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Russian Embassy in Lebanon
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Le dernier contenu partagé par Russian Embassy in Lebanon sur Telegram

Russian Embassy in Lebanon

12 Nov, 18:19


Excerpts from the Joint Statement by Representatives of Iran, Russia and Türkiye on Outcomes of the 22nd International Meeting on Syria in the Astana Format,

Astana, 11-12 November 2024

The representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran🇮🇷, the Russian Federation🇷🇺 and the Republic of Türkiye🇹🇷 as guarantor countries of the Astana Format:

1. Examined the latest international and regional developments and emphasized the leading role of the Astana Process in promoting the lasting settlement of the Syrian crisis.

2. Expressed their strong condemnation and deep concern over the continued mass killing and criminal attacks by Israel in Gaza as well as Israeli aggression in Lebanon and the West Bank. Called on the international community, in particular the UN Security Council (UNSC) to secure an immediate and permanent ceasefire and unhindered humanitarian access in Gaza.
Called for an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon, underlined the importance of implementing the UN Security Council Resolution 1701(2006) and reiterated the need for immediate humanitarian aid to Lebanon which suffered from mass civilian casualties and major civilian infrastructure destruction. Expressed grave concern on the deliberate attacks against UNIFIL by Israeli armed forces. Underlined the efforts of the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic to receive in the Syrian territory hundreds of thousands of forced migrants from Lebanon. Agreed to continue consultations on preventing negative spillover effects of these Israeli actions in the wider region.

3. Acknowledged the negative impact of the escalation of violence in the Middle East on the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic. Underscored the urgency for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), UN agencies and all humanitarian actors to develop an emergency response for those who were forced to cross from Lebanon into the Syrian territory following the escalation of hostilities in Lebanon.
Russian Embassy in Lebanon

12 Nov, 08:49


⚡️ Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation

❗️ According to a report published by the press bureau of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the US Department of State is actively exploring options for altering the current leadership of Ukraine if deemed necessary.

One proposed “legitimate” method for addressing the perceived “excesses” of Mr Zelensky involves organising presidential and parliamentary elections next year, despite the ongoing conflict with Russia.

In this context, the US Department of State has resolved to undertake a preliminary review of the conditions necessary for initiating an electoral campaign in Ukraine.

Initially, it is intended to mobilise Ukrainian civil society organisations under American influence to propose this initiative through US “democratisation” foundations and think tanks, aiming to secure “broad public support.” Candidate nominations will be coordinated with the Department of State, while American NGOs will be tasked with selecting local civil society organisations to oversee the elections.

As encouraged by the United States, discussions have commenced among Western-funded Ukrainian “civic activists” regarding the establishment of a new political party intended to fill a pro-American role in the forthcoming elections. According to the Department of State's strategy, this political entity is expected to gain seats in the Verkhovna Rada and serve as a crucial component of the checks and balances system for any Ukrainian leader.

☝️ This activity by the Americans clearly illustrates that the oft-repeated US mantra “not a single word about Ukraine without Ukraine” is merely a facade. In reality, decisions regarding the fate of Ukraine and its leadership will continue to be made in the high offices of Washington.
Russian Embassy in Lebanon

11 Nov, 21:33


🇺🇳 The Third Committee of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly adopted the Russian-initiated draft resolution “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”, co-authored by 40 UN member-states.

116 countries voted in favour
54 against
11 abstained.

The list of those nations who voted against condemning racism and in favour of glorification of Nazism:

United States, Canada, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Austria, Australia, Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Japan, Andorra, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Fiji, Georgia, Hungary, New Zealand, Iceland, Ireland, Kiribati, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malawi, Malta, Montenegro, Norway, San Marino, North Macedonia, Monaco, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Republic of Korea, Palau, Tonga.
Russian Embassy in Lebanon

11 Nov, 12:51


⚡️ Joint Statement of the First Ministerial Conference of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum (Sirius Federal Territory, Russian Federation, November 10, 2024)

✍️ We, the Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation and African States recognised by the United Nations (UN), Leadership of the African Union Commission and of executive bodies of the leading African integration organisations, as well as their representatives, gathered on 10 November 2024 in the Russian Federation, Sirius Federal Territory, to participate in the First Ministerial Conference of the #RussiaAfrica Partnership Forum.

We are pleased to note the strategic level of Russia-Africa cooperation, and positively assess the pace of the implementation of the agreements reached during the first (Sochi, 23-24 October 2019) and second (Saint Petersburg, 27-28 July 2023) Russia-Africa Summits and articulated in the final documents thereof, including the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum Action Plan 2023-2026.

We reconfirm our intention to continue strategic-level engagement in order to achieve a world order that would ensure international peace and security for all, equal opportunities for the development of all States, preservation of their cultural and civilizational uniqueness regardless of differences in political, economic and social structures, geographical location, demographic, resource and military potentials.

We welcome the adoption by heads of delegations participating in the First Ministerial Conference of the Russia-Africa Partnership of joint statements on:

• measures to create a fair, transparent and equitable system of International Information Security;
• strengthening cooperation in the fight against terrorism;
• current issues of exploration and use of Outer Space for peaceful purposes.

We reconfirm the shared responsibility of the Russian Federation and African States for supporting the creation of a just and stable world order based on the principles of sovereign equality of States, non-interference in their internal affairs, respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and the right of all peoples to self-determination as provided for, inter alia, by UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, as well as the need to preserve national identity and national resources, cultural and civilizational diversity and to protect traditional values.

👉 Political Cooperation

We consider the development of constructive partnership with the African Union and the leading African integration organisations as a foreign policy priority of the Russian Federation and African States.

👉 Security Cooperation

We confirm the importance of the principle of "African Solutions to African Problems" in conflict resolution.

👉 Trade and Economic Cooperation

We express our readiness to continue joint efforts to strengthen the voice and representation of the African continent in the global economic governance architecture.

👉 Education, Health, Culture, Sports, Youth Policy and Media Cooperation

We welcome the dynamic cooperation between the Russian Federation and African States in the field of culture.

👉 Environmental and Climate Cooperation

We advocate for stepping up efforts to consolidate approaches to international environmental and climate issues within the specialised UN fora to prevent the politicisation of work in these areas.


The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and African States recognised by the United Nations, Leadership of the African Union Commission and the executive bodies of the leading African integration organisations, as well as their representatives, who participated in the First Ministerial Conference of the Russia‑Africa Partnership Forum express their commitment to further working together in order to expand cooperation and ensure the success of the third Russia-Africa Summit to be held in 2026.

Read in full
Russian Embassy in Lebanon

10 Nov, 06:58



📸 Heads of the African nations delegations and Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov took part in the #FamilyPhoto ceremony ahead of the Plenary Session of the First Ministerial Conference of the #RussiaAfrica Partnership Forum.
📍 Sochi, November 10
Russian Embassy in Lebanon

09 Nov, 17:29


🇷🇺🌍 Heads of delegations of the African nations have arrived in Sochi to take part in the First Ministerial Conference of the #RussiaAfrica Partnership Forum.

Welcome! 🤗
Russian Embassy in Lebanon

07 Nov, 20:42


#СвоихНеБросаем и не бросили!

🛬 В международный аэропорт «Домодедово» из Бейрута прибыл очередной спецрейс МЧС России.

Ранее сегодня этот же самолёт Ил-76 доставил третью партию российской гуманитарной помощи для жителей Ливана.

На Родину вернулись 89 граждан России, в том числе женщины и дети, оказавшихся в сложных жизненных обстоятельствах из-за интенсивных боевых действий на территории страны пребывания.
Russian Embassy in Lebanon

07 Nov, 08:48


⚡️ On November 7, a Russian EMERCOM plane delivered the third batch of humanitarian aid to Beirut.

ℹ️ The cargo (24 tons) included baby formula and food supplies, essential humanitarian relief and medicines.

👥 The ceremony of handing over the humanitarian aid was attended by the Russian Ambassador to Lebanon H.E. Mr. Alexander Rudakov, Secretary-General of the High Relief Commission of the Lebanese Repulic General Mohamed Kheir, as well as various local officials in the humanitarian field.

🛫 The same flight took 89 Russian citizens who found themselves in a difficult life situation as a result of the ongoing military conflict in the country back to Moscow.
Russian Embassy in Lebanon

07 Nov, 08:47


⚡️ 7 ноября спецборт МЧС России доставил в Бейрут очередную, уже третью по счёту партию гуманитарной помощи.

ℹ️ В составе груза (24 тонны) - детское питание и продукты, предметы первой необходимости и медикаменты.

👥 В церемонии передачи гумпомощи участвовали Посол России в Ливане А.Н.Рудаков, Генеральный секретарь Комитета по чрезвычайным ситуациям ЛР М.Хейр, а также различные местные чиновники гуманитарного профиля.

🛫 Тем же бортом в Москву вывезены 89 российских граждан, оказавшихся в тяжёлой жизненной ситуации в результате продолжающегося военного конфликта на территории страны.
Russian Embassy in Lebanon

06 Nov, 13:02


⚡️ Russia's Foreign Ministry statement on elections in the United States of America

The victory of Donald Trump in the presidential election and his return to the White House after a four-year break obviously reflect Americans’ disappointment in the performance of the Biden administration and the election programme of the Democratic Party formulated by Vice-President Kamala Harris, who was hastily chosen to replace the incumbent President in the race.

Despite an overpowering propaganda campaign, which Democrats launched against Donald Trump based on the administrative resource and support from the liberal media, the Republican candidate, who relied on the experience of his previous presidency, highlighted issues that are of real interest to the electorate, namely, the economy and illegal migration, as a counterbalance to the White House’s globalist course.

In these circumstances, the ruling group was unable to use the chronically ill American “democracy,” a system, which is outdated, archaic and incompatible with the modern standards of direct, fair and transparent elections, to prevent Kamala Harris’s defeat.

At the same time, there is an obvious civil discord in the United States, whose electorate has split into almost equal halves. In fact, we are witnessing confrontation between Democratic and Republican states, and between the advocates of “progressive” and traditional values. It is possible that Donald Trump’s return will fuel internal tensions and bitterness between the confronting camps.

❗️ We have no illusions regarding the President-elect, who is well known in Russia, or the new Congress, where Republicans have reportedly won control. The US ruling political elite adheres to anti-Russia principles and the policy of “containing Moscow.” This line does not depend on changes in America’s domestic political barometer, no matter if it is Trump and his supporters’ “America above all” or the Democrats’ focus on a “rules-based world order.”

🇷🇺🇺🇸 Russia will interact with the new administration when it comes to the White House, firmly upholding Russia’s national interests and working to achieve all the goals of the special military operation.

Our conditions have not changed, and Washington is well aware of them.