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08 Mar, 14:44



STEP ONE. Superstition presents a supposed objective case for a position.

STEP TWO. Robust evangelicalism exposes the supposed objective case as a contrived narrative that is supported with selective evidence. They present evidence that is fatal to every supposed substantive argument for the position.

STEP THREE. Superstition whines that robust evangelicalism is not giving their position a fair hearing.

STEP FOUR. Robust evangelicalism revisits the issue, pointing out once again that every supposed substantive argument for the position is based on partial evidence and that a robust examination of the evidence is fatal to both the individual arguments and the position as a whole.

STEP FIVE. Superstition retreats from the arena of objective argument, enters the arena of ad hominem argument, accuses robust evangelicalism of pride, stubbornness, and unteachability, and strengthens themselves in their narrative. Great is the Diana of our superstition! Down with contrary facts and evidence! Down with a robust application of the historical-grammatical hermeneutic!

STEP SIX. Robust evangelicalism once again finds itself shaking its head with a mix of sorrow and wonder at how pervasive superstition is in the ranks of evangelicalism. Then it bows its head and prays to the Lord for strength and wisdom to resist the siren songs of superstition. And if it be beholden to any, to have those chains broken.

08 Mar, 10:12


May we be those who are careful with words, guard our speech, and use our word to heal and not hurt, to guard and not gossip, to edify and encourage and not to wreak havoc. May our tongues be used to glorify God, knowing that this small instrument is under our personal control. May we choose to curb our tongue and use it for good and not for ill.

Carli • Saved by Grace

08 Mar, 01:00


Live in 1/2 hour, see you there!

07 Mar, 13:51


First day in Belfast with Gary McKibben and Pete Garcia.

07 Mar, 10:30


We are the earthen vessels into which the glorious truth of the gospel of God has been poured, causing our mortal bodies to become the temple of the Holy Spirit, Who uses this gospel light to guide us into all truth and as we proclaim the glorious gospel of grace to others. The treasure within is the Spirit of Christ ~ so that as we work the works of God, the surpassing greatness of His power will be of God and not of us. Let us praise His name for His inestimable grace towards us.

Carli • Saved by Grace

07 Mar, 03:47


One of the most unnerving things I see among those who bear the name evangelical is the inability to weigh strong challenges to their beliefs. Plain statements of Scripture, basic grammar rules, actual Greek or Hebrew usage, undeniable facts of history, unimpeachable testimony are dismissed with a cavalier wave of the hand. Why is this? Because error is built on a foundation of superstition not a foundation of faith based on objective truth. Therefore "truth" trumps truth and "narrative" trumps facts. The fact is, prejudice is impervious to truth and facts.

07 Mar, 01:48



ONE. Turkey's entrance into Syria poses a tremendous threat to the Kurds and Israel. This is a potentially explosive matter. My suspicion is that the Syrian army will bring devastation to the Alawaites, while the Turkish army in conjunction with associated militias will rain destruction on the Kurds. Then both will head south towards the buffer Zone held by Israel and the Druze. The situation could be a quantum leap in the geo-political stage setting for the Gog and Magog invasion.

TWO. The experiment with deploying militias against Israel has failed miserably. Expect to see a huge ramp-up of national armies in the near future in the region which enjoy full support (political, logistical, intel, and military) from Russia, Turkey, Iran, and Egypt.

07 Mar, 00:44


The audio version of The Rogue (the first volume of my prophecy fiction series Planets Shaken) is now available.

This book weaves an exciting story around a core of useful information on ancient astronomy, ancient catastrophism, electric universe cosmology, and Bible prophecy. The essence of the story is a massive comet (the core of the planet that used to orbit between Mars and Jupiter) that is headed for a collision course with Mars, potentially bringing forth the fulfillment of "the planets of the heavens shall be shaken."

06 Mar, 10:04


He came to die on the Cross and to reveal the Father~heart of God so that all who believe on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life. His whole earthly life was set as a flint in this direction and from the foundation of the world God purposed that His death would mean life to the children of men.

And when He completed all things He shouted in triumphant victory, "It is Finished!"

Thank you Jesus!

Carli • Saved by Grace

05 Mar, 14:10


Some day soon the world will be shaken by the vanishing followed by the birth pangs of the tribulation.