Sadik IAS Academy टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

Mentored by MA Sadik, who is the Founder Director of Smart Leaders IAS Academy. He and his team are dedicated to the students who are preparing for UPSC and other Competitive Exams.
1,488 सदस्य
1,570 तस्वीरें
1 वीडियो
अंतिम अपडेट 09.03.2025 02:31
समान चैनल

2,215 सदस्य

1,850 सदस्य

1,313 सदस्य
Sadik IAS Academy द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री
*Smart Leaders IAS*
Grand Inauguration & Orientation on 09-03-25 @ 11 am.
🎤 Kickstart with a power-packed Orientation by *Mr. U. Sagayam IAS (VR)* – Get inspired by the Beacon of Integrity
💰*Attractive Welcome Offer!!!*
*Venue:* No.Ak-2, RBN Tower, 4th Avenue, Shanthi Colony, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600040. Near: Bharath Petrol Bunk
*For Registration*
முதல் நாள் உங்களுடன் நான் | Mr.U.SAGAYAM IAS
Ph:7200010122 / 9626364444.
Grand Inauguration & Orientation on 09-03-25 @ 11 am.
🎤 Kickstart with a power-packed Orientation by *Mr. U. Sagayam IAS (VR)* – Get inspired by the Beacon of Integrity
💰*Attractive Welcome Offer!!!*
*Venue:* No.Ak-2, RBN Tower, 4th Avenue, Shanthi Colony, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600040. Near: Bharath Petrol Bunk
*For Registration*
முதல் நாள் உங்களுடன் நான் | Mr.U.SAGAYAM IAS
Ph:7200010122 / 9626364444.
Consider the following statements.
1. When the soil becomes dry, the capability of the plants to act as a carbon sink reduces.
2. With an increase in soil temperature, the microorganisms in dry soil become more productive.
1. When the soil becomes dry, the capability of the plants to act as a carbon sink reduces.
2. With an increase in soil temperature, the microorganisms in dry soil become more productive.