ڕووداو | Rûdaw (Kurdish)
Rûdaw - ڕووداو is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing news and information to its followers. The channel is not affiliated with any specific organization, group, category, or party. It aims to bring unbiased and reliable news to its audience. Followers can stay updated on various topics such as art, sports, health, and weather through different sub-channels like T.me/RudawArt, T.me/RudawSports, T.me/RudawHealth, and T.me/Rudaw_weather. The channel is managed by a team that is committed to delivering quality content and keeping the audience informed. For more information and to stay connected, you can contact the administrators at @Rudawto_net. Join the Rûdaw - ڕووداو Telegram channel and be part of a growing network of news enthusiasts. Visit www.rudaw.
et for more news and updates.