فَإِنّي قَريب is a Telegram channel that aims to spread positivity and joy in the lives of its followers. With daily inspirational quotes and messages, this channel serves as a source of motivation for those in need of a little pick-me-up. Whether you're looking for words of encouragement or simply want to start your day with a positive mindset, this channel has got you covered. The username tptp1 is your gateway to a community that believes in the power of positivity and the importance of staying connected to our inner selves. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and let's spread joy together! Follow us on t.me/TPTP1 and let the light into your heart. Remember, 'إِنَّهُ سَمِيعٌ قَرِيبٌ'.
19 Feb, 03:18
13 Feb, 15:58
07 Feb, 06:54
07 Feb, 06:53
29 Jan, 15:44
23 Jan, 08:17
22 Jan, 11:43
21 Jan, 03:17
20 Jan, 21:30
17 Jan, 21:30
02 Jan, 03:11
22 Dec, 03:01
21 Dec, 09:57
20 Dec, 11:23
20 Dec, 11:23
20 Dec, 11:23
17 Dec, 17:18
15 Dec, 21:56
14 Dec, 06:40
13 Dec, 21:58
22 Nov, 03:17
21 Nov, 08:28
21 Nov, 03:15
20 Nov, 07:14
16 Nov, 06:43
14 Nov, 12:22
12 Nov, 09:38
10 Nov, 06:31
09 Nov, 10:54
30 Oct, 08:09
29 Oct, 05:10
25 Oct, 02:02
25 Oct, 02:02
18 Oct, 04:41
18 Oct, 03:08
10 Oct, 08:23
06 Oct, 08:11
05 Oct, 02:48
02 Oct, 02:55
30 Sep, 05:28
27 Sep, 08:39
16 Sep, 03:05
13 Sep, 09:36