Últimas publicaciones de RiProG Open Source (@riopso) en Telegram

Publicaciones de Telegram de RiProG Open Source

RiProG Open Source
Este canal de Telegram es privado.
Group: @RiOpSoDisc

Support ME: https://t.me/RiOpSo/2848
14,610 Suscriptores
1,406 Fotos
34 Videos
Última Actualización 06.03.2025 20:13

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El contenido más reciente compartido por RiProG Open Source en Telegram

RiProG Open Source

12 Nov, 09:57


📢 Important Announcement!

We are excited to announce that our channel, previously known as MTKPerf, is now officially renamed to CodeByte Hub!

This new name reflects our focus and enthusiasm for exploring the world of programming and digital technology. At CodeByte Hub, you will continue to content about coding, gadgets, tech innovations, and much more. We hope this new name also strengthens our community.

regards, CodeByte Hub Team
RiProG Open Source

12 Nov, 03:15

RiProG Open Source pinned «»
RiProG Open Source

12 Nov, 02:22


SurfaceFlinger Improvement 8.0
Optimize SurfaceFlinger for faster rendering, stable FPS, and improved display performance, delivering enhanced responsiveness, efficiency, and stability.

By: RiProG

Magisk KernelSU Apatch

Safelinku Arahlink


Tester: onlyCforall

- Migrated code from C to Rust
- Added multi-architecture support (ARM and ARM64)
- Resolved compatibility issues with latest Android version
- Split program into postfsdata and service
- Added boot wait to ensure normal startup
- Fixed bootloop issues
- Various optimizations and improvements
RiProG Open Source

10 Nov, 12:05


Mediatek Only • Root

Install : Magisk | Ksu
Developer : @liesudahrajin
Disable Thermal By RipRog
Render Skiavk
Vulkan Mode On
Ppm Settings For Performance
Stop Log

RiProG Open Source

07 Nov, 09:57


Kill Thermal Manager in G99 (Maybe Support on Any Devices)

"WARNING: Overheat 😱😱"
"I'm doesn't account fot any damages, use it at your own risk"

LinkB : Download

Dev : @onlyCforall
RiProG Open Source

03 Nov, 14:30


[Sun 3 Nov, 21:28 UTC+7] Fixed, website back online.
RiProG Open Source

03 Nov, 13:25


Emergency Maintenance Notice

We detected some weird issues on our website DNS records causes the website to become inaccessible, this affects rem01gaming.dev and its subdomains (including Encore Tweaks website).

📝 Maintenance Period: TBD

✧ Maintenance times may change based on conditions.
RiProG Open Source

01 Nov, 20:59


Halo semua, buat kalian yang ingin punya penghasilan sendiri dengan menjadi reseller jasa sosmed✌️

Bisa gunakan website teman aku ya
Dijamin Termurah Cocok untuk dijual kembali 🥰

Cocok Juga Untuk Dipake Sendiri Biar Jadi Seleb 🥳

Link website sosmed termurah :www.hattapedia.com
RiProG Open Source

29 Oct, 23:54


Non Root Disable Thermal

Experimental Script

Tested work on
- Samsung (OneUI)

Run in ADB Shell app

Download (No Ads)

sh /sdcard/TI/main.sh

By: RiProG


Gua minta tolong test kan woy yang murni non root work gak selain oneui🗿

Soalnya ini gua dapat di source code oneui
Hp lain gak tau
RiProG Open Source

28 Oct, 01:48

