Welcome to Real News No Bullshit, also known as @rnnbs on Telegram! Our channel is dedicated to providing real, unfiltered news coverage from around the world. As journalists, our mission is to deliver the truth without any sugarcoating or bias. We strive to show you the reality of what's happening in the world today, no matter how graphic or intense it may be. While other news channels may shy away from showing the harsh realities of life, we believe in presenting the full picture, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. Our content includes extremely graphic images and videos of various news events, so viewer discretion is advised. We want to bring you the truth, even if it means showing the darker side of humanity. At Real News No Bullshit, we do not condone or support violence. Our goal is to raise awareness and spark meaningful discussions about important issues facing our world. We believe that by showing the raw, unfiltered truth, we can inspire change and make a difference. Join us on @rnnbs for real news without any bullshit. Stay informed, stay aware, and together, let's strive for a better world.