Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7


I share my experience in learning English and useful tips, authentic materials for IELTS

▪️IELTS 7.0 holder
▪️Multilevel C1 📄
▪️Bachelor at UzSWLU 🎓
▪️Master at DTPI 🎓
▪️Founder of @English_books_new, @Recentieltsquestions 📚

Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

01 Sep, 08:09


Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

01 Sep, 02:26


Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

29 Aug, 12:58

Done Master's Degree

Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

28 Aug, 17:16

Telegramda istoriya qo'yish tekin bo'ldi deb sizni ham hamma tanishlariz istoriya qo'yishyaptimi?!😅

Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

21 Aug, 20:52

O'qishga kirganla bormi?

Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

21 Aug, 20:51


One of my students got into a uni! Congrats! 🎉


Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

21 Aug, 20:47


One of my nieces got into a university! 🎉


Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

21 Aug, 16:11

Mandat chiqdi deb qachon aytisharkan?! 😂
Mandatni kutyotganla bormi? 😅

Men ham 4 yil oldin shunaqa intiqlik bilan kutib, uxlavorganman natijamni ertalab bilganman😁

Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

17 Aug, 13:37

Nice chunks of language from a documentary I watched today:

1. Fall from grace - (mashhurlikdan/muvaffaqiyatdan) mahrum bo'lmoq

▪️He was the best president until his fall from grace.

2. On the verge of - bo'sag'asida

▪️ They are on the verge of breaking up.

3. Scrape/scratch a living = get by

▪️ Many people barely scrape a living because of the high unemployment rate in the city.

4. Take a toll on smth - ta'sirini o'tkazmoq

▪️The increase in the dollar rate took a toll on prices.

5. Pick oneself up - o'zini o'nglab olmoq

▪️It took a year to pick himself up after his bankruptcy.

6. Full to the brim - to'la

▪️I've got so many meetings and deadlines these days that my schedule is full to the brim!

7. No room for negotiation - muhokamaga o'rin yo'q

▪️After my father's last decision, there is no room for negotiation.

8. Bump heads = argue

▪️The young couples often bump heads.

9. Pay smb a visit = visit

▪️I have to pay him a visit to invite him to my birthday party.

10. Caught in the clutches of smth - ... ning changalida

▪️Many people in Africa are caught in the clutches of poverty.

@shaxzodtorayev | English Blog

Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

10 Aug, 12:37

Task 1: The table below illustrates weekly consumption by age group of dairy products in a European country.

TASK 2: Some people think that the modern communication technology is having a negative effect on a social relationships. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

10 Aug, 12:37



Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

02 Aug, 08:36

One step away 👀🎓

Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

01 Aug, 15:59

What are your Top 3 favorite movies? ⤵️

Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

01 Aug, 01:28

#FunTime 😂

Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

31 Jul, 16:58

Ertadan imtihonlar boshlanyaptimi? Abituriyentlar bormi kanalda?🤔

Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

31 Jul, 14:09

Maqtanishmasu bugun diplom oldim😁

Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

29 Jul, 15:10

#Exam #Writing


TASK 1: The beachfront area in Australia between 1950 and today.

TASK 2: In many countries, more and more people choose to buy imported food rather than food produced locally.

Why people buy imported food?
What could be done to encourage people to buy local food?


Shaxzod To'rayev | IELTS 7

25 Jul, 16:28

It's me against me, ok?!
