions regarding her identity. She once answered a devotee's query in these words: "What a childish question to ask; People have various visions of gods and goddesses (in me) according to their own predilections. What I was before, I am now, and shall be hereafter. I am also whatever you or anybody may think I am; why don't you look at it this way: the yearnings (of seekers after Truth) have brought about this body. All of you have wanted it and so you have found it. That is all you need to know."

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Ma Anandamayi:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

24 Dec, 00:50

Question - Ma, How can one conquer sleep?

Sri Anandamayi Ma - Sleep cannot be conquered, yet under certain conditions, the need of sleep vanishes of itself. When you are keenly interested in something you do not feel sleepy, on the contrary, you remain wide awake without any effort; but afterwards you get a reaction and have to make up for your loss of sleep.

When you have not slept enough you cannot do good work. On the other hand the sound sleep refreshes you. At least a few out of the twenty-four hours of each day must be spent in sleep, otherwise you feel tired and wretched. Why?

During deep sleep the activities of the senses are at rest, and moreover although still covered by the veil of ignorance, you touch your Self. Unless this happens at least once a day, you cannot endure life; it becomes an ordeal. This is so for the average person.

However, as one progresses in sadhana, the senses get more and more rest and one draws nearer to one's Self. In proportion to the discovery of one’s Self, the necessity of sleep decreases.

When the Self has been realized, when one has become absorbed in the bliss of the Self, then there is no more question of work, of experience or of sleep, because there is only the ONE! Then sleep will not exist for you anymore, you will have gone beyond it. This is why I begin by saying, sleep is not conquered, it ceases of itself.

Nevertheless, it is also true that a yogi may conquer sleep by the Divine Energy that awakens in him through his yoga. But for the àtmànishtha, established in the Self, the question of sleep can no longer arise.

The amount of sleep a person requires depends on various factors. When tamas predominates one needs more sleep, and also when the body is weak or unhealthy. The kind of food one eats also has a bearing on the amount of sleep that is required.

Question - Ma, How is one to know whether one sleeps too much out of laziness or because the body needs it because of weakness.

Sri Anandamayi Ma - if you watch yourself carefully you will soon find out.

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Sri Anandamayi Ma:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

23 Dec, 11:13

It has been frequently observed that people with great devotion and love for Mother (Sri Anandamayi Ma) waited at a distance silently offering all their best sentiments to Her, felt Mother’s blessings in the inmost depths of their souls while there were others who brought heaps of offerings, prayed and shed tears to obtain Her grace, but neither received nor Her instructions nor blessings.

Everybody gets a response from Her according to the sincerity and intensity of his devotion; Her blessings do not depend upon the nature of any material thing offered to Her.

All people, men of piety as well as atheists, rich or poor, young or old, male or female, even infants have free access to Her.

She is often heard to utter with a laugh, “Why do you bother about the time and opportunity to see me ?
Don’t you find that my doors are always open?”
Although owing to the illusory attractions of the world, you often forget this little daughter of yours, you may rest assured that your worries and tribulations are ever before my eyes.

~ Excerpt from a short biography of Sri Sri Anandmayee Ma by Bhaiji- MOTHER AS REVEALED TO ME

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Ma Anandamayi: _wachannel

Sri Anandamayi Ma

22 Dec, 01:04

Tender aged children do not like to study because they prefer playing to studying.

To make the children study, force has to be applied, likewise, initially chanting the name has to be done compulsively.

What one requires is practice. As you see, to remove the stains from the utensils, scrubbing is needed. The stain cannot be removed by scrubbing once. Rubbing is required to light a matchstick. It cannot be said at what point it will catch fire suddenly.

Same is the case with chanting the name. Accomplishment comes through practice. Be engaged in the yoga of practice.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Sri Anandamayi Ma:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

05 Dec, 01:19

To this body everyone and everything is equal. The Lord's is the body, the Lord's is the mind, the Lord's is all mankind. Serving anyone is His service only. Endeavor to keep your mind always elevated. Is there ever a time when He is invisible? The discovery of this is all that is wanting.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Ma Anandamayi:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

04 Dec, 01:19

Desires that are apt to entangle you further should not be fostered - this goes without saying. To whom must you turn in order to get rid of the tendency to harbour such desires? To God. For only by dedicating to Him all that is yours will you become fulfilled.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Ma Anandamayi:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

04 Dec, 00:54

Rare pic of Ma cooking

Sri Anandamayi Ma

03 Dec, 00:42

Question - Ma, Please give us some advice so that we can all become better. We are unable to sing the Lord's name.

Sri Anandamayi Ma started laughing. In due course, she said, "Even if you cannot take the name, then do as I tell you. As soon as you get up from sleep in the morning, pray this to God, 'Oh Lord, may we perform our actions as you ordained and may we also understand at the same time that we are doing what you would like us to do.'

In actual fact, whatever we do is exactly as God has ordained previously but we fail to comprehend this. All our actions are as He would like us to do. So, we must pray to God, "You must make us your tools, and let us understand that we are merely your tools." Whether in bed or not in bed, each morning you must pray this to God. If you could not sit on your bed to do so, you can lie down and pray. Although if you pray lying down, your attention is riveted more on us than on your prayers, still it is better to do this than nothing. I am speaking of praying while lying down in this light.

Again, when you go to bed at night, you should pray this again, " Oh Lord, even as sleep may be dedicated to you as you wish, so that we can be aware of this."

"In this way you must keep Him in mind during all your actions which you must carry out as His wish. If you proceed along these lines, you will realize truly one day that there exists nothing in this world except Him.

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

02 Dec, 00:36

Those who are trying to proceed towards God should refrain from criticizing and speaking ill of others. If you see someone, you should not try to label him as good or bad. The attraction towards God of those who do so will be weakened and they will be tempted to glorify themselves. One should look within.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

01 Dec, 00:33

He only who lives consciously, that is to say in Self-awareness, deserves to be called a human being.

Without being truly a human being first, one can not become a Superman.

By following the social and moral laws, human qualities are gradually developed, after which, when one becomes interested in the spiritual quest and the mind has been purified by divine contemplation, one may go beyond illusion and grow into a Superman.

The endeavor to fulfill his real want is characteristic of man; to be established in his true being is the mark of the Superman.

Man's task is to satisfy his want by awakening to his true nature; the Superman's task to become perfected in his true being, which implies renunciation and all-embracing Love.

First of all try to be a real human being.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

30 Nov, 00:32

When you see a flower bud, you perceive the bud only, whereas actually the full blown flower, the fruit, the seed and the whole plant are contained in that little bud. Manifestation is universal and unlimited, but your vision of it is only partial, from one angle, dependent upon what at a particular time appears before your eyes. Look with an all-round, comprehensive vision and try to find out who a particular yogi, a particular individual in reality is.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

29 Nov, 01:29

Do you want deliverance from the bonds of the world? Then weeping profusely, you will have to cry out from the bottom of your heart, ‘Deliver me, Great Mother of the world, deliver me!’

To obtain Her grace you will have to shed tears much more abundantly than when you desire things of the world. When by the flood of your tears the inner and the outer have fused into one, you will find Her whom you sought with such anguish; nearer than the nearest, the very breath of life, the very core of every heart.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

28 Nov, 01:07

A Devotee narrated this Divine Experience that she witnessed in the presence of Sri Anandamayi Ma

"One day, I happened to be standing near the door of Sri Ma's room. I saw one of the local ladies had arrived with a basket of flower-ornaments. With great care, she was putting them on Sri Ma's wrist, upper arms, neck, and head. I thought she was shedding tears of joy and devotion.

Sri Ma looked very aloof; she continued to look beyond the door to the distant hills. Her limbs remained limp like those of a rag-doll. The thought came into my mind unbidden: 'How indifferent Ma is.

Here is this poor woman pouring her heart out, but she is not paying the least heed!'

No sooner had I thought this than I found Sri Ma's full gaze on my face. She had turned from the other door and was looking straight at me.

She said, 'She is not doing all this for me. Her little boy is ill. She wants me to make him well.'

I was ashamed of my thoughts. Sri Ma paused a while and then said, 'You have a spare bottle of Horlicks, haven't you? Give her the bottle for her boy.'

I ran to my room to fetch the bottle of Horlicks. It never occurred to me to wonder as to how Sri Ma knew about my stock of Horlicks. Nobody else did. My mother had packed in a couple of them knowing my habit of going hungry rather than make arrangements for some nourishing food.

Neither did I wonder about Sri Ma's reaction to my unspoken thoughts. That she could see into our minds and thoughts we took for granted."

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

27 Nov, 00:51

How many students attend college, but how few of them stand first although they are all taught by the same professors. None can foretell at what particular time circumstances will co-operate so as to bring about that Great Moment for anyone. There may be failure to begin with, but it is the final success that counts. An aspirant cannot be judged by preliminary results: in the spiritual field final success means success right from the beginning.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

26 Nov, 00:50

Question - Ma, We are asked to practice self-restraint and sàdhàna. We are trying our best, but we do not find God. What are we to do?

Sri Anandamayi Ma - Do not relax your efforts, go on steadily. Just as when you study you pass your exams and then become an officer automatically, and in course of time get your pension; similarly, in the spiritual field also, if you persevere and continue with steadfastness, everything will come to you of itself.

Question - Ma, What you say gives us great hope.

Sri Anandamayi Ma - It is indeed as has just been explained.

Question - Ma, Is it possible for a liberated person to have desire?

Sri Anandamayi Ma - To be liberated and have a desire is a contradiction in terms. Liberation implies desirelessness. How can one be liberated and still have a desire?

Question - Ma, But has God not divided Himself into the many because he desired to do so?

Sri Anandamayi Ma - Yes, that is so.

Question - Ma, But you have just said that one who is liberated cannot have desires?

Sri Anandamayi Ma - There is a great difference between God's desire and personal desire. Divine desire is Divine Will and quite another matter.

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

23 Nov, 00:41

Question - One visitor, an Irish journalist, frankly asked Ma , “Am I right to believe that you are God?”

Sri Ma Anandamayi - “There is nothing but He alone; everyone and everything is but a form of God. In your person also He has come here to give darshana.”

Journalist persisted, “Why are you in this world?”

Sri Ma - “In this world? I am not anywhere. I am myself reposing within myself.”

During the same conversation, the Irishman said, “I am a Christian.”

Sri Ma responded, “So am I, a Christian, a Muslim, anything you like.”

In general, Sri Ma’s inimitable smile disarmed all questions regarding her identity. Ma once answered a devotee’s query in these words:

“What a childish question to ask; people have various visions of Gods and Goddesses (in me) according to their own predilections (preference)

What I was before, I am now, and shall be hereafter. I am also whatever you or anybody may think I am; why don’t you look at it this way: the yearnings (of seekers after Truth) have brought about this body. All of you have wanted it and so you have found it. That is all you need to know.”

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

22 Nov, 01:06

Life’s journey is bound to proceed inevitably in the manner you describe.

Search in every home and see how many people can be found who have never known bereavement (misery due to loss of loved ones)

This is why the only way out of this misery is by the path to Self-Realization.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

21 Nov, 01:05

Knowing that one is but an actor on the stage of the world, one lives happily.
Those who mistake the pantomime for reality are of the world (samsāri), where there is constant change and reforming, ceaseless going and coming, the oscillation between happiness and sorrow.

Those who are dressed up in various disguises, must not forget their real nature.

Verily, you are the offspring of the Immortal.

Your real being is truth, goodness, beauty (Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram).
Samsāra (the world) means the abode of the uncertainly and doubt (sangsai).

The clown (sang) mistakes his role for the Real, yet it's only dressed up for the play.

This is why one speaks of ‘sang-sāra.’

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

20 Nov, 01:05

Speech leads you to float on the surface. When you take a plunge into the deep source of Joy, your speech is silenced. Only when you float, words come out. Just think of the limitations of your speech. You cannot even half express what you know fully and deeply. Try to understand the voiceless speech of the soul.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

19 Nov, 01:04

There is nothing impossible in God's Kingdom.

The possible is impossible, and the impossible is possible.

It is also said that the hansa (swan) can separate milk from water. Water is mixed with milk, but it can take only milk and leave the watery portion. (Similarly, the yogi can separate the mind from worldly actions and thoughts and fix it in the Self.)

- Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

18 Nov, 01:05

This is what Sri Ma Anandamayi says concerning Service (Seva)

"If you serve human beings or animals as such, it is not pure service. But if you serve them with the thought that there is only the ONE, that by serving whomsoever, you are serving God in that particular guise, then and then only does it become real service.

Since nothing exists really but the Supreme Being, one should serve THAT alone.

Purity means Truth, that which IS.

Essentially, whatever aids towards the realization of Truth may be called pure and whatever is apt to retard it, impure."

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

18 Nov, 01:04

This is what Ma Anandamayi says concerning Service (Seva)
If you serve human beings or animals as such, it is not pure service. But if you serve them with the thought that there is only the ONE, that by serving whomsoever, you are serving God in that particular guise, then and then only does it become real service.

Since nothing exists really but the Supreme Being, one should serve THAT alone.

Purity means Truth, that which IS.

Essentially, whatever aids towards the realization of Truth may be called pure and whatever is apt to retard it, impure.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

17 Nov, 09:45

Question - Ma, Is there no justification at all for professional or any other mundane work?

Sri Anandamayi Ma - Occupation with worldly things acts like slow poison. Gradually, without one noticing it, it leads to death: Should I advise my friends and my fathers and mothers to take this road? I cannot do so.

What this body says: Choose the path to Immortality, take any path that according to your temperament will lead you to the Realization of your Self.

Nevertheless, even while working in the world, you can do one thing. Whatever you do throughout the day, endeavor to do it in the spirit of service. Serve God in everyone, regarding everyone and everything as manifestations of Him, and serve Him by whatever work you undertake. If you live with this attitude of mind, the path to Reality will open out before you.

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

17 Nov, 05:37

It is well to keep in mind that whatever one enjoys of worldly happiness, be it good food or anything else, uses up some of the merit (punya) that one has accumulated. It is therefore commendable to remember God at all times, and to enjoy whatever comes as coming from God. Similarly should one try to bear in mind that any suffering or adversity that one has to go through, expiates one’s accumulated pàpa (wrong or evil actions and thoughts).

Mataji then related the following story:

"A very rich man died leaving his wealth to his son. Before closing his eyes forever, he told his son that if ever he got into very bad straits, and when he is utterly helpless and destitute, he should open a certain cupboard in the house. However the cupboard was not to be opened under any other circumstances.

The son was a spendthrift and soon exhausted all his wealth. At last he was virtually penniless, there was not even enough to provide the barest necessities for his family; moreover, there was illness in the house besides all sorts of other troubles. He remembered the cupboard and managed to open it with great difficulty. To his utter disappointment, he found it empty. It was an ordinary black cupboard, so he threw it outside into the compound and started to dig and search everywhere for the hidden treasure - in vain. In his despair, he finally went to solicit the help of a Mahàtmà (Saint). The Mahàtmà agreed to come to his house and see what could be done. On arriving there, he looked around and then asked, "Give me a seat beside the black cupboard." He sat down and scraped the varnish off the old piece of furniture, and lo and behold, it was found to be made of pure gold.

"Similarly ", Mataji concluded, "the gold is to be found in everyone's own heart where the ONE sits enthroned on His lotus seat. But unless one is completely empty the gold cannot be found.

- Sri Ma Anandamayi.

Sri Anandamayi Ma

17 Nov, 00:57

Question - Ma, Is there no justification at all for professional or any other mundane work?

Sri Anandamayi Ma - Occupation with worldly things acts like slow poison. Gradually, without one noticing it, it leads to death: Should I advise my friends and my fathers and mothers to take this road? I cannot do so.

What this body says: Choose the path to Immortality, take any path that according to your temperament will lead you to the Realization of your Self.

Nevertheless, even while working in the world, you can do one thing. Whatever you do throughout the day, endeavor to do it in the spirit of service. Serve God in everyone, regarding everyone and everything as manifestations of Him, and serve Him by whatever work you undertake. If you live with this attitude of mind, the path to Reality will open out before you.

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

16 Nov, 01:22

One of God's Names is Love. He Himself resides within all, at every moment, everywhere. When man - true to his calling - aspires after the One with uninterrupted intensity, then only His Presence manifests.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

15 Nov, 01:21

Realization must be all-comprehensive, all-embracing, and one must recognize one’s Self in everything.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

14 Nov, 01:21

The light of the world comes and goes, it is unstable. The Light that is eternal can never be extinguished. By this Light, you behold the outer light and everything in the universe; it is only because It shines ever within you that you can perceive the outer light.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

14 Nov, 00:44

Ma with Idols of Lord Krishna and Radha

Sri Anandamayi Ma

13 Nov, 01:20

Sustained effort ends in effortless being. In other words, what has been attained by constant practice is finally transcended, and then spontaneity comes.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

12 Nov, 01:19

Patience and strength are two valuable jewels of life.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

11 Nov, 01:19

Where will you go where I am not? What is the good of enjoying food and rest like an animal, and of looking at people in a worldly way, laughing and gossiping? That is useless. Remain centered on Him all the time; that is what you have to do.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

10 Nov, 17:38

There are no two, only one Parambrahma Paramatma
~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

Watch the video of Ma speaking about it

Sri Anandamayi Ma

10 Nov, 01:18

When the goal is ever before one as a living reality, all that is needful will come of its own accord.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

09 Nov, 01:17

Religion must be practiced by one's attitude of mind and heart and by one's actions. When engaging in austerity - fasts, vigils, and the like - if real devotion is lacking, they become mere mechanical observances.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

08 Nov, 01:16

The Guru has infinite forms, infinite ways of revealing Himself, and also infinite ways in which He may remain undisclosed. The Guru, the Beloved, the Mantra are one only. He Himself, in Himself.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

03 Nov, 01:04

Sri Ma Anandamayi once told someone who was a worshipper of Sri Krishna, "Try to see Krishna in everyone and in everything."

He answered that he could not possibly do so with regard to the particular person with whom he had just been angry.

Ma replied, "To remain calm in the solitude of your room is easy enough. It is when you are with people who get on your nerves that you have to prove your faith and devotion."

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

02 Nov, 01:01

Without solitude, God cannot be found. Those who are striving to attain to the Supreme Being by meditation in silence and freedom from ties will find the Himalayas a most congenial abode.

Braced by the grandeur and magnificence of nature, enveloped in its stillness, it becomes easy to contemplate Infinity; one spontaneously dives into the depths of the Self.

Those who are devotionally inclined will prefer to stay by the seashore. Inspired by the music of the rolling waves, ecstatic emotion surges up high, until engulfed in the boundless love of the Lord of Love, one is carried away straight to one's Goal.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

01 Nov, 01:00

God is. Whatever you behold is nothing but a manifestation of Him. Once you know Him and live in Him, there is an end to all your sorrows and sufferings. You then realize supreme Bliss, eternal Joy. Strive hard, therefore, to realize Him.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

31 Oct, 18:28

Duality is Perishable: Sri Anandamayi Ma on the Eternal Truth of Oneness

Sri Anandamayi Ma beautifully explains that duality is transient and perishable, while the essence of oneness in Brahman is eternal. This enlightening discourse invites viewers to look beyond the fleeting nature of dualistic experiences and embrace the undivided reality of the Self. Join Ma in this journey to understand the imperishable truth of non-duality, inspiring a deeper connection with the divine through Regular Meditation and Chanting

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

31 Oct, 00:59

Look, to break off a rose, you have to put your hand forward through so many thorns. But when your aim is the rose, and you have the desire to break it off, you do not return due to fear of thorns. Mother indeed makes the arrangements that are necessary for someone. Only the Mother knows what arrangements are necessary and for whom. If you have this faith, then there is no necessity for unhappiness.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

30 Oct, 00:58

Question - Ma, What does God do? Where does He reside and what does He eat?

Sri Anandamayi Ma -

1. The question should be "Where does God not reside?" He is everywhere.

2. He makes a poor man a king and a king a poor man.

3. He eats the ego of the individual.

4. He laughs when he finds that a man before birth decides to become a devotee and afterwards forgets God.

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

29 Oct, 00:56

Question - Ma, can the body ever be weak enough to disturb meditation?

Sri Anandamayi Ma - If your mind could rise beyond the body, you would not get ill. But as yet your mind is dependent on the body; if the body is too weak, the mind gets restless.

Question - Ma, is it then ultimately a question of the mind?

Sri Anandamayi Ma - Yes, entirely. There is nothing, no problem outside of the mind.

She again spoke of how pain and happiness are due to identification and said: "The same situation will produce pleasure or pain according to one's mental disposition." (She gave the example of politics).

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

28 Oct, 00:56

Question - Ma, while I was near you, I forgot all about my home. I did not give a single thought to my family affairs and cares. But the nearer the train carries me to my home, the more my domestic hopes and worries crowd into my mind.

Sri Anandamayi Ma - Just as thoughts about your home crowd into your mind as you draw nearer your dwelling-place, so also the closer you get to God, the greater grows the joy derived from the ever-increasing varieties of experiences of the Divine. Indeed, as you advance towards your real home, you realize more and more of this Joy. You are on the way to finding yourself, be it as a servant of the Lord, or as a part of Him, or as the ONE SELF.

You must seek what will take you to EKA RASA, the state of undifferentiated Being, of Oneness, where nothing remains to be known, to be attained. THERE IS NOTHING OUTSIDE THE MIND.

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

27 Oct, 00:30

The plant is in a pot and the plant is united with the mud. Just as you change the place of the plant by shifting the pot, place the Lord on the asana of your heart. Even if you go to a different place, the Lord is always seated in the asana of the heart – remember this.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

26 Oct, 00:38

Ma with her mother Didi Ma

Sri Anandamayi Ma

26 Oct, 00:30

Evolution in nature means becoming, step by step. You dwell in the world of nature where one views everything according to the spectacles worn over one’s eyes. So long as one lives in the realm of form and quality, one is bound to be subjected to the opposites of happiness and pain. In the world of nature, there does exist this interplay between joy and sorrow.

The Lord stages a play, Himself playing all the parts. The world is created by a mere stroke of God’s imagination. In the Upanishads, it is explained that the mouth does not eat, the feet do not walk — He alone exists. He is playing according to His will.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

23 Oct, 01:24

As you love your own body, so regard everyone as equal to your own body. When the Supreme Experience supervenes, everyone's service is revealed as one's own service. Call it a bird, an insect, an animal or a man, call it by any name you please, one serves one's own Self in every one of them.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

22 Oct, 04:37

This is the photo of Sri Anandamayi Ma manifested in the locked suitcase of Swami Ramananda some 45 years ago. Swamiji has carried this photo with him all over the world. Now we keep it on MA's vyasana in the temple. Everyday Vibhuti manifests on MA's photo literally dripping from the frame. Even if we clean the frame, it will form during the night. Some who were ill, took this vibhuti internally and found it to be a wonderful cure.
JaiJai Ma!

Sri Anandamayi Ma

22 Oct, 01:24

Religious practices carried out mechanically, without deep emotion are like foreign flowers: very beautiful to look at, but devoid of perfume. 'Kirtana' may be performed in great style, the hall almost breaking with the throng of the congregation, but if the singing is without deep feeling ('bhava'), there will be no response from God. The Deity answers only to the call of the heart.

Therefore, it is imperative to be ever vigilant and make sure that outer observances go hand in hand with single-mindedness and purity of aspiration. Fire kept ablaze with plenty of fuel is bound to shoot up to great heights.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

21 Oct, 01:25

What Sri Anandamayi Ma Says About Death

Hardwar, March 6th, 1962

A couple from Calcutta, grieving the recent loss of their son, sought to understand the purpose behind a child's death before living a full life.

Sri Anandamayi Ma gently explained: "Everything happens according to one's karma. It was your karma to serve your son for a few years, and his karma to accept your service. When it was over, God took him away. It is all God's play.

Some flowers fall off without bearing fruit. Similarly, the child was given to you by God for a time. This is the way of the world. There is bound to be loss and bereavement."

In his sorrow, the father asked: "From where is one to take strength to bear all these troubles and tribulations?"

Sri Anandamayi Ma replied: "Remember that the Atma of the child and your own Atma are one. The Atma was neither born nor will it die; it eternally is. The body, like a worn garment, falls away.

Endeavour not to be attached to the body and not to cry for it. Cry for God alone. Remember Him, repeat His holy Name, contemplate Him, regularly read scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita, the Shrimad Bhagavatam, the Ramayana, and so forth, and you will feel comforted. Your grief will become much lighter. Let your life be a dedicated life.

The householder's ashram is also an ashram. Blows come in order to remind you to turn your mind to that which is Real. Someone who had lost all his six sons found much solace in reading the Bhagavata."

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

20 Oct, 00:48

This is what Sri Anandamayi Ma says concerning Service (Seva) - If you serve human beings or animals as such, it is not pure service. But if you serve them with the thought that there is only the ONE, that by serving whomsoever, you are serving God in that particular guise, then and then only does it become real service.

Since nothing exists really but the Supreme Being, one should serve THAT alone.

Purity means Truth, that which IS. Essentially, whatever aids towards the realization of Truth may be called pure and whatever is apt to retard it, impure.

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

19 Oct, 01:22

What man wants is divine love. From whom you are created, from whom are manifested mother, father, brother, friend, husband, and everything, who has nourished you with breast milk, whatever word you use to address Him, that very word should be remembered with your heart and soul all the time.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

18 Oct, 08:24

Focus on that One Unchanging Reality - Says Sri Anandamayi Ma

Sri Anandamayi Ma

18 Oct, 01:21

What are you afraid of? He is there all the time; let Him do as He wills. Whatever He does is for the good – remember this. Fear and pain are due to desire.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

17 Oct, 01:14

Question - Ma, Does God's grace operate according to laws? Does He consider how much sadhana anyone has performed and accordingly bestow His grace? Or is grace without cause and reason? Is it lavished without strict relation to one's worthiness and entirely dependent on God's will?

Sri Anandamayi Ma - In God's kingdom, everything is possible.

Listen to a story: Lord Narayana was having his meal. Suddenly he got up and hurried away, saying, "One of my devotees is being beaten. I have to go and rescue him." But after a little while, he returned leisurely without having gone to the destination. On being asked why he had rushed away in the middle of his meal and then returned so quickly, the Lord replied, "My devotee was invoking me in dire distress. I rushed to his help. But when I saw that he had started defending himself, there was no need for me to help him, and so I returned."

A lesson can be learned from this. One has to invoke Him and to the very end depend on Him alone. Remembrance of His name, forbearance, seeking His shelter, and complete self-dedication are man's duty.

Although grace has this motive, it still remains without cause and reason. When a devotee receives divine grace, he realizes that it is infinitely greater than what he could have deserved by his devotion and the conscientious performance of his duties.

Thus grace is unmerited divine favor - without motive, cause, or reason. God's whole creation is such. But unless one has attained a certain level of achievement, one will not be able to understand the complete causelessness of grace.

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Sri Anandamayi Ma

16 Oct, 01:11

Question - Ma, Is there no justification at all for professional or any other mundane work?

Sri Anandamayi Ma - Occupation with worldly things acts like slow poison. Gradually, without one noticing it, it leads to death: Should I advise my friends and my fathers and mothers to take this road? I cannot do so.

What this body says: Choose the path to Immortality, take any path that according to your temperament will lead you to the Realization of your Self.

Nevertheless, even while working in the world, you can do one thing. Whatever you do throughout the day, endeavor to do it in the spirit of service. Serve God in everyone, regarding everyone and everything as manifestations of Him, and serve Him by whatever work you undertake. If you live with this attitude of mind, the path to Reality will open out before you.

For more such amazing posts of Ma, follow the WhatsApp channel of Ma Anandamayi:

Sri Anandamayi Ma

15 Oct, 01:10

One can apply the mind to both tying and untying the knots. Mind creates knots only on thinking of (sense) objects. The thought of God works for untying the knots.

~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

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