STEP ONE. Superstition presents a supposed objective case for a position.
STEP TWO. Robust evangelicalism exposes the supposed objective case as a contrived narrative that is supported with selective evidence. They present evidence that is fatal to every supposed substantive argument for the position.
STEP THREE. Superstition whines that robust evangelicalism is not giving their position a fair hearing.
STEP FOUR. Robust evangelicalism revisits the issue, pointing out once again that every supposed substantive argument for the position is based on partial evidence and that a robust examination of the evidence is fatal to both the individual arguments and the position as a whole.
STEP FIVE. Superstition retreats from the arena of objective argument, enters the arena of ad hominem argument, accuses robust evangelicalism of pride, stubbornness, and unteachability, and strengthens themselves in their narrative. Great is the Diana of our superstition! Down with contrary facts and evidence! Down with a robust application of the historical-grammatical hermeneutic!
STEP SIX. Robust evangelicalism once again finds itself shaking its head with a mix of sorrow and wonder at how pervasive superstition is in the ranks of evangelicalism. Then it bows its head and prays to the Lord for strength and wisdom to resist the siren songs of superstition. And if it be beholden to any, to have those chains broken.