4B Movement
4B stands for four bis, or no in the Korean language: bihon, bichulsan, biyeonae, and bisekseu,
meaning the refusal of (heterosexual) marriage, childbirth, romance, and sexual relationships, respectively.
4B movement belongs to the strain of radical feminism that believes that heterosexual relationships at their heart remain structures of oppression, and women need to break free of them to be truly independent and happy.
In the Indian context, consider this — marriage often involves dowry, the burden of running the married home and raising the child is disproportionately on women, many women are penalised at their workplaces for motherhood duties, and intimate partner violence is common. While women are supposed to endure all this for the sake of love and duties, there are very little expectations from men except earning money.
The proponents of the 4B movement believe that unless men work more actively for a gender-just society, women should not reward them with children, love, and emotional and other forms of labour.
The movement started in South Korea around 2016, when a young woman was murdered in a Seoul subway station. Her killer said he had “felt ignored by women”. This was also the time when multiple women in South Korea reported having been filmed by spycams in washrooms or while having sex, by strangers as well as men known to them. In many cases, the police were hostile to the victims. The MeToo movement gave further impetus to women talking about their struggles and their rights more vocally.
4B is largely an online movement and it is difficult to measure its impact.
the movement wants women to imagine more roles for themselves than just wife and mother. Women not bogged down by domestic duties and not being controlled by a man can focus on their own aims, hobbies, comfort and happiness, the movement’s followers believe.
They also advocate women building strong solidarities with other women. This includes, but is not limited to, lesbian relationships.
Women can depend on each other for comfort, companionship and emotional support, while working together to achieve common goals.
4B is sometimes expanded to 6B4T, which advocates staying away from firms perceived as misogynist, rejecting the fandom culture, rejecting beauty standards that conform to the male gaze, etc.