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Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨
Paganism, culture, self improvement, outdoorsmanship.

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Последнее обновление 09.03.2025 15:03

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Последний контент, опубликованный в Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨 на Telegram

Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

13 Oct, 16:39


Man speaks Old English to a Frisian Farmer and they understand each other

I love this so much
Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

13 Oct, 16:39


As interesting as this video is, it's from an old TV show called Mongrel Nation, which was made to delegitimise Englishness and it was hosted by Eddie Izzard - a tranny comedian
Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

06 Aug, 09:28


This is Wolf-Rüdiger Mühlmann (co-chief editor) and Götz Kühnemund (chief editor) of DEAF FOREVER magazine - one of the largest heavy metal publications in Germany.

They have been waging a sneaky campaign to have me cancelled and unfriended by as many people as they think they can influence.

They have attempted to de-humanize me because they think I'm *insert emotive buzz-word*. They think they know me, though we've never met and they've never attempted to understand my worldview other than through hearsay and the mutterings of the cancel brigade.

Consider this: Can you trust a magazine that would attempt to control the associations and preferences of its writers? Could you ever trust a review, or count on them to feature the best current bands/albums rather than the ones they share political sympathies with?
Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

05 Aug, 18:21


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 The English are angry.

This is natural.

I am angry too. We all are.

Rioting may feel good in the short-term. Perhaps it sends a message to the system.

However, this has been tried before.

The French have a habit of rioting – not much happens as a result. The ruling elite laugh and salute each other with some fine champagne, secure in their knowledge that the people have let off some steam without hitting them where it hurts.

Where does it hurt?

Competition in the institutions of power.

The English (and the Swedes, Germans – all of us) must use our anger wisely.

Sweden is in a bad situation, but better than many other countries. In the 90s and early 00s, Sweden had a large Nationalist movement that was not afraid to take to the streets.

This was not a winning strategy. The mass-immigration from the Third World continued – because those who wielded the levers of power willed it.

What was a winning strategy was to focus on the political struggle. Now SD is the second largest party (per the latest national election). They are still not large enough to implement real change – but at least they are now in the halls of power. And they will hopefully have even more power come next election.

I am not saying that it is necessary to form a new party – you can enter any existing party and work your way up. This is done all the time, there is no reason why patriotic men cannot do it. The Muslims do it with great success.

The English are one of the greatest nations to ever exist – perhaps even the greatest. The key to English excellence is coming in ready to fight any kind of fight – not mindless aggression.

Aggression, yes. Righteous anger, yes. But focused, precise, and disciplined. Adapting to the situation at hand – the Englishman fights as well in the snowy peaks of Central Asia as he does in the sweltering jungle or on the high seas. Now he finds himself on a different battlefield. One where violence will not be the key to victory.

The real fight is in the institutions of power. The whole of Britain can burn, but unless good men reach these positions not much will change.

How is this done?

It is hard to say but the first step is to recognise how and where the battle is fought.

My great hope is that England's finest young men accept the burden of responsibility and commit themselves fully to the righteous cause of saving their fair nation.

All men have different qualities – every man must do his part, however the individual path might look.

With all of my love and admiration,

Your brother in Sweden 🇸🇪
Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

25 Jul, 13:16


Here's an awkward topic...

Nowadays there are an awful lot of good writers, astute writers, insightful writers. Same goes for videos and podcasts. More and more people have something to say, and want to be heard. Others are seeking ways to monetize their passions and expertise. There are countless Substacks and YouTube channels one can subscribe to... and then feel somewhat obliged to consume every single piece they publish.

But your time is valuable. Your great-grandfather didn't spend hours every day educating himself by reading or watching (unless he was somehow paid to). Education without practice is stifling, and by my reckoning most of us do a lot more consuming than creating; a lot more learning than practicing. It's overwhelming.

All I'm saying is: Be selective. Don't feel obliged to 'keep up with the Joneses' by consuming articles/videos/podcasts. You have 16 waking hours in a day - Some of them are for consuming, sure, but the lion's share are for doing. And some must be reserved for silent contemplation. Give yourself permission to unsubscribe, skip and ignore.

And if this channel doesn't make the cut, I'm happy for you. Do great and fulfilling things with your day.
Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

23 Jul, 21:12


Anglo Saxon pagan practices mentioned in the Paenitentiale Bedae, 730AD;
-Use of the Sortes Sanctorum; referring to divination by dice.
-Swearing an oath anywhere except a church.
-Placing a child on a roof or in an oven to cure a fever.
-Making a demonstration during a lunar eclipse, “in the belief that protection can be gained by shouting and magical arts (ġealdor)”.
-Employing “curious jugglers and chanting diviners”; pagan priests and soothsayers.
-Making amulets, “whether of grass or amber”.
-Celebrating Thursdays in honour of “Jupiter” (Thunor).
-Masquerading in the skins of beasts on the Kalends of January according to pagan tradition (Ġēol processions).
-Scarring the face after the death of a relative.
Art by Louis Moe, 1930.
Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

15 Jul, 16:07


For 20 years being in this crew I’ve listened to hostile outsiders tell the world who we were and what we were about.

When my brother Seth presented the idea last year of doing a documentary where we’d be given the opportunity to tell our own side, we made the decision to give him permission to do that in his own way -

As another person outside the group looking to answer the question of who we are and what we are really about.

Here’s a first look at what will be released later this year as a full length film.
Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

09 Jul, 21:25


Self to Self by C.N.J. Cornwell

Long He hung, in windy bough,
Nine dark nights, each hour to hour.
The split was great, that spear-side gash,
"Myself to self" - High noose in ash.

In Frenzy's call, in slumber's sleep,
None so know where roots run deep.
Eternious green and stood as still;
Mystery shrouds the Yggdrasil.

For Odin Lord; the God of man;
Sought to know where all began.
Yet true he speaks, amidst all lies,
"The wisest heed the middle-wise."
Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

08 Jul, 12:28


Public service announcement‼️👌😎
Sigmund's Metaphysical Männerbund 🜨

03 Jul, 16:09


The multifaceted nature of Wōden/Óðinn:

In Víkars þáttr in Gautreks Saga, Starkaðr, the warrior blessed by Óðinn, consults his foster-father Hrosshárs-Grani on the best course of action to take when King Víkars ship is unable sail due to a lack of wind.

Hrosshárs-Grani suggested that a sacrifice to Óðinn would ensure fair sailing weather. Hrosshárs-Grani was none other than Óðinn in disguise, which is interesting because, in this instance, we are shown the multifaceted nature of Óðinn as a divine being.

In this case, Óðinn seeks King Víkar's death to take him to Valhǫll, but the note on Hrosshárs-Grani suggesting a sacrifice to Óðinn for fair sailing wind shows us that Óðinn, by nature, is not limited and encompasses a variety of factors relating to the divine and human life.

This is further exemplified in the Loka Táttur where Óðinn helps a farmer protect his son by creating rapid crop growth overnight. Moreover, in the Vǫlsunga Saga, King Rerir prayed to Óðinn for a child atop a burial mound. The prayer was accepted, and the legendary hero Vǫlsungr was born.

These examples ultimately provide us with an insight into the divine nature of Óðinn as a god and the various ways He is able to oversee different aspects of human life.