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منشورات Socio Sutras على Telegram

Socio Sutras
Socio Sutras - Sutras to simplify social thoughts.

My score in sociology 2021 -257
2017 - 283

Scored 150 in paper 1
144 in paper 2
9,088 مشترك
169 صورة
64 فيديو
آخر تحديث 01.03.2025 08:40

قنوات مشابهة

Platform IAS (Official)
41,891 مشترك
The UPSC Coach - Capril
11,667 مشترك

أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة Socio Sutras على Telegram


Here is the PDF of Stories, Anecdotes for UPSC Essay Paper

All the Best

Happy New Year Socio Tribe
Keep learning
Keep growing

UPSC Mains Result

Talent includes Determination, Courage, Discipline and Temperament as well....

All these attributes are needed to excel in any area.

The United Nations has reported that homes remain the deadliest place for women and girls, with an average of 140 killed each day by intimate partners or family members in 2023.

This equates to approximately 51,100 female victims globally, marking a rise from the 48,800 deaths recorded in 2022

A report by Boston Consulting Group earlier this year found that around 84 per cent Indian smartphone users check their phones within 15 minutes of waking up.

On 22nd


Now try to recollect Sociological Reasons for child labour in India..

You can write in the comments.