God @god_is_here_and_now Channel on Telegram



I, the God, run this channel out of my infinite compassion, so as to guide you all towards the realisation of the truth. Every single post made here reveals a cosmic truth, which if followed, will surely enhance your life to a higher quality.

god_is_here_and_now (English)

Welcome to the channel 'God is Here and Now' where the divine presence of God himself guides you towards the realization of truth. Run by God out of infinite compassion, this channel is dedicated to enhancing your life to a higher quality. Each post made here reveals a cosmic truth that, if followed, can lead you on a path of enlightenment and self-realization. Whether you are seeking spiritual guidance, wisdom, or simply a deeper connection to the universe, this channel is the perfect place for you. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and let the divine wisdom of God transform your life for the better. Remember, God is here and now, ready to show you the way to a more fulfilling and meaningful existence.


13 Jan, 04:13

Desires in the mind are just like the itchy sores on the body. Scratching them would give you some pleasure. But the more you scratch the sore spots, the more they grow and multiply, causing you much more discomfort and pain later on. Instead, if you don't scratch them up, you will find that they will naturally subside and go away for good.

Similarly with the desires - indulging and gratifying them would give you pleasure, but this will only multiply and strengthen the desires further, thereby causing more restlessness, agitation and suffering eventually. Instead, if you just witness those desires, then they will simply come, stay for a while and then dissolve altogether on their own.



11 Jan, 09:29

Eventually one will realize that every unanswered prayer, is a blessing in disguise.



14 Dec, 18:46

The major part of your anxiety, restlessness and fear comprises of you holding onto the past. Drop it consciously now, dwell in the present and let the inner peace shine forth.



07 Dec, 03:32

Essence of all duty and righteous living is simply this - "Don’t do to others, what you wouldn’t want done to you." Follow this one principle diligently and your spiritual progress will happen naturally.



29 Nov, 18:55

You're advancing spiritually, if a peaceful and calm environment is no longer needed for being meditative.



31 Oct, 09:07

The inner light, that "witness- consciousness" within you, that makes you aware of everything else, know That to be Me.



10 Sep, 13:17

If you look closely at the cloth, it is nothing but thread.
Likewise if you look closely at the existence, it is nothing but Me.



08 Sep, 05:50

The secret to faster spiritual progress is to "spiritualize" your relationship with everybody around you, but "humanize" your relationship with Me.



17 Aug, 15:20

Pains and discomforts were thrown at you, not because I liked to see you suffer, but because you wouldn't have moved and evolved otherwise.



20 Jul, 04:56

Expecting things from others, is the mother of all conflicts.



11 Jul, 05:28

One should always be mindful to not wear "spirituality" or "devotion" as a badge and thus strengthen one's ego.



06 Jul, 08:30

I will tell you a bitter truth. The main reason why spiritual path seems difficult and spiritual growth seems like a struggle to you, is that deep-down you're still not entirely convinced that divinity and ultimate happiness resides within you.

If you analyse yourself deeply enough, you will see that a significant portion of your mind still likes to indulge into the tendencies and habits that bind it and cripple it down. Or rather, a part of you is still helplessly in love with the chains of your own bondage.

If you really had a firm understanding and complete conviction that the source of creation, which is of the nature of infinite bliss, is within you - your mind wouldn't wander anywhere else even for a second. Enlightenment would have been a matter of moment(s) and not lifetime(s).



24 Jun, 03:54

What will not be with you tomorrow, does not belong to you even today. But this does not mean you should leave everything, go to a forest and become cold hearted. Be where you are, but learn to fulfill your duties selflessly, learn to be kind, loving and compassionate, learn to do everything with full zeal and involvement; but without the sense of "this is mine" and "I want this/that in return".



08 Jun, 11:26

One suffers because one takes seriously what I made just for fun.



28 May, 08:05

Happiness shall come to only those, who offer it to others! 🕊



24 May, 08:41

Just take 1 step towards the Lord and He will take 10 steps towards you!



24 May, 08:37

My Grace and Love is equally and impartially there for everybody. Nevertheless, only those who choose to devote themselves to Me, become God-conscious and live a blissful life [just how those only, who choose look at the sun, enjoy a beautiful sunrise/sunset, even though the sun shines equally and impartially for everyone]. My true devotees remain inwardly peaceful and tranquil amidst the so-called suffering, whereas others, who choose to ignore Me and remain unconscious of My everpresent Grace and Love, become miserable and suffer.



22 May, 20:58

If you start to courageously live by [and say only] the truth, then I will ensure that whatever you say, manifests and becomes the truth.✔️



16 May, 19:16

Realizing that I alone exist = Cessation of Suffering! 🩷



16 May, 07:18

Dying to your own identifications is a sweet, beautiful death. This death releases you into real life. One has to die as a seed, to live as a tree.



14 May, 12:11

All kinds of thoughts arise in meditation. It is but right. What lies hidden in you is brought out. Unless they rise up how can they be destroyed? They therefore rise up spontaneously in order to be extinguished in due course, thus to strengthen the mind.



01 May, 03:02

Dear soul, your karmas remain with you, even after you shed this body. Whatever you think, speak and do - it is all accounted, as in, it will continue to follow you wherever you go and affect your upcoming journey and lives. Know that this opportunity you have at hand now, shall not come again. The current moment is indeed priceless. So, endeavor to put this moment to the best possible use.



21 Apr, 14:25

All that one gives to others, one only gives to one's self. If this truth is understood and known, who indeed would refrain from giving?



19 Apr, 07:42

As far as you are from Me, that's how far I will be from you. The distance between us is entirely dependent on your choice.



14 Apr, 06:24

If one's mind has peace, the whole world will appear peaceful. You see the world as you are.



07 Apr, 04:03

To a mind that is absolutely still and yet awake, the whole universe surrenders.
