معظمهم عايش معانا عادي🙂
Welcome to شُمًسِ (Shumss), a Telegram channel dedicated to spreading positivity and warmth wherever you go. With the motto 'Share the possible and the impossible if possible', this channel aims to brighten your day and fill your heart with love and joy. Created on 14/12, every post you find here is designed to resonate with your soul and bring a smile to your face. Whether you're looking for inspirational quotes, heartwarming stories, or just a virtual hug, شُمًسِ is the place for you. Join us in spreading love and positivity in a world that can always use a little more light. Let's make every day a little sunnier together. 💙🌒
15 Sep, 03:09
28 Jul, 18:23
29 Jun, 01:17
02 Feb, 13:44
01 Feb, 22:09
30 Jan, 21:29
28 Jan, 22:22