RiProG Open Source @riopso Channel on Telegram

RiProG Open Source


Group: @RiOpSoDisc

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RiProG Open Source (English)

Are you a fan of open-source projects and software development? Look no further than RiProG Open Source, the ultimate Telegram channel for tech enthusiasts and developers alike. With the username @riopso, this channel is dedicated to sharing insights, resources, and updates related to open-source technology. Who is it? RiProG Open Source is a community-driven platform that brings together like-minded individuals who are passionate about the open-source movement. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting your journey in the tech world, this channel provides a space for learning, collaboration, and networking. What is it? RiProG Open Source offers a wide range of valuable content, including articles, tutorials, news, and discussions on various open-source projects and technologies. From programming languages to software frameworks, you can stay up to date with the latest trends and developments in the tech industry. Join @RiOpSoDisc to connect with fellow members, share your own insights, and brainstorm new ideas. Additionally, show your support for the channel by visiting and contributing to the growth of the open-source community. Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge, enhance your skills, and be part of a vibrant community of tech enthusiasts. Join RiProG Open Source today and take your passion for open-source technology to the next level!

RiProG Open Source

01 Jan, 11:05


RiProG Open Source

01 Jan, 08:30

RESPLUS+ | Community

Changing Screen Resolution According to Needs

Run With Termux
su -c res

๐Ÿ“ฅ Download Here
๐Ÿ“ƒ License By MIT

๊งโ€ขโŠนูญ๐š๐™ด๐š‡๐š‡ ๐™ต๐™ป๐™พ๐š‚๐š‚โ„ขูญโŠนโ€ข๊ง‚

RiProG Open Source

01 Jan, 08:09

Ayunda Rusdi Color Enhancer
(Formelly Known As Ayunda Risu Color Enhancer)

By: Kanagawa Yamada
Version: 3.0
Download: HERE (UPLOAD OK)

- Added WebUI to turn off / on the color without disabling the module & reboot the devices

RiProG Open Source

31 Dec, 17:01

Selamat Tahun Baru Semuanya

Semoga Tahun esok akan lebih baik dari tahun ini, dan semoga cita-cita bisa kesampaian yh dan jangan lupa ibadah tepat waktu loh, karena semua pemberian di dunia ini milik tuhan

Kami Dari Admin @RiOpSo Mengucapkan Thanks you semuanya udh mw nemenin nih ch dari awal sampe sekarang

Jangan lupa tidur, nanti kamu sakit loh, Oyasumiโค๏ธโค๏ธ

RiProG Open Source

30 Dec, 13:46

Mohon maaf nih tapi ini konsepe piye rek sysfs di masukin ke modol Magisk plek ketiplek?

RiProG Open Source

30 Dec, 11:32

EnCorinVest got mini update

- Added Kernel Tweaks (Person Penggoreng)
- Updated Kernel Tweaks
- New UI (apk)
- Added current mode (apk)
- Added cooldown mode

Download: HERE

RiProG Open Source

29 Dec, 16:34

Penyakit karbit gila, semoga waifunya borokan

RiProG Open Source

29 Dec, 05:01

[ Comfort Of Playing ]
version : 1.0 (stable)
developer : @kang_reynaldi
status : root only

โ€ผ๏ธ About
(COP) Will improve the gaming experience to be more comfortable because (COP) has a feature to reduce heat when playing games and can speed up your game much smoother and more stable.

๐Ÿ“ฒ Command
Run the command below with an application like Termux or other Command Application if you want to change rendering or run FStrim manually.
su && cop

Later a tutorial will appear on how to use (COP) manually.

๐Ÿ‘ฅ grub discustion
๐ŸŒ channel & source
๐Ÿ“ฅ download 2x shortlink

RiProG Open Source

28 Dec, 01:39

Transsion Holdings X KLC


Switch from stock launcher to lawnchair (Pixel Launcher) (More modification soon)

Version: V2.0
Support Device: Transsion Holdings Phones (Tecno, Infinix, itel)
By: Kanagawa Yamada
Android Support: Should be fine for Android 14 below (As long Lawnchair supports it)
Support Root: KernelSU, Magisk, APatch
Download: HERE (UPLOAD OK)

- Overhaul Script Change
- Should be fine for Android 14 Below (As long Lawnchair Supports it)
- Fixed for Magisk
- Collaborated With zenin1504
- Fixed need to reboot after installing to make the recent apps works

- I'm not gonna give a support regarding any malfunctions or anything. So DWYOR
- For now just change the default launcher to lawnchair

RiProG Open Source

01 Dec, 10:53

Mizz Project akhir' ini drama sama @YayangShibainu dan sifat asli Mizz Project keluar semua

Kalian pasti dah tau drama Mizz Project sebelum' nya yang copy paste script orang lain terus di jual, nge report akun TT Rem01Gaming [1] [2], bahkan membawa' agama untuk menjatuhkan dan memfitnah saya "iri dengki ke creator module non root".

Silahkan dilihat-lihat

Silahkan dilihat kalau kalian perlu mengevaluasi pandangan anda ke orang di balik Mizz Project, beda kan ketikan dia di Tiktok dengan di luar? Padahal dia berani loh bawa' agama untuk pembenaran bisnis dia di dahulu kala.
Sekarang buat kalian yang masih mengatakan saya iri dengki sama "bocil esempe", menurut kalian perilaku panutan kalian pantes gak? Apa perlu kita sebut "bocil esempe teriak esempe"?

RiProG Open Source

30 Nov, 07:00

Kasihan udah banyak korban, tolong PEMUDA PEMUDI YG BAIK HATI

RiProG Open Source

29 Nov, 03:28

RiProG Open Source pinned ยซRiProG FastCharge 1.2 This module triggers the maximum charging speed on supported devices. By: RiProG Magisk KernelSU Apatch Safelinku Arahlink Support Changelogs: - Added SIOP configuration - Charging remains fast even when the battery is nearly fullยป

RiProG Open Source

28 Nov, 00:04


SC : Assets in MLBB๐Ÿ—ฟ

RiProG Open Source

27 Nov, 22:46

Link fixed

RiProG Open Source

27 Nov, 22:33

RiProG Open Source pinned ยซRiProG FastCharge 1.2 This module triggers the maximum charging speed on supported devices. By: RiProG Magisk KernelSU Apatch Safelinku Arahlink Support Changelogs: - Added SIOP configuration - Charging remains fast even when the battery is nearly fullยป

RiProG Open Source

27 Nov, 22:11

RiProG FastCharge 1.2
This module triggers the maximum charging speed on supported devices.

By: RiProG

Magisk KernelSU Apatch

Safelinku Arahlink


- Added SIOP configuration
- Charging remains fast even when the battery is nearly full

RiProG Open Source

27 Nov, 12:36

RiProG Open Source pinned ยซRIProG Thermal NextGen 1.1 Disable thermal management to reduce throttling performance, ensuring the device remains optimal even at high temperatures. Magisk KernelSU Apatch By: RiProG Tester: onlyCforall Downloads: Safelinku Arahlink Changelog: Fixedโ€ฆยป

RiProG Open Source

23 Nov, 00:29

Buat user module nya Hendi, enak kan hp ngebrick?

Sekarang setelah hp kalian brick dengan module vip yang kalian beli, kalian mau salahin siapa? Hacker nya? Hendi?
SALAH KALIAN SENDIRI, kalian yang beli, kalian yang pasang, kalian yang toggle switch di WebUI nya meskipun udah di peringatkan hacker nya.

Hendi sama sekali ga paham dengan konsep dasar keamanan, bahkan tentang dunia Android, yang dia pedulikan cuma UANG KALIAN. PAHAM? Dengan kalian pasang module Hendi kalian sama aja memasang backdoor di hp kalian, semua skenario terburuk bisa terjadi.

Saya aslinya kasian loh sama kalian tapi respon kalian apa ketika di kasihani?
Saya tau kok kebanyakan dari kalian kebanyakan di bawah 15, sangat mudah sekali di adu domba buat profit sepihak. But STOP it now dude, NON ROOT TWEAKS IS BULLSHIT.

RiProG Open Source

21 Nov, 10:55

RIProG Thermal NextGen 1.1
Disable thermal management to reduce throttling performance, ensuring the device remains optimal even at high temperatures.

Magisk KernelSU Apatch

By: RiProG

Tester: onlyCforall

Downloads: Safelinku Arahlink

Fixed an issue on some devices using the normal variant when experiencing problems in overdrive mode.

Normal: Stops the thermal service.
Overdrive: Stops the thermal service and blocks the temperature detector.


The module will be fully active a few minutes after the device is turned on.

Successor Of RT

RiProG Open Source

20 Nov, 13:40

Kalo masih ngebug di beberapa app report ya

Pakai yang RT aja dulu kalo yang ini bermasalah

Yang ngebug infokan ya

Kalo cuma beberapa device doank bukan salah modulnya kali aja nabrak

RiProG Open Source

20 Nov, 06:29



Download: HERE


- Kill every app now in Performance mode only

Compatible With: MT 6833 (MTK D6080)

By: Kanagawa Yamada & VDBay

How to use:
- Install module
- Install apk
- Give root permission to apk
- Done

Collaboration Between KLC (Kanagawa Lab Community) and MTKVest


MTKVest Team
@MiAzami (MTKVest Owner)
@azhar_subhan (VDBay)
HoyoLab (Waifu)

Dev Note:
- Thank you for every support, finally this tweak is perfect. There's no more I can add for Corin X MTKVest

RiProG Open Source

19 Nov, 02:19

RiProG Open Source pinned ยซRiProG FastCharge 1.1 This module triggers the maximum charging speed on supported devices. By: RiProG Tester Beta : Goten Thanks : Kazuyoo Magisk KernelSU Apatch Safelinku Arahlink Support Successor of ProgChargeยป

RiProG Open Source

18 Nov, 09:38


RiProG Open Source

17 Nov, 09:11

Atas permintaan dari sang penitip modul maka modul CPU Tweaks sebelumnya akan ditarik dari peredaran ๐Ÿ—ฟ

RiProG Open Source

17 Nov, 08:18


RiProG Open Source

17 Nov, 03:47

Mediatek Only | Root

Install = Magisk โ€ข Ksu
Developer = @liesudahrajin

(+)Add Ged For Game
(+)Add Cpu Perf
(+)Add Gms
(+)Add Cmd

(-)Remove Prop Render Skiavk + Vulkan Mode On

Fix Bootlop


RiProG Open Source

16 Nov, 10:38

RiProG FastCharge 1.1
This module triggers the maximum charging speed on supported devices.

By: RiProG

Tester Beta : Goten

Thanks : Kazuyoo

Magisk KernelSU Apatch

Safelinku Arahlink


Successor of ProgCharge

RiProG Open Source

16 Nov, 08:03

RiProG Open Source pinned ยซSurfaceFlinger Improvement 8.0 Optimize SurfaceFlinger for faster rendering, stable FPS, and improved display performance, delivering enhanced responsiveness, efficiency, and stability. By: RiProG Magisk KernelSU Apatch Safelinku Arahlink Support Tester:โ€ฆยป

RiProG Open Source

16 Nov, 07:07

Halo semua, buat kalian yang ingin punya penghasilan sendiri dengan menjadi reseller jasa sosmedโœŒ๏ธ

Bisa gunakan website teman aku ya
Dijamin Termurah Cocok untuk dijual kembali ๐Ÿฅฐ

Cocok Juga Untuk Dipake Sendiri Biar Jadi Seleb ๐Ÿฅณ

Link website sosmed termurah

RiProG Open Source

16 Nov, 04:30
Monggo yang mau nambah game

RiProG Open Source

12 Nov, 09:57

๐Ÿ“ข Important Announcement!

We are excited to announce that our channel, previously known as MTKPerf, is now officially renamed to CodeByte Hub!

This new name reflects our focus and enthusiasm for exploring the world of programming and digital technology. At CodeByte Hub, you will continue to content about coding, gadgets, tech innovations, and much more. We hope this new name also strengthens our community.

regards, CodeByte Hub Team

RiProG Open Source

12 Nov, 03:15

RiProG Open Source pinned ยซยป

RiProG Open Source

12 Nov, 02:22

SurfaceFlinger Improvement 8.0
Optimize SurfaceFlinger for faster rendering, stable FPS, and improved display performance, delivering enhanced responsiveness, efficiency, and stability.

By: RiProG

Magisk KernelSU Apatch

Safelinku Arahlink


Tester: onlyCforall

- Migrated code from C to Rust
- Added multi-architecture support (ARM and ARM64)
- Resolved compatibility issues with latest Android version
- Split program into postfsdata and service
- Added boot wait to ensure normal startup
- Fixed bootloop issues
- Various optimizations and improvements

RiProG Open Source

10 Nov, 12:05

Mediatek Only โ€ข Root

Install : Magisk | Ksu
Developer : @liesudahrajin
Disable Thermal By RipRog
Render Skiavk
Vulkan Mode On
Ppm Settings For Performance
Stop Log


RiProG Open Source

07 Nov, 09:57

Kill Thermal Manager in G99 (Maybe Support on Any Devices)

"WARNING: Overheat ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ"
"I'm doesn't account fot any damages, use it at your own risk"

LinkB : Download

Dev : @onlyCforall

RiProG Open Source

03 Nov, 14:30

[Sun 3 Nov, 21:28 UTC+7] Fixed, website back online.

RiProG Open Source

03 Nov, 13:25

Emergency Maintenance Notice

We detected some weird issues on our website DNS records causes the website to become inaccessible, this affects and its subdomains (including Encore Tweaks website).

๐Ÿ“ Maintenance Period: TBD

โœง Maintenance times may change based on conditions.

RiProG Open Source

01 Nov, 20:59

Halo semua, buat kalian yang ingin punya penghasilan sendiri dengan menjadi reseller jasa sosmedโœŒ๏ธ

Bisa gunakan website teman aku ya
Dijamin Termurah Cocok untuk dijual kembali ๐Ÿฅฐ

Cocok Juga Untuk Dipake Sendiri Biar Jadi Seleb ๐Ÿฅณ

Link website sosmed termurah

RiProG Open Source

29 Oct, 23:54

Non Root Disable Thermal

Experimental Script

Tested work on
- Samsung (OneUI)

Run in ADB Shell app

Download (No Ads)

sh /sdcard/TI/

By: RiProG


Gua minta tolong test kan woy yang murni non root work gak selain oneui๐Ÿ—ฟ

Soalnya ini gua dapat di source code oneui
Hp lain gak tau

RiProG Open Source

28 Oct, 01:48


RiProG Open Source

26 Oct, 23:16

Puncak komedi rek, ngetes LLM buatan dia di bilang copas code dari AI
Pentingnya literasi sejak usia dini ๐Ÿ˜Š

RiProG Open Source

24 Oct, 02:07

ProgCharge 2.0 Beta
ProgCharge is a command-line tool to configure some charging features on supported devices.

su -c PCH

1. Set Charging Current
2. Set bypass charging
3. Set the charging temperature limit.
4. Exit

Magisk KernelSU Apatch

By: RiProG

Testers and Helper: renpakezz

Downloads: Safelinku Arahlink


If you want to support the developer, just visit and skip the link; it's free, even if you don't need the module.

Changelog (v1.5 > v2.0)

- Added new paths to detect charging current and voltage for more devices.
- Showed maximum values for charging current, voltage, and temperature.
- Changed display from amperes (A) to watts (W) and milliamperes (mA) with better accuracy.
- Increased charging current options from 15 to 30 levels.
- Fixed issues with setting voltage on some devices.

Beta version
Give Feedback

Use Old version if bug

RiProG Open Source

23 Oct, 13:42


RiProG Open Source

23 Oct, 13:42

dijual 50k minta pm
boleh nanya nanya dulu @liesudahrajin

RiProG Open Source

22 Oct, 13:07

Mantap2 non root berulah lagi, dapet dari laporan
katanya sih si paling pinter bikin module kok pake AI buatnya, ga ada verivikasi pula. kalian ga puas apa sama vmtouch?