Introducing the fabulous world of 🤍𝐆ێجۆ گەتۆ گۆ! This Telegram channel, managed by the username @sasu_gego, is your daily dose of SatoSugu content. From 'You're Late' to 'He's alive' and 'He's the strongest,' this channel brings you the latest updates and edits of your favorite characters. With a mix of exclusive video edits and quotes, you'll find yourself falling in love with SatoSugu all over again. Don't miss out on the fun, hit that follow button and join the community of fans who share your passion. Remember to use the @HAARUKAA_Bot for even more interactive experiences. Join us today and immerse yourself in the world of 🤍𝐆ێجۆ گەتۆ گۆ! 🖤
25 Jan, 16:15
18 Jan, 17:35
18 Jan, 15:49
18 Jan, 13:46
17 Jan, 17:51
25 Oct, 14:17
24 Oct, 13:47