Soothkeep @soothkeep Channel on Telegram



Eyes Wide Open, Brain Engaged, Heart on Fire!

Soothkeep (English)

Welcome to Soothkeep, a Telegram channel dedicated to expanding minds, opening hearts, and igniting passion. With the motto 'Eyes Wide Open, Brain Engaged, Heart on Fire!', Soothkeep is a haven for those seeking intellectual stimulation, emotional growth, and spiritual enlightenment. Who is Soothkeep? Soothkeep is a community of like-minded individuals who value personal development, critical thinking, and meaningful connections. What is Soothkeep? Soothkeep is a platform where members can engage in thought-provoking discussions, share inspiring content, and support each other on their journey towards self-discovery. From deep philosophical debates to heartwarming stories of resilience, Soothkeep offers a space where authenticity and vulnerability are celebrated. Whether you are a seeker of wisdom, a lover of stories, or a curious soul looking for inspiration, Soothkeep welcomes you with open arms. Join us today and let your eyes, brain, and heart be nourished and empowered like never before!


18 Jan, 18:51

Live tonight at 7:30pm Central ~ See you there!


18 Jan, 10:23

Let us make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Let us aim for harmony in the Church and try to build each other up in our most holy faith. Let us follow after the things which make for peace so that we may edify one another, and let us pursue what promotes a godlike tranquillity in the Body of Christ and build up one another in godly grace.

In essential doctrine, may there be unity. In non~essential doctrine, may we demonstrate tolerance. In all doctrine, may we be those that show Christ's love.

Carli • Saved by Grace


17 Jan, 10:42

Denial of Christ equates to the denial of the Father. To honour One without honouring the Other is a biblical impossibility, and anyone who claims to know or reverence the Father without giving co~equal glory and respect to the Son, can only be branded a deceiver and a liar whose testimony is false. May we take this warning to heart, reject any teaching or teacher who does not hold to the Word of Scripture, and may we confess in our heart that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, knowing: "Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; but the one who confesses the Son has the Father also."

Carli • Saved by Grace


16 Jan, 10:27

We can never learn how to speak as unto the Lord by a 12~step programme designed by man, train ourselves to always say the right thing, try to copy the words that other people speak, or even parrot the words of the Lord Jesus Himself. But a life that is lived seeking the Lord with all their heart ~ a life that is submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit ~ a life lived with ears open to hear His Word and eyes open to see His truth, will be a life that speaks the truth in love, with gracious speech and seasoned with salt.

Carli • Saved by Grace


15 Jan, 10:15

It is by the blood of Jesus that we, who were once far off, have come nigh unto God. It is by His blood we have boldness to enter the throne~room of God. He made peace with God on our account by the offering of Himself on the Cross, and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.
Just as blood is required to maintain the life of mortal man so the Holy Spirit is required to maintain the life of the one who has been saved by grace through faith in Christ; for we have been given His life in us.

Carli • Saved by Grace


15 Jan, 02:44

If you have read The Rogue and loved it, please consider rating it AND writing a review for it in Amazon. This adds to the books visibility on Amazon.


15 Jan, 00:10


14 Jan, 15:20

Reports are circulating that Hamas has accepted the ceasefire agreement. This is not exactly true. The political arm of Hamas in Qatar has apparently accepted the deal. There is no guarantee that the military branch of Hamas, which is in Gaza, will accept the deal. Time will tell. They have balked at every deal offered so far that doesn't include Israel leaving Gaza entirely. But DJT may force Israel to comply with it, regardless of whether or not the military arm of Hamas agrees. While ostensibly bad from a tactical perspective, this won't be as bad as it looks. It is mostly political optics.


14 Jan, 10:03

We wait for a Saviour Whom we know personally, to come in the clouds, with the trump of God, and the voice of the archangel. He is coming to take us to the place that He has prepared for us, for which we praise His holy name. And at the same time, Israel waits for their God and Messiah to return to the earth to rescue them from their enemies and to set up His millennial rule in Jerusalem, when they will say: "Lo, this is our God, we have waited for Him and He will save us. This is Jehovah and we have waited for Him. We will be glad and rejoice in His salvation."

Carli • Saved by Grace


13 Jan, 09:47

Christ's miraculous signs and great wonders were a further undeniable stamp of His God~given authority and Messianic claims, but perhaps the most authoritative witness of all is the completed Old Testament Scriptures. Beginning with Moses and all the prophets, these sacred writings, which were inspired by God's Holy Spirit, are the most compelling testimony to the deity of Christ and His redeeming role ~ for all with eyes to see.

Carli • Saved by Grace


12 Jan, 19:01

All false doctrines have thee things in common. One, canonizing an extrabiblical presupposition above the Bible itself. Two, ignoring a vast amount of contrary information. Three, embracing a narrative which authorizes them to ignore the contrary information they are ignoring.


12 Jan, 09:46

Although Christ was the eternal Son of God, we discover Him to be the humble servant of God Who walked in spirit and truth, lived in humble submission to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and became servant of all. And all who believe on Him should not perish but be saved by grace through faith in Him. The gospel of Jesus Christ continues to this day, and we who have trusted in Him as Saviour have been made ministers of this good news. Let us tell abroad the glorious truth of the gospel of our Saviour Jesus Christ Who gave His life as a ransom for many.

Carli • Saved by Grace


11 Jan, 21:30

"It is either the grammatical, literal, historical interpretation or we are adrift on an uncharted sea with every man the norm for himself." — Charles Feinberg


11 Jan, 16:20

Inspired by the jihadist success in Syria, the "January 25 Revolutionaries Movement" was established yesterday in Egypt, with the goal of overthrowing al-Sisi’s regime and establishing an Islamist regime in Egypt similar to Syria.

The movement is secretly headed by former Al-Qaeda terrorist Ahmed Mansour (pictured), who fought in Syria, the movement has announced that it will begin fighting the existing regime. Those encouraging them are Qatar (Al Jazeera), the "Muslim Brotherhood," and Turkey (with a gun on the table).


11 Jan, 10:26

Peter had the distinct privilege of being one of the few people who witnessed a glimpse of Christ's heavenly majesty and eternal glory which He laid aside so that by faith in His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, we might receive salvation. And so, it is not surprising that the burning desire of Peter's heart was to communicate the matchless majesty of the Person of Christ to the Christians to whom he was writing ~ and to ALL who would come to faith in Him.

Carli • Saved by Grace


10 Jan, 22:07

Livestream at 7:30 Central tonight, Fri Jan 10.


10 Jan, 10:08

How important to take every fear, every pain, every difficulty, every heart~ache, and every thought that forms in the secret recesses of our hearts captive, and give it to Him. How important to look to Jesus and to cast all our cares upon Him, for He knows our weakness, but loves us with an everlasting love.

And He came to live a perfect life and die a sacrificial death so that we might rise to life immortal, by faith in Him.

Carli • Saved by Grace


09 Jan, 19:00

Faith isn't something we work up. Faith isn't some intensity of emotion or feeling. Faith isn't showmanship. Faith is rightly applying the word of God to our circumstances in a way that elevates the glory of God and upholds the weakness of man.

This is different for the OT times than for the church age. This is different for the apostolic foundation era of the church than for the church age in general. God had a definite purpose for regular powerful manifestations in the early days of the church, and these manifestations weren't wielded only by the mightiest in faith. These manifestations are largely, not entirely, lacking in the church age now. BUT these powerful signs will return again in wholesale during the tribulation. Men will call for mountains to move into the sea, and they will move into the sea. This won't be because they reached some glorious height of faith and holiness. This will be because they rightly compared the word of God, their dispensation, and their circumstances. They will be men of like passions and problems as us, just like Elijah.


09 Jan, 16:03

I believe in the prayer of faith. I believe that some have more faith than others. I believe that God still answers prayer and works powerfully on our behalf when we pray with his glory and his work in mind. But I do not believe the "declare blessings" version of faith. This is part of the word of faith movement which misrepresents biblical faith.


09 Jan, 09:50

Salvation is given through God's favour and can never rest on man's merit, man's demands, or man's work.

Salvation can never be gained as a reward, payment or by some other measure of man's worthiness, it is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.

We will never comprehend just what it cost the Lord to pay for the salvation of the whole world. All we can do is accept His free gift, by believing on His name and give Him all the praise, glory, thanksgiving, and honour due to His name.

Carli • Saved by Grace


09 Jan, 02:46

There is a distinction between the apantesis of the parousia and the parousia itself. For those who engage more with real research and less with soundbites, they soon discover that parousia was a semi-technical term for the arrival of a king, and apantesis was the term used for his subjects going out to meet their king and accompany him in his royal entrance (parousia). The rapture is the apantesis that happens before the parousia, which is the second coming proper. We go up in Rev. 4:1, we are in heaven in Rev. 4-5 before the first seal is opened. We come down again in Rev. 19.


08 Jan, 20:06


08 Jan, 10:13

This change is not accomplished by the Law or the keeping of rules, but by God's pardoning grace. This metamorphosis has nothing to do with good works of the flesh, but by God's justifying grace. This grace of God is so abounding and precious that there are neither words sufficient to describe, nor songs sufficient to sing of His amazing love and the gracious gift that has been poured into our hearts, through the finished work of our Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord. Praise His holy name! Hallelujah! Amen.

Carli • Saved by Grace


07 Jan, 12:31

‼️New Blog Post:


07 Jan, 10:31

This wonderful Second Coming is when Jesus Christ returns with the Church to defeat the Antichrist, overthrow evil, and then establish His thousand year reign upon earth. This wonderful Second Coming is when the Son of man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him.

"And then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory."

Carli • Saved by Grace


07 Jan, 05:10

Pray for Bubba News (David). He is in the hospital. Don't know any details, but just be praying for him and his family please.


07 Jan, 00:32

Join us tonight (Mon, Jan 6) on the Christopher M Brock channel for a discussion on why I believe in a pretrib rapture. Program starts at 9 Eastern, 8 Central, 7 Rocky, 6 Pacific. This should be an interesting and illuminating conversation. Chris isn't convinced of the pretrib rapture but is open to the question.


06 Jan, 17:50

3 Jn 1:11, "Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God."