The, legally announced, annual rally in honour of our fallen Navy Officers and in solidarity with N.G. Michaloliakos was banned. Dozens of the local Youth Front activists were detained from various locations, even while laying a wreath to the monument of the fallen. At the same time, police set ambushes in every metro station to prevent any public mobilisation of our supporters!
Immediately, a protest was organised outside the "Security Ministry" by a groups of the remaining free Comrades. There, the government's criminal policies were exposed in front of hundreds of passing citizens. Also messages of solidarity, by our brothers from "Serbian Action" and "Double-headed Eagle" were read.
All of our Comrades were released late after midnight as there were absolutely no possible charges.
Our message to our desperate enemies is clear: YOU WILL NEVER GET RID OF GOLDEN DAWN!
More information: ANTEPITHESI.GR