Are you looking for the latest updates and news from the Students' Federation of India (SFI) Central Executive Committee? Look no further than the official Telegram channel, '@sficec'. This channel serves as the central hub for all the important information regarding the SFI Central Executive Committee. From press releases to announcements, event updates to policy changes, you will find it all here. The SFI Central Executive Committee is the highest decision-making body of the Students' Federation of India, a renowned student organization known for its work in advocating for student rights, social justice, and education reforms. With a rich history of activism and advocacy, the SFI has been at the forefront of various social and political movements in India. By joining this Telegram channel, you will have exclusive access to firsthand information about the activities and initiatives undertaken by the SFI Central Executive Committee. Stay informed about the latest campaigns, protests, and events organized by the SFI, as well as the latest developments in student politics and education policies. Whether you are a student activist, a supporter of the SFI's cause, or simply someone interested in keeping up-to-date with student movements in India, '@sficec' is the channel for you. Join us today and be a part of the conversation that shapes the future of student politics in India. Stay connected, stay informed, and be a part of the SFI Central Executive Committee's journey towards a better and brighter future for all students.
05 Jan, 15:26
30 Dec, 02:51
29 Dec, 14:44
01 Dec, 09:20
15 Nov, 15:12
14 Nov, 05:14
13 Nov, 14:19
12 Nov, 17:48
11 Nov, 12:04
17 Oct, 08:22
09 Oct, 16:45
28 Sep, 16:03
21 Sep, 15:40
21 Sep, 06:47
17 Sep, 16:06
17 Sep, 05:29
13 Sep, 16:15
12 Sep, 10:37