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Shorthand with English⚠️
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Shorthand with English⚠️

21 Dec, 04:47


Exam City Intimation for Stage-I Examinations on 4th and 5th January 2025 for the Posts of: Driver Grade-IV; Group 'C' Clerical Cadre; Stenographer Grade-III and Group-D in the District Courts of Uttar Pradesh.

Stenographer Grade III-

Group C -

Group D-
Shorthand with English⚠️

13 Sep, 06:20


The interview will be conducted in five days from 23.09.2024 to 
27.09.2024 at Patna, Gaya, Bhagalpur, Muzaffarpur, Samastipur, Siwan & 
2. The interview will start at 10:00 A.M. onwards and the reporting time of 
the candidates will be 08:00 A.M.
Shorthand with English⚠️

11 Sep, 06:13


Edit, Sign and Share PDF files on the go. Download the Acrobat Reader app:
Shorthand with English⚠️

24 Aug, 14:22


Recorded matter after class 🎯
Shorthand with English⚠️

21 Aug, 16:20



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Shorthand with English⚠️

08 Aug, 18:37


महत्वपूर्ण राष्ट्रीय व अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस

• थल सेना दिवस-15 जनवरी
• गणतंत्र दिवस-26 जनवरी
• शहीद दिवस-30 जनवरी
• अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस-8 मार्च
• विश्व वानिकी दिवस-21 मार्च

• विश्व जल दिवस-22 मार्च
• विश्व टब दिवस-24 मार्च
• विश्व स्वास्थ्य दिवस-7 अप्रैल
• विश्व श्रमिक दिवस-1 मई
• रेडक्रॉस दिवस-8 मई

• विश्व नर्स दिवस-12 मई
• विश्व दूरंसचार दिवस-17 मई
• विश्व तम्बाकू रोधी दिवस -31 मई
• विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस-5 जून
• विश्व रक्तदान दिवस -15 जून

• राष्ट्रीय सांख्यिकी दिवस -29 जून
• विश्व जनसंख्या दिवस-11 जुलाई
• विश्व स्तनपान दिवस-1 अगस्त
• स्वतन्त्रता दिवस-15 अगस्त
• राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस-29 अगस्त

• शिक्षक दिवस-5 सितम्बर
• अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय साक्षरता दिवस -8 सितम्बर
• हिन्दी दिवस-14 सितम्बर
• ओजोन परत रक्षण दिवस-16 सितम्बर
• विश्व पर्यटन दिवस-27 सितम्बर

• अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय वृद्धजन दिवस -1 अक्टूबर
• विश्व वन्यप्राणी दिवस-6 अक्टूबर
• वायुसेना दिवस-8 अक्टूबर
• विश्व डाक दिवस-9 अक्टूबर
• विश्व खाद्य दिवस-16 अक्टूबर

• संयुक्त राष्ट्र दिवस-24 अक्टूबर
• बाल दिवस-14 नवम्बर
• विश्व मधुमेह दिवस-14 नवम्बर
• विश्व एड्स दिवस-1 दिसम्बर
• नौसेना दिवस-4 दिसम्बर

• नागरिक सुरक्षा दिवस-6 दिसम्बर
• झंडा दिवस -7 दिसम्बर
• अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार दिवस-10 दिसम्बर
• किसान दिवस-23 दिसम्बर
• राष्ट्रीय उपभोक्ता दिवस-24 दिसम्बर
Shorthand with English⚠️

27 Jul, 00:40


1. Ab Initio 
   Meaning in Hindi: आरंभ से 
   Explanation: From the beginning.

2. Ad Hoc 
   Meaning in Hindi: विशेष उद्देश्य हेतु 
   Explanation: For a specific purpose or situation.

3. Alibi 
   Meaning in Hindi: अनुपस्थिति 
   Explanation: A claim or evidence that one was elsewhere when an act, typically a crime, is alleged to have taken place.

4. Amicus Curiae 
   Meaning in Hindi: न्यायमित्र 
   Explanation: A friend of the court; someone who is not a party to the case who offers information or expertise.

5. Bona Fide 
   Meaning in Hindi: सद्भावना से 
   Explanation: In good faith.

6. Caveat 
   Meaning in Hindi: चेतावनी 
   Explanation: A warning or caution.

7. De Facto 
   Meaning in Hindi: वास्तविक 
   Explanation: In fact, or in reality.

8. De Jure 
   Meaning in Hindi: विधिसम्मत 
   Explanation: By right; according to law.

9. Ex Parte 
   Meaning in Hindi: एकपक्षीय 
   Explanation: From one party only, without notice to or challenge by the other side.

10. Habeas Corpus 
    Meaning in Hindi: बंदी प्रत्यक्षीकरण 
    Explanation: A writ requiring a person to be brought before a judge, especially to secure the person's release unless lawful grounds are shown for their detention.

11. In Camera 
    Meaning in Hindi: बंद कमरे में 
    Explanation: In private; a legal proceeding held behind closed doors.

12. In Loco Parentis 
    Meaning in Hindi: माता-पिता के स्थान पर 
    Explanation: In the place of a parent.

13. Ipso Facto 
    Meaning in Hindi: स्वतः 
    Explanation: By that very fact or act.

14. Locus Standi 
    Meaning in Hindi: स्थान योग्यता 
    Explanation: The right or capacity to bring an action or to appear in a court.

15. Obiter Dictum 
    Meaning in Hindi: अपवाद कथन 
    Explanation: A remark made by a judge in a legal opinion that is irrelevant to the decision and does not establish precedent.

16. Prima Facie 
    Meaning in Hindi: प्रथम दृष्टया 
    Explanation: Based on the first impression; accepted as correct until proven otherwise.

17. Pro Bono 
    Meaning in Hindi: लोकहित में 
    Explanation: For the public good; legal work undertaken without charge.

18. Quid Pro Quo 
    Meaning in Hindi: पारस्परिक आदान-प्रदान 
    Explanation: Something for something; a favor or advantage granted in return for something.

19. Res Ipsa Loquitur 
    Meaning in Hindi: वस्तु स्वयं बोलती है 
    Explanation: The thing speaks for itself; a doctrine of law that one is presumed to be negligent if they had exclusive control of whatever caused the injury.

20. Sub Judice 
    Meaning in Hindi: विचाराधीन 
    Explanation: Under judicial consideration and therefore prohibited from public discussion elsewhere.

21. Ultra Vires 
    Meaning in Hindi: विधि बाह्य 
    Explanation: Beyond the powers; an act that is beyond the legal power or authority of the person performing it.

22. Videtur 
    Meaning in Hindi: प्रत्यक्ष रूप से 
    Explanation: It seems; apparently.
Shorthand with English⚠️

24 Jul, 12:29


Affect vs. Effect
* Affect (verb): to influence or have an impact on something.
* Effect (noun): a change that results from an action or cause.

Their vs. There vs. They're
* Their (adjective): possessive pronoun indicating that something belongs to two or more people (their house).
* There (adverb): referring to a place (over there).
* They're (contraction): short for "they are" (they're coming).

Lose vs. Loose
* Lose (verb): to misplace something or fail to win something.
* Loose (adjective): not tight or firmly fixed (a loose button).

Then vs. Than
* Then (adverb): referring to a time following another time (first we eat, then we play).
* Than (conjunction): used in comparisons (bigger than a whale).

To vs. Too vs. Two
* To (preposition): expressing direction or movement (go to the store).
* Too (adverb): also or excessively (too many apples)
* Two (number): 2.
Your vs. You're
* Your (adjective): possessive pronoun indicating that something belongs to you (your hat).
* You're (contraction): short for "you are" (you're late).

Who vs. Whom
* Who (pronoun): refers to the person asking a question (who is calling?).
* Whom (pronoun): refers to the person being referred to as the object of a preposition (whom did you see?).

Complement vs. Compliment
* Complement (verb): to complete or enhance something (a peanut butter complement to jelly).
* Compliment (verb): to express praise or admiration (nice compliment on your shirt).

Stationary vs. Stationery
* Stationary (adjective): not moving or fixed in place (the car remained stationary).
* Stationery (noun): writing supplies (bought new stationery).