سـبـــــزی اسـت•/
میـانِ دل و دشـت•/
که در آن عشــــــق•/
مهـم اسـت و گـذشـت•/
زندگی زمـزمه خـوبیهاست•/
زندگی راه رسیدن بهخداست•/
سلام صبحتون زیبا🌈🍁🌺
#صبحتون_بخیر #صبح_بخیر
😘صبح بخیر و شب بخیر😘 is a Telegram channel dedicated to personal growth and development. The channel's motto is 'We seek growth and help others grow' and they believe that anyone who is not growing is essentially dead. With a focus on high-performance advertising, 😘صبح بخیر و شب بخیر😘 is committed to helping individuals and businesses reach their full potential. Whether you are looking to improve your professional skills, enhance your personal development, or grow your business, this channel has something for everyone. Join them today and start your journey towards success! Find them on Telegram at @Aydaa009.
03 Jan, 03:14
02 Jan, 02:58
01 Jan, 02:56
31 Dec, 15:05
31 Dec, 02:58
30 Dec, 02:58
15 Dec, 16:59
12 Dec, 19:19
05 Dec, 18:49
03 Dec, 18:49
02 Dec, 18:04
01 Dec, 17:56
30 Nov, 21:57
30 Nov, 16:48
23 Nov, 03:20
22 Nov, 03:19
21 Nov, 03:41
20 Nov, 03:01
19 Nov, 03:37
18 Nov, 15:25
18 Nov, 03:26
17 Nov, 03:16
16 Nov, 03:02
15 Nov, 16:33
14 Nov, 20:26
14 Nov, 20:23
10 Nov, 02:57
04 Nov, 04:16
02 Nov, 03:10
31 Oct, 17:10
31 Oct, 17:05
28 Oct, 02:50
12 Oct, 03:16
10 Oct, 03:37
08 Oct, 19:52
08 Oct, 03:22
07 Oct, 03:39
21 Sep, 03:10
15 Sep, 03:13
10 Sep, 03:20
09 Sep, 03:23
08 Sep, 03:06
30 Aug, 05:38
28 Aug, 02:59
27 Aug, 03:06
26 Aug, 02:59
19 Aug, 02:54