Redmi Note 10S / Poco M5s UPDATES @rosemary_update Channel on Telegram

Redmi Note 10S / Poco M5s UPDATES


All about Xiaomi Redmi note 10S/11SE/Poco M5s
ROMs, Kernels, Guides, Mods, NEWS, everything.
Stay up-to-date with us!

Official Group: @Rosemary_Community
If you want to post just msg admins
Codenames: rosemary, rosemary_p, maltose, secret,

Redmi Note 10S / Poco M5s UPDATES (English)

Are you a proud owner of a Xiaomi Redmi Note 10S, Redmi 11SE, or Poco M5s? Are you always on the lookout for the latest ROMs, Kernels, Guides, Mods, and NEWS related to your device? Look no further than the Telegram channel "Redmi Note 10S / Poco M5s UPDATES" managed by the username @rosemary_update. This channel is dedicated to providing you with all the essential updates and information related to your Xiaomi device. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments and make the most out of your smartphone experience. Join the Official Group @Rosemary_Community for even more content and discussions with fellow Xiaomi enthusiasts. If you have something to share, simply message the admins to post it for you. Don't miss out on any updates for your device with the Redmi Note 10S / Poco M5s UPDATES channel!