Welcome to 𝁙ׁ Chihiro, a captivating Telegram channel curated by rychsketch. Ry is an INFJ personality who specializes in original character designing. Under the pseudonym راحیل, Ry creates unique and diverse OCs that come to life through intricate sketches. The channel also features additional content, such as behind-the-scenes looks at the creative process. For those interested in exploring the world of character design or seeking inspiration, 𝁙ׁ Chihiro is the perfect destination. Join the channel to immerse yourself in Ry's imaginative creations and don't forget to check out Ry's Instagram for even more artistic content: https://www.instagram.com/_rychart?igsh=MXZvM2E5Njk3OWlsMg==
25 Jan, 13:27
25 Jan, 13:25
25 Jan, 13:25
25 Jan, 13:24
25 Jan, 13:24
25 Jan, 13:23
05 Jan, 20:29
05 Jan, 09:38
04 Jan, 14:36